Friday, December 30, 2022


I thank God for Monte.  He is always looking out for me.  Recently, he bought me a handphone stand.  This is helpful.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Miracle Working God

We moved into our flat in Seng Kang in August 2001.  I vividly remember how our friend, KC, contacted me to say that her sister had bought a new refrigerator and asked if we would like to take over her existing one. We were more than happy to do so. The refrigerator served us up till early 2015. God is so good to us.

In early 2015, our refrigerator finally broke down.  God miraculously provided some funds for us to purchase a new one.  Our hearts are overwhelmed by the goodness and providence of our loving God.  

We are grateful for God’s timely provision.  He watches over us.  He meets our needs daily.  He sends His ravens and send us food.  He nourishes our bodies. 

He is more than enough.  Our sufficiency is in Christ and Christ alone.  All glory goes to our almighty, supreme, sovereign God.

God has put faith in our hearts.  Faith originated in God.  As we step our in faith to trust our almighty God, He stretches us.  He moves supernaturally in our lives.  He rebuilds our broken ruins.

Great Are You

Great are You, Lord
Your empowering presence 
Your ever increasing glory
Your mighty power
Your formidable strength

Great are You, Lord
And worthy of praise 
Marvelous Saviour 
We come in humble adoration 
Exalting Your matchless name

Great are You, Lord
All creation worship You
Every knee will bow
And every tongue confess 
You are Lord

Monday, December 26, 2022

The Poor In Spirit

You are inclined to the poor in Spirit. You fill our hungry hearts. You quench our thirst. You come to our rescue. You save us.

We offer ourselves to You on Your holy altar. Come and consume our lives. Come and rebuild our broken ruins.

We come in humility. We come on bended knees. We find hope and strength in You.  Let there be a constant and earnest desperation for move of Your Spirit.

Love Divine

Love divine
Love crucified 
Love abundant
Love personified 
Love overflowing 

You loved us into submission 
You loved us into surrender 
You loved us into wholeness 
You Love us into liberty

How deep is Your love
How wide is Your love
How strong is Your love

Sunday, December 25, 2022


Our hearts are burning this Christmas morning.  We are awakened to Your merciful love.  We were once rootless, aimless, powerless and lost.  You poured in the oil and the wine.  You bring hope and mercy.

With gratitude, we bow.  We are humbled in Your presence.  We give You all the praises in our hearts.

Friday, December 23, 2022

Touch Us For Your Glory

Lord, as we wait on You, move upon us.  Show us Your path.  Grant us understanding. Give us a breakthrough.  Level the rocky paths.  Direct us by the power of Your Spirit.  

This is the day of Your power.  Let Your glorious light illuminate our hearts.  Show us signs and wonders.  We want to follow hard after You.  We will only go where Your presence is leading us.  Touch our lives for Your glory, Lord!

We Long For You

On this misty morning, our hearts year for You.  We long for You.  Just like the watchman who waits for the break of dawn, we wait on You.

We abide in You.  Our hearts find rest in Your presence.  We come with grateful hearts.  We come with open hearts.  Fill us with Your presence.  Your mercy reigns.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Great And Mighty Is He

Our God rules
Our God reigns
Our God is supreme 
Great and mighty is He

He waters our thirsty hearts
He fills us with great joy
His ravens have fed us
Great and mighty is He

You robe us with righteousness 
You watch over us
You cleanse us with hyssop
Great and mighty is He

We celebrate Your glory
We revel in Your love
We bask in Your presence 
Great and mighty is He

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

O Magnify The Lord

O magnify the Lord
Let the rivers clap their hands
Let the mountains

O magnify the Lord
Let our hearts rejoice
Let all seek You rejoice

O magnify the Lord
You cause our hearts to leap with joy
You make all things new

O magnify the Lord
The rocks will cry out
The mounains will sing to You
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Soften Our Hearts

Lord, soften our hearts. The harshness of this world makes Your tenderness even more intense.  

People are drawn to Your beauty. They are drawn to Your kindness and grace. They are drawn to Your tenderness.

The harsh realities of life hardens our hearts. We call on You to touch our hearts. Make them pliable in Your loving hands.

