Friday, April 29, 2022

We Worship You

We call to mind
Your unending mercies
We call to mind
Your unfailing love
We call to mind
Your merciful grace
Touch our hearts
Abide in us
Let Your presence
Flood our hearts
As we behold You
Your beauty
Your grace
Your power
Let Your glory fall

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

We Need You

You satisfy the thirsty.  You fill the hungry with good things. You are our only hope. You are our sole desire. You alone can satisfy our deepest longing. 

Engulf us with Your love. Empower us by Your Spirit. Energise us with Your power. We need You more with each passing moment. Like the watchman who yearns for the morning, we yearn for You.

Engrave Your word in our hearts. Empower us to move to greater heights and deeper depths in You. Help us. Release us to move in Your anointing. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

God's Sustaining Power

God sustains us moment by moment. Every breath is a sign of God's power. His breath gives us life.  His breath gives us hope.  His breath keeps us alive.

God's sustaining power covers us. God's sustaining love carries us through every trial. God's sustaining power renews us daily. 

We stand amazed at His greatness.  We marvel at His unfailing love. We extol our God and King.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Seeking Him

We live in a day and age when everyone and everything is clamouring for our attention. The need to possess more.  Our wants are outpacing our needs.  We need more to be content.

More than ever, people are chasing the elusive dream.  Adding another zero to our bank account takes precedent.  Owning more assets drive more to the point of exhaustment.  It is no longer enough to have the basics as luxuries once enjoyed becomes a necessity.  Prestige, power and status is the mainstay. 

In the pursuit of a better life, many have lost kingdom perspective and purposes.  God is looking for men and women who choose to put Him first.  He is looking for people who yearn for Him. He is looking for men and women who pursue Him at all cost even willing to lay down their lives.  God draws us by His Spirit.  He orders our desires.  He align our lives to His destiny and plan for us.  He goes through and fro, seeking a people who hunger and thirst for Him.  A people who is set apart for Him. 

Sunday, April 24, 2022

The Rainbow Of Hope

We have a fish tank at home. The reflection of the water forms a rainbow on the wall behind the fish tank.  Another one is formed on the living room ceiling.  The rainbow of hope beams far and wide in the hearts of God's redeemed people. 

The rainbow is a sign of the love of God.  A sign of hope.  A sign of newness.  It is a sign of God's faithfulness.  God comes into our lives, He began something new in us.  His refreshing love and power spur us on to love Him deeply.  He loved us into submission.  He loved us into surrender.  He loved us into abandonment.

Hope arise when our eyes are fixed on our maker.  Hope arise when we rest in His love.  Hope arise when we bow at His feet.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Magnify The Lord

As I battle thyroid eye disease since the end of December 2019, all I see the God's tender mercies and love. God is actively at work in our darkest hours. He reminds me of His abiding presence with every breath that I breathe.

At one of my appointment at Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC), Dr S, told me that seven people are working together to treat me. Off my mind comes the opthalmologist, endocrinologist, radio oncologist, radiographer and three others. Dr S assured me that the whole team at SNEC are doing all they can for me and I was in good hands. 

God is so good. He brings medical experts to treat me. This is not by chance.  God orchestrates our circumstances to bless us. He connects us to people and resources.  God opens doors. He directs everything in our lives.

The Lord challenges us to put our complete trust in Him.  When He comes, He comes in His might and power.  He showers us with His mercy and grace. 

We lean on our redeemer. He leads us to great heights and deeper depths in Him. He is fully dependable.  

Oh, magnify the Lord! Our God is greatly to be exalted. We will bless His holy name. We will extol His great name.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

The Love Of My Life

The Christmas of 2018, we wanted to send Christmas greetings to our family and friends.  We headed to Emerald Hill road for the photo taking.  A student passed by and helped us to take this shot.  It turned out so well.

Monte, my lover, supporter, encourager, confidante, helper, motivator, closest friend, prayer partner.  My inspiration.  The love of my love.

His Love And Power

On 19 April 2022, I received a WhatsApp message from my friend, JL. The bus she was on passed by my flat and she said a simple prayer for me.  I was touched and her love and concern. 

Like JL, many people have reached out to me in varied ways.  I appreciate every prayer, encouragement and loving support.  

As we journey with the Lord, God blesses us physically, socially, emotionally and financially.  One of greatest blessings is to receive love, care and support from people.  

Many who spent time and energy to intercede for us.  Many who encourage and support in hard times. Many who choose to journey with us with no strings attached.

As we build these relationships.  God deepens the ties and connections.  God gel our hearts together to trust Him for the miraculous.  

Faith comes from God alone.  As a faith community, the Lord joins our hearts together to see His wonder and power.  He manifest His presence through every heart that yearns for Him.  

He manifests His glory to His children who are calling on His name day and night. His desire to bless us goes beyond ourselves.  My family, church, friends, neighbours, communities and colleagues are recipients of the goodness of God. He blessed expansively and extensively.

All glory be to God.  Our eternal God reaches out to touch our broken hearts.  He brings hope and restoration.  He bring wholeness and healing.  He comes into our darkness and luminate Himself.  He shows us His power and glory as we behold Him. A God who never fails.  A God who is always constant and reliable.  We put our complete trust in our maker.  His redemptive love and power sustains daily.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Ascribe Greatness To Our God

Here is a quick update here for you.  Today is session five of my 12 IV Methylprednisolone treatment at Singapore National Eye Centre. 

From the first IV Methylprednisolone treatment on 23 March 2022, I had trouble sleeping on the very night that I go through IMPT.  The doctor prescribed some medication to help me to sleep the very night when I have to go through IMPT (in the morning). 

