Tuesday, June 28, 2022

We Love You

God makes all things beautiful.  We turn our broken lives to Him and He makes beauty out of ashes.  He makes sense of everything that seem senseless.  He can even make something beautiful out of tragedy.

The assuring love and presence of God lead us on daily.  The perilous and hostile environment never deter us from going forward.  The hardship and trials never stop us from pursuing the love of our life.  God never leaves us in the lurch.  God never abandon us.  His love never fails.  His love envelopes us.  His love covers us. 

Anyone who has tasted the goodness will always come back for more.  His love is better than life.  He alone will satisfy our longing. He alone is worthy of all the praises from our hearts. 

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Great is Your Faithfulness

Sequoia National Park 
The first time I touched snow was in March 2016. Snow reminds me of the goodness and greatness of almighty God.

In March 2016, the Lord miraculously provided the funds for Monte and I to see our loved ones in the States. It was my maiden trip to the States.

For several years prior to 2016, Monte had presented papers at the Society of Pentecostal Studies (SPS) conference in different parts of the States. God sovereignly provided for every trip that Monte made. We experienced God's miraculous provision. All glory goes to the Lord.

When we learned that the SPS conference was not far from Fresno, California, we prayed and believed God for a miracle.

God miraculous provided for us to be in the States for a month. He taught us to trust Him. It is not a small sum of money, yet the Lord reminded us that the cattle on a thousand hills are His. He taught us that there is no scarcity in Him. He showed us His greatness and faithfulness. We marvelled at His miraculous provision.

He stretched us to the limits because we were believing for not just one person to make it to the States, we were believing for both of us.

As we journey with the Lord, He assures us of His abiding presence and unfailing love. God's merciful love overflows.

We can never thank the Lord enough. God is sovereign. His faithfulness reaches to the skies. He is fully dependable. We worship the everliving God.

Our hearts go out to everyone who have journeyed with us all these years. Many believed in us. Many prayed for us. Many have encouraged and supported us. Thank you for partnering with us. Thank you for sowing into our ministry. Thank you for your active involvement in our lives.

To God be the glory. He alone is worthy of all our praise and adoration. We worship the everlasting God. The most high God. God supreme. God sovereign. God almighty.

When we were at Sequoia National Park, I held on to some snow. The Lord warmed my heart. Great is His faithfulness. His love never fails. We put our trust in Him alone.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Come Holy Spirit

John 5:1-9 recorded the miraculous healing of a 38 year old paralyzed man. He was waiting at the pool in Bethesda.  

The blind, the lame and the paralyzed were all waiting at the pool. They were waiting for the moment for the angel of God to stir the water.  

The first to enter the water would receive healing. The angel's stirring of the water in the pool speaks of the power of the Holy Spirit.  

The sick were not focusing on the angel, they were focusing on God the healer.  

As we wait for the water to stir, we are waiting for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. We are waiting patiently. We are waiting with expectancy.  

We want to see the move of God upon our broken lives. We do not want to miss out on what the Spirit of God is doing. We are hungry for a move of God.  

Lord, just like the paralyzed man, we anticipate, we desire the Holy Spirit to move upon us.  

Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on us. We yearn to see Your glory. We long to hear the voice of Your Spirit.  

Come Lord!  Come and empower us. Renew and refresh us. Let the power of Your Spirit move mightily in our lives and ministries.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Open Wide Our Hearts

Open wide our hearts
We receive Your love
Open wide our hearts
We receive Your grace
Open wide our hearts
We receive Your mercy

King of glory
We welcome You
King of glory
We exalt You
King of glory
We proclaim Your glory

Open wide our hearts
Set us ablaze
Refine us
Refire us
Re-energise us

King of glory
Rock of ages
Our soon and coming King
We call on You
We cry out to You
We cling to You

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Move Upon Our Hearts

God moves powerfully in our lives. He is not bound by space, time and distance. We behold His glory and power as we come on bended knees.

The power of God moves upon our heart, soul or mind. He consumes us completely. We open our hearts to the move of His spirit.

God does not need anything from us. All He wants is our hearts. Hearts that are hungry for Him. Hearts that are thirsty for Him. 

The power of God's presence comes like a mighty river. He comes like a driving rain. He comes as a gale.  His Spirit comes on the broken in hearts.

Friday, June 17, 2022

Shine Through Us

John 8:12

"When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.""

You and I are the redeemed people of God.  The life and light of Christ permeate through our broken lives.  The light of Christ shines right through every aspect of our lives.  

In our darkest and deepest gloom and despair, His light pushed through every barrier to reach us.  In our hopelessness and helplessness, the light of His love lifts us up.  

As we live courageously in the light of God,  He will grow us from faith to faith, He will empower us to raise up a banner of victory and hope.  

He will shine His light through every broken vessel.  So light of God,  shine brighter, shine stronger and shine gloriously through us. 

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Making Room for the Holy Spirit

John 8:4-11

In John 8:4, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” The teachers of the law were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing Jesus.

But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.

At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” “No one, sir,” she said."

Jesus did not cast the stone. He stepped away. He let God speak into the situation. He let the Holy Spirit speak into the situation. 

We make room for God to move. We make room for the Holy Spirit to move. When we depend on the Holy Spirit, He sensitises us to the leading of God. He reveals the heart of God to us.  