The Potter works on our hearts daily. The power of the living God comes on the humble and contrite in heart.  

As we obey the Lord, He moves supernaturally in us.  We bring glory to His name.  The majestic Lord moves mightily.  He displays His strength and power through our obedience.


I call to mind the faithfulness of God. Monte and I were married in March 1999. My limited vocabulary is not able to describe the goodness of God. 

We thank every person who has journeyed with us all these years. People who not cover us in prayer, they encourage and bless us in many ways. Thank you for partnering with us. Thank you for sowing into our ministry. Our hearts well up with thanksgiving every time God brings you to our remembrance of you.

God has shown us His divine love. How strong is His love. How wide is His love. How deep is His love. Nothing in this world can separate us from His love.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

We Worship You

Lord, You are our beacon of hope.  You are why we rise each day.  Seeing each sunrise brings us immense hope.  You are the hope of glory, the rock of ages, the anchor of our hope.

We are eternally thankful for patient work in us.  Blossoming and flourishing us as we anchor our lives in You.  Teach us to persevere in Your love.  Teach us Your ways and we will follow hard after You.

Your Anointing

The anointing of God is not reserved for the selected few.  He wants us to move in His anointing.  

As we step out in faith to believe, His anointing comes on us.  As we live a life of obedience, His anointing comes on us.  As we avail ourselves to His work, His anointing comes on us. 

Move powerfully through each of us.  Let our hearts be sensitive to the promptings of Your Spirit.  Let our hearts be soft and tender.  Open our ears to hear Your voice.  Open our hearts to respond in faith.

Lord, we are hungry for a move of God.  We see Your glory.  We taste Your goodness.  We receive You with wide open hearts.  Move mightily through us this day!

Friday, December 16, 2022

Life Is Beautiful

Life is beautiful. God has blessed us with life. To live it with full liberty. To live it with great joy. To live life fully in the power of His Spirit.

We breathe the air that God gives. We rest in His love. We encounter Him moment by moment.  

Life is beautiful. We bask in His presence. We dwell in His love. We live in the light of His glory. 

Life is beautiful. We sing the songs of the redeemed. We celebrate life daily. He gives us meaning and purpose to live.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Holy Fear

You loved us into submission.  This holy fear that You have put in our hearts liberates us.  You free us to worship You.

We walk in walk.  The fear of man ensnare us.  The fear of God builds a godliness.  We choose to obey.  We choose to worship You in every season of our lives.

Teach us to number our days.  As we avail ourselves to You, we grow in loving, knowing and serving You.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Let The Weak Say I Am Strong

God breaks us daily. He transforms us daily. He moulds us daily. His hand of love is upon us. 

Men and women who pursue God wholeheartedly are always broken. God in His mercy has chosen us for Himself. He brings out the beauty in us. We reach our fullest potential in Him.

The world does not value weakness but God never despise the weak. When we are weak, the strength of God triumphs. Let the weak say I am strong.

In our vulnerability, God champions our cause. He is for the underdogs, the marginalised and the disenfranchised. He lifts the weak. He raises the humble. He heals the broken.

Lord, mould us, shape us and melt us. Perform a mighty miracle in our lives. Move powerfully through us as we allow You to work in our lives.


We open our hearts to You, Lord! Bring clarity.  Bring wholeness and strength to us. Envelope our lives as we seek Your face.
We are blessed to know You.  We are blessed to taste Your goodness.

Your abounding grace and mercy sustain us daily.  You removed our anxiety and fear.  You give is hope and courage. 

You clothe us with the robes of righteousness.  You pour in the oil and the wine.  You bind our broken hearts. You rebuild our broken ruins.

Glory be to the King of kings and the Lord of lords.  Your love overwhelm us moment by moment.  Why can we ever live without You.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Living Streams

Lord, quench our thirst.  Let Your water quench our thirsty hearts.  Water our hearts.  We want to drink from Your living streams.  You alone can satisfy and quench our thirst. 

Draw us by Your Spirit.  Let the rain of Your love wash all over us.  Like the deer that pants for water, our hearts long for You.

Come and abide in us.  Lead us to Your living streams.  We follow hard after You.  We long for Your presence.  We abide in Your love.

