Friday, August 28, 2020

Sanctify Us

Cast our care on the Lord and He will sustain us. Fix our eyes on the Lord and we will see His goodness. Put our lives in the hands of our maker and He will work in and through us powerfully. 

Lord, take full control of us.  Shape and mould us.  Purify our hearts.  Sanctify us and set us apart for You.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

We Long For You

Had it not been for Your merciful love, we would not have survived another day.  Had it not been for Your nail scarred hands, we would not have tasted liberty.  Had it not been for Your strengthening presence, we would not be strong.  

Lord, empower us to live for You.  Sensitise our heart and spirit.  We long to hear Your voice.  We long to see Your face.  We long for Your presence.  

Had it not been for Your tender mercies, we would not have received Your oil and Your wine. 

Monday, August 24, 2020

We Seek You

You are our hope.  You are our dream.  You are our aspiration.  When we have You, we have everything.  We have no lack.  We are filled till we overflow.  We are bursting at our seams.

The poor in spirit shall inherit the land.    Fill us with a broken and a contrite spirit.  Rule and reign in us.  Pour Your spirit on us.  Set our hearts on fire.  We Your redeemed people will seek Your face.  We bow before Your throne of grace.  We lay our lives on Your altar. 

Saturday, August 22, 2020

A Lesson from the Chinese Bamboo Tree

The Chinese Bamboo tree does not grow in the first four years. Suddenly on the fifth year, life is visible. The amazing thing is it grows 80 feet in six weeks. 

Just imagine what could have happened if we do nothing in the first four weeks. Interestingly growth is still taking place though there is no visible growth. Growth is happening underground.  

The Chinese bamboo tree holds a great lesson for us. It teaches us perseverance, hardwork and tenacity. We may not see immediate results in our endeavours. We are tempted to give up. We may very well loose the opportunity to reap the harvest. All that really matters is for us to soldier on and trust God. 

There are times in life when our world seems to spiral out of control. The challenges disorientate us. Yet it is at such a time that God works His miracles. God is actively at work even though we may not see it. 

Persevering love teaches us to trust God in our darkest hours. His sustaining power and presence lift us up while we are in the whirlwind. His love is our anchor and hope.

Lord, help us to persevere to the end. Empower us to keep on going on. You are the strength of our hearts. You are our eternal hope.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Captivate Us

In Your presence, our hearts will throb and swell with joy.  We rejoice with exceeding great joy.  We glory in Your presence.  We celebrate Your goodness.  We marvel at Your power and grace. Saturate our hearts with You.  Captivate us with Your love. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2020



To touch the helm of Your garment


To taste Your goodness


To see Your glory


To know Your grace


To live in Your love


To receive Your mercy


To sing Your song



Bursting at the seams

Bubbling over 


Every moment

Every hour

Every day

Friday, August 14, 2020

Your Presence

We face mounting challenges each day.  We are unfazed.  We are not down trodden. We will persevere in Your love. Your sustaining Word strengthens us.  Your wonder working power empowers us.  Your unfailing love envelopes us. 

We rise up with eagle's wings.  You want us to soar in the sky.  We triumph in Your glory.  We rejoice in Your hope.  We sing the song of the redeemed.  Lord, flood our hearts with Your abiding presence.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Unimaginable Growth

Growth takes place in the most unimaginable place. Growth is a sign of flourishing and life. 

God flourishes us in the most challenging terrain and circumstances. God grows our faith in the toughest times in our lives.  

The greatest growth requires us to step out to trust the Lord. As we step out in obedience, God intervenes miraculously. He displays His wonder and might.

When our eyes are on God, mountains become molehills. He helps us to see through His eyes. It is no longer normal sight. It is the eternal perspectives from God. God changes our perspectives. The new vision is supernatural.

The Lord gives us strength and courage to persevere. He leads us by the hand. He guides us with His unfailing love. He grows our faith to believe Him for the miraculous.

He assures us that He will make a way when there seems to be no way. He opens pathways. He guides us through challenging terrains.

Our courage will not melt away. We will be strong and courageous. We will anchor our hope in the Lord's love.

The odds may be against us. The Lord reminds us that He enables us to do great exploits.  

His mighty strength holds us up daily. He has made our feet like the feet of deer. We will conquer every mountain by the power of His Spirit.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Mighty God

Spirit of the living God.  Fall afresh on us. Comfort us with Your love. Strengthen with Your grace. Empower us with Your word.  

Wash over us. Renew and refresh us. Draw us to Yourself.  Flood our hearts with Your presence. 

We call on Your mighty name. You are mighty to save. Mighty to deliver. And mighty to heal. 

Sunday, August 09, 2020

Majulah Singapura!

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Singapore holds a special place in Monte and my heart.  It is in Singapore that we tied the knot.  We bought our flat in 2001.  We build a life together.  We are free to pursue our dreams here.
Our hearts are overwhelmed by the goodness and faithfulness of God. 

I have been to some countries outside of Singapore.  Through my conversation with people.  I am pleased they have nothing but praise for Singapore.  We are so blessed to be residing in this beautiful land.

We pray for God's boundless blessings on Singapore.  God will see Singapore through this pandemic.  He watches over us. 

We celebrate with every Singaporean. Majulah Singapura! πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¬

Friday, August 07, 2020

Deep Valleys

The deep valleys that God allows us to enter hold important lessons for us. On the surface, it seems like a place of desolation. In reality, God lift us up from the darkest and deepest valley.  

His hand is never too short to reach us. He reaches out to rescue us. He reaches out to deliver us. He reaches out to us in love. Our