We no longer function in the natural realm. We enter a supernatural state where God speaks through us. God gives us dreams and visions. He gives us discernment and insight.  

He opens our eyes to see through His eyes. He opens our hearts to understand. He opens our ears to hear His voice.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Hear Our Cries

Psalms 5:3
"In the morning, Lord, You hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait expectantly. "

The Lord hears us.  He longs to hear our voice.   He hears the cries of our hearts.  

He knows our desires and aspirations, He knows our hopes and dreams, He knows our pain and agony,  He knows our joy and sorrow.  

As we lay our requests before Him, we do not fret and be anxious. We wait patiently, we wait in confidence, we wait with beaming hope.  

Joy comes in the morning, joy displaces all doom and gloom.  The power of God floods our hearts as we wait expectantly and joyfully.  

We wait on the Lord with a living hope.  We wait in joyful jubilation.  We wait in full faith.  

God is eternal.  God is faithful.  He rules and reigns in all eternity.  Today, His heart is drawn to those who choose to wait on Him.  God is drawn to His people who are completely consumed by His love and power.  

Let us posture our hearts to the move of God in this season.  Let us be expectant.  Let us wait patiently in hope and love.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

New Mercies

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." - Lamentations 3:22-23

God blesses us with His new mercies every morning. Mercy speaks of God withholding punishment. Mercy speaks of God releasing forgiveness to us.  

The breaking of dawn brings on new mercies of God. Fresh opportunities, fresh hope and fresh beginnings. We call to mind the mercies of God. We call to mind the faithfulness of God. We call to mind the wonder and grace of God. We call to mind the unending love of God.  

The steadfast love of God comes bursting through. The river of God's comes gushing through. It is not a trickle. It is a flood.  

God is flooding our hearts with His presence. He is flooding our hearts with His grace. He is flooding our hearts with His goodness. You are I live to taste the goodness of God. We live to see a glimpse of His glory.

Wednesday, June 08, 2022

We Behold Your Glory

Today is my final IV Methylprednisolone treatment at Singapore National Eye Centre.  Thank God for a successful treatment session.

God is so gracious and merciful. With every breath that I breathe, I am mindful of the merciful love of God. God chooses to bless us at every juncture. He blesses us till we overflow.  

He ministers through us to touch our families, our friends, our colleagues, our neighbours and our communities. His desire is to bless us, to expand us and minister through our broken lives. 

When He manifests His presence in our trying circumstances, all that surface is His power and glory. He makes His presence real in our everyday lives. He orchestrates our circumstances to reveal His wonders and grace.  We will never find one as faithful as Him. As we behold His glory, He transforms us from faith to faith. He transforms us from glory to glory. 

Tuesday, June 07, 2022

The Goodness of God

Knowing and acknowledging our vulnerability lead us to the heart of God. God sustains us with every breath He breathes through us. Any attempt to boast of our achievement and success is futile. We cannot live without the Lord.

People generally see vulnerability as weakness. God sees it as strength and power.  When we are completely dependent on God, He works through our brokenness.He manifests His great power.  There is absolutely nothing our God cannot do.  

God keeps us alive. He reveals His power and glory to His redeemed people.  

Our God is faithful. Our God is alive. Our God gives us purpose and meaning to live. He gives us eternal hope. He gives us living hope. He gives us unending hope.  

We will rejoice and be glad. Awake harp and lyre. Let us sing and dance before our King. Let us proclaim the glory of the Lord. Let us celebrate the goodness of God.

Sunday, June 05, 2022

Touch Our Hearts

God is in complete control of every facet of our lives.  Nothing happens by chance.  He orchestrates the circumstances of our lives to bless us.  He aligns our hearts to His purposes.  He orders the desires of our hearts.  He sets us on the straight and the narrow path.

Journeying with God often demands great sacrifice.  Men and women have given up much in this earthly life in pursuit of God.  Pouring in time, energy and resources to serve the Lord.  Nothing that we have done for the Lord is wasted. God honours our faith.  As we step out into the water, miracles begin to take place.  God show us that there is absolutely nothing He cannot do.  He builds and strengthens our faith to see His power and grace at work.  God's merciful love is poured into our hearts as we embrace Him in total abandonment.  He blesses us till we overflow and runs over.  Lord, we honour and worship You, God eternal.  Saturate us with Your presence and empower us today. 

Loving It

Mum will always be happy to have a face mask anytime.  Time for personal grooming. 😊 This is what makes her happy!

Thursday, June 02, 2022

We Come on Bended Knees

We pray unceasingly. Calling out to You. Crying out to You Reaching out to You.  

We yearn for You. We long for Your courts. You pour Your love on us. You pour Your grace on us. You pour Your power on us. 

With every breath, we want to sing Your praise. With every breath, we want to proclaim Your glory. With every breath, we want to declare Your power and grace. 

Our limited vocabulary cannot fully express our deep gratitude to You. You have called us to Yourself. You have made us for Your glory.

You are boundless, limitless, infinite, spaceless, timeless. You are not bound by distance. 

You are the hope of glory, our strong tower, our fortress, our all in all.  

Lord, we call on Your great name. The name that is above every other name. Matchless, unparalleled, glorious, wonderful and full of spendour.

We worship You almighty God. We come on bended knees. We come with humble adoration and deep reverence.  

Consume our lives.  Touch us by Your love and power. Set our hearts on fire. Burn Your deep desires in us.