Refiner's Fire

Lord, as You purify our hearts, we see You better.  We hear You better.  We know You in a deeper way.

Let Your refiner's fire burn deep and strong in us.  We come on bended knees.   We come in humble submission.  

Sanctify and purify us till we can see Your image in us.

Come Holy Spirit.  Let the power of Your love consume us.  Let the fire of Your love overpower us.  

We need You more than yesterday.  Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on us.

Monday, December 12, 2022

Living Hope

Looking out of my window this morning, I snapped a shot of the beautiful morning sun.  The sunshine of God illuminates our hearts.  Hope abounds when we abide in Him.  God in His love and mercy has poured His glory and grace in our hearts.

Lord, You are the ever living God.  Your living hope gives us the strength to persevere.  Your living hope gives us purpose to live.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Broken Lives

Lord, touch our broken lives.  Refresh and rebuild us. Let the power of Your Spirit consume us. We lay our lives on Your altar.  

Mould us, shape us, melt us. Let the search light of Your Spirit shine on us.  Sanctify and purity our hearts. Let our meditations be pleasing to You. Align our lives to Your purposes.

We surrender all. You have loved us into submission. We are eternally grateful to You. Let our brokenness bring You glory.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Wise Men Still Seek You Today

Wise men still seek You today
Grant us wisdom
Show us Your way
Give us insights

Wise men still seek You today
Broaden our understanding 
Open our hearts
Open our ears
Open our eyes

Wise men still seek You today
We seek You
With everything within us
We cry out to You

Seeking You
Loving You
Following hard after You
Basking in Your love
Lingering in Your presence 

Friday, December 09, 2022

Captivate our hearts

Captivate our hearts
You are our sole desire
Captivate our hearts
You are all we ever needed

Captivate our hearts
We long for Your courts
Captivate our hearts
Only You can satisfy our longings 

Move our hearts
Order our desires
Align our hearts with Yours
Captivate our hearts

Monday, December 05, 2022

See His Glory

Everyday is precious.  God bless us with life.  We live each day to taste His goodness. To see His glory. To marvel at His love.

Teach us to number our days, Lord. Teach us to wait on You. Teach us Your ways. Inscribe Your word on the hearts this day.

We linger in Your presence. We hope in Your glory. We rejoice in Your grace. We celebrate Your love.


Thankful to be alive
Thankful to breathe 
Thankful for God's faithfulness 

Thankful for grace sufficient 
Thankful for mercy unending
Thankful for peace overflowing 
Thankful for love divine

How can we thank You enough
For all You have done
Merciful Lord
We are eternally grateful 

Be Our Shepherd Forever

Be our Shepherd forever 
Carry us in Your arms
Be our shepherd forever 
Heal us
Be our shepherd forever 
Comfort us

Be our shepherd forever 
We need You
Be our shepherd forever 
Nourish us
Be our shepherd forever 
Feed us

Be our shepherd forever 
Cleanse us
Be our shepherd forever 
Purify us
Be our shepherd forever 
Sanctify us

Saturday, December 03, 2022

There Is Nothing Our God Cannot Do

There is nothing our God cannot do.  He spoke the universe into existence.  He parted the sea and His people walked on dry ground.  

Faith arises when we dwell on might and power of God almighty.  He open our hearts to the miraculous.  He allows us to see through His eyes.  He speaks faith into our hearts.

There is nothing God cannot do.  People who should have long left this earth are still roaming the world because God keeps them alive.  God has healed and restored them.  The doctors cannot fathom why this would happen.  We know.  God is a miracle working God.  He is alive.  He is healing power is real.

There is nothing God cannot do.  We encounter set backs and tragedies.  The Lord extends His divine intervention.  He is mighty to save.  He is mighty to heal.  He is mighty to deliver.  