My side effects from IMPT are metallic taste in my mouth, swelling in some parts of my body,  occasional heart palpitations occasional occasional, breathlessness and stiffness in the legs and the lossening of a canine from my gums.  Generally my guns are weakened. 

An ECG was taken at the start of the treatment today.  It was alright.  After the treatment, another ECG was done. It did not go well.  The nurse had to check with my opthalmologist.  She finally cleared me to leave Singapore National Eye Centre.  Praise be to God!

To help to mitigate the side effects of Methylprednisolone, my opthalmologist stretched the duration of my treatment time today.  It helped.  

The mercies of God are new every morning.  Great is His faithfulness.  I marvel at the love and power of God.  He is constant.  His love never fails.  We ascribe greatness to our God, the rock!  There is nothing impossible for God!

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Great is Our God

God works through every facet of our lives. He works through our pain and anguish. He works through our sorrow and heartaches. In our weakness, He is our strength.

God is far bigger than the harshest storm. He is far stronger than any existential threat. There is none who is greater and stronger than the Lord.

We emerge stronger and more courageous through every crisis. God works His purposes and plans as we go through the fire. 

The fire will not burn us. The flood will not drown us. His love prevails. His love conquers all. His love reigns. 

Lord, our hearts are overwhelmed by Your presence. Your ever increasing power. Your ever increasing glory. Your ever increasing grace.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Your Wonder Working Power

During this time when I undergo IV Methylprednisolone treatment (IMPT) to treat my thyroid eye disease, something wonderful happened.  IMPT targets at reducing inflammation.

In October 2020, I discovered an inflamed tendon behind my right ankle.  This is called tendinosis.  The orthopaedic specialist suggested surgery should the pain become unbearable. 

Over the last four IMPT, the Methylprednisolone is reducing the inflammation of my tendinosis.  All glory be to Him who lives forevermore. 

This is what it is all about.  We live in the light of God's glory.  We live to taste His goodness. We live to see the power of His glory.  We find every circumstance to praise God.  God is actively at work in every area of our lives.  He reaches out to us in His love and mercy.  

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Restoration and Healing

In February 2022, I had to go to a locum doctor at Sengkang Polyclinic because of my Covid positive status.  Inside the clinic, I saw a heavily pregnant woman.  At another glance, a woman was carrying a child less than a year old.  My heart broke.

Covid is no longer happening at far flung places like America, South America or Europe.  It is now at our door steps.

I am currently undergoing IV Methylprednisolone treatment to treat my thyroid eye disease. On 6 April 2022.  A child was at the next cubicle at Singapore National Eye Centre Dayward.  His persistent and heartbreaking crying broke my heart.

Lord, touch our lives.  Touch the broken and the sick.  Extend Your hand of mercy.  Pour out Your grace and love.  We need You, Lord.  Come into this broken world and bring wholeness and healing. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Coming Out Of Our Comfort Zone

Journeying with God is mind blowing. We may not know where the Lord will take us. What matters most is His presence that abides in us. 

He leads us by the hand. He assures us of His love and presence.

God brings us out of our comfort zone. He graces us as we are pored out as a drink offering.  

As we step out in full faith, our merciful God anoints and empowers us. Our eyes begin to see.  Our ears begin to hear. The power of God is released to touch the broken world.  

Broken hearts. Broken lives. Broken dreams. The Lord takes them all. He turns our mess into something beautiful.  He turns our mourning into joy. He turns our lives around.

Coming out of our comfort zone takes courage. God pours His mercy and grace on us. He grants us supernatural strength and ability to do what He alone can do through us. 

God is raising up a people of power. A people of strength. A people of might. His name is exalted through our broken lives.  He brings us out of our comfort zone to bless us.

Monday, April 11, 2022

Eternally Grateful

Monte and I are thankful to family and friends who have blessed us in so many ways. Our hearts well up with thanksgiving everytime we think of these precious people.

Monte and I were down with Covid in February 2022. Thank God that we recovered. During this time, people reached out to us through prayer and gifts. Our friends, S and L had lunch delivered to us via food delivery platform. On the next day, L, asked if we would need lunch. We thanked her and conveyed our deep appreciation. Another friend A, sent us a huge bag of fruits that lasted us a long time. My brother sent so much food to us. We appreciate all for their love, care and concern. Their tangible act of love touched us deeply.

In April 2022, my friend, L, gave me probiotics Another time, another friend, K, gave me super strength cranberry tablets when I came down with severe urinary tract infection. I am deeply touched.

D, blessed us with so much Chinese New Year goodies on two separate occasions. We are thankful.

My father-in-law went home to be with the Lord in March 2022. Our friend, F, blessed us with a huge bouquet of roses. She touched our hearts tangibly. 

In November 2023, I lost my spectacles. G paid for a brand new pair of spectackes for me. G touched my heart deeply.

In April this year, L bought us a rice cooker. We are grateful.

God shows His love and care to us in ways that our minds cannot comprehend. Our hearts are overwhelmed by His love. We receive His bountiful blessings. We receive a sign of His goodness. God has blessed us beyond our wildest imagination.
He leads us by the hand to His living streams. He pours His mercy and grace lavishly on us. We are eternally grateful to the Lord.

Thursday, April 07, 2022

Thank You, Lord!

Thank you, family and friends for your loving concern and heartfelt prayers. 

Yesterday was session 3 of my IV Methylprednisolone treatment (IMPT).  Thank God that my ECG and blood test were alright. 

The IV needle was first inserted on my left hand. It was not successful. The nurse next tried to insert a new IV needle on my right hand.  It worked. Praise the Lord. 

God watches over us.  He keeps us from all harm.  He hems us in. Our God is in complete control. We can trust Him in every season of our lives. 

Next Wednesday will be my fourth IMPT. God's faithfulness reaches to the sky.