Make Our Lives Count

Make our lives count 
Move through our lives
Make our lives count 
Make us Your instrument

Your instrument of peace
Your instrument of love
Your instrument of joy

Make our lives count
Let our lives be a living sacrifice 
Consume us
Consecrate us
Burn Your deep desires in us
Make our lives count

Friday, December 02, 2022

We Trust You

We trust You
From the beginning 
Till the end
We trust You in the raging storm
We trust You in the fiery furnace 

We trust You
With every breath 
We trust You
With all our heart

Trusting You
Leaning on You
Resting in You
We trust You

Thursday, December 01, 2022

Balm Of Gilead

Let Your healing balm flow through our broken bodies. Remove all aches and pain.  We speak healing.  Let all inflammation be gone.  Touch our joints.  Heal us of any arthritic condition.

Let our hearts pump blood smoothly throughout our bodies.  Touch our limbs. Remove any abnormal growths and lumps.  Touch every part of our bodies.

Balm of Gilead, flow through us.  Bring wholeness and healing. To the glory of the majestic name of Jesus!  We pray in faith and allow You to take full control of our lives.


You have put eternity 
In our hearts
Align our hearts to Your will
You have put eternity 
In our hearts
Do a deeper work in us

You have put eternity 
In our hearts
We find all we need in You
You have put eternity 
In our hearts
Joy and hope flood our hearts

Come Lord
Come into our broken ruins
You have put eternity 
In our hearts
We are eternally grateful 

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Choosing You

Our hearts well up with thanksgiving for life eternal.  For hope so sure.  For love so divine.

We can be anywhere in this whole wide world, we choose to abide in the presence of the almighty.

We can be anywhere in this whole wide world, we choose to anchor our lives in His love.

We can be anywhere in this whole wide world, we choose to bask in His presence.

Lord, we need You.  We will follow hard after You.  We will press into Your presence.  We will seek You and we will find You.


This is a photo I took from my home one day in 2013.  God has blessed Monte and I with a roof over our heads.  Many times, we would come home and echo these words "It is so good to be home."

God provides for us.  He meets our needs daily.  Have it not been for the mercy of God, we will not be here today.

God blesses us lavishly.  The air we breathe.  Our families.  Our vocations.  Our dreams.  Our aspirations.  He gives us the best.  We are eternally grateful to our redeemer.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Touch Our Hearts

Sensitise our hearts to the promptings of Your Spirit.  Touch and sensitise us to move powerfully in Your anointing.  Spirit of God, lift us up.  Empower and energise us.

Come, Lord!  Enter in and align our hearts to Your purposes.  Teach us Your ways.  Show us Your path. Guide and lead us into Your truth.

Spirit of the living God.  Endue us with Your power.  Every knee will bow and every to tongue confess that You are Lord.  Lord of all.

You Struck The Rock

You struck the rock 
And water gushed out
Let faith arise

You struck the rock 
And water gushed out
We put our trust in You

You struck the rock 
And water gushed out
All power and glory be to You

You struck the rock 
And water gushed out
There is none like You

We trust in You completely
We follow hard after You
We call on Your mighty name

You struck the rock 
And water gushed out
We worship You

Your Ravens Have Fed Us

Your ravens have fed us
Thank You for providing for us
Your ravens have fed us
Thank You for loving us
Your ravens have fed us
Thank You for nourishing us
Your ravens have fed us
Thank You for sustaining us

Sovereign Lord
We need You desperately 
We cannot live without You
You are our sole desire
You are all that matters

We come in humble adoration 
We come in total submission
We come on bended knees
We come with contrite hearts

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Breathe Upon Us

Come breathe upon us, breathe of God.  Breathe life.  Breathe strength.  Breathe hope.  Resurrect the dead bones.  Bring release and restoration.  Empower and energise us by the power of Your Spirit.  

Enter in.  Enter into our broken lives.  We offer our lives as a living sacrifice.  Spirit of the living God, consume us completely.  Rule and reign sovereignly in us, this day.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Mighty God

This glorious evening, we praise Your glorious name.  King of kings and Lord of lords.  We bow, we worship and we adore You.

Majestic and mighty.  You hold all things together.  You are the beginning and the end.  You are Alpha and Omega.  Merciful Lord, we cry out to You.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

As We Wait On You

As we wait on You
Soften our hearts
As we wait on You
Sensitise our spirit
As we wait on You
Open our ears

As we wait on You
Empower us
As we wait on You
Energise us
As we wait on You
Refire us

We worship You
We adore You 
As we wait on You
Show us Your glory
Show us Your grace

Thank You, Lord

You satisfy our deepest longings 
Thank you, Lord
You free us from our anguish
Thank you, Lord
You bring us lasting hope
Thank you, Lord

We were once aimless

You made all things new
You robe us in righteousness 
You flood our hearts with Your presence 
You are why we rise with hope each day

Thank you, Lord
For showing us a sign of Your love
For leading us to green pastures
For leading us to Your living streams 

Thank you, Lord
For hope eternal
For love divine
For grace abounding
For strength renewed

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Only You

Down the corridors of time, men and women have been seeking God.  The empty void in our hearts cannot be filled by a metal, wooden or glass god.  

God alone can satisfy our deepest longings.  God alone gives us purpose to live.  We thrive, we triumph, we flourish.  God in His love gives us new awakenings.  He gives us hope and optimism.  He opens the eyes of our hearts.

Lord, pour Your Spirit on us.  Only You can gives us hope.  Only You can lead us to Your living water.  Only You can meet our needs.  Thank you, Lord!

We Worship You

This glorious morning, we call to mind Your faithfulness.  We call to mind Your greatness.  Perform mighty miracle in our lives.  We call on Your divine intervention.  

We worship You.  Let Your ring throughout all the earth.  Let all those who seek You rejoice.  Our hope is anchored in Your love.  Let us adore and worship You.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Speak, Lord

Speak, Lord
Your servants are listening
Sensitise our hearts
Sensitise our spirit
Open our ears

Broaden our understanding 
Lead us
Guide us
Show us Your way
Lead us on the straight and narrow path

Speak, Lord
Touch us with Your love
Heal us with Your power
Pour Your Spirit on us

Friday, November 18, 2022

We Want To Worship You

We want to worship You
We want to bow
We want to bend our knees
We want to lift our voices to praise You

We want to adore You
We want to extol Your name
We want to magnify You
We want to worship You

Let our praises ring
Let everything that has breath praise Your holy name
Let us behold Your glory
We want to worship You

Wednesday, November 16, 2022


I will give you rest
I will lead you to the living streams
I will fill your cup

We come with open hearts
We come with open hands
We come with open ears

Fill us 
Energise us
Empower us
Rebuild us
Restore us
Refresh us

Monday, November 14, 2022

There Is None Like You

Your ever increasing glory
There is none like You
Your ever increasing power
There is none like You
Your ever increasing grace
There is none like You

We behold Your beauty
We behold Your glory
We marvel at Your love

There is none like You
We rest in Your love
We hope in Your glory
We bask in Your presence 

Monday, November 07, 2022

Anoint Us, Lord

Psalms 45:7  
"You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, Your God, has anointed you with the oil of joy above your fellows."  

Psalms 45:7 is a messianic prophecy.  An in-depth study will show Christ as the messiah both as the future king and the bridegroom of the church.

To anoint is to be blessed with oil.  It speaks of the Holy Spirit.  The spirit of God empowers us to move in God's power.  The power of God's spirit is poured upon our lives.  God begins to move through us. 

Healing, prophecy, word of knowledge, salvation are signs of the power of God's holy anointing.  

In faith, God moves us to deeper depths and greater heights in the spiritual realm to move in His anointing.  The christian life is about the anointing of God in our lives.  As we submit to the Lordship of Christ, His anointing flows through our broken lives.


Wednesday, November 02, 2022

In God We Trust

In God we trust
You are fully dependable 
You are immovable 
You are steadfast
You are unchanging 
There is no shifting shadows in You

In God we trust

In God we trust
With our dying breath 
With every ounce of our energy
Completely surrendered to You
Totally consumed by Your power

God's Creation

Yesterday, I saw this round shaped fernlike plant.  It is unique and beautiful.

God is ingenious, brilliant and creative.  He is the master designer.  He brings beauty and grace.  He holds all things in His hands.  All creation praise His glorious name.  

We worship You, almighty God.  You are the reason we rise each day.  You are our sole desire.  Empower us as we call on Your majestic name.  We are eternally grateful for all You have done in and through our broken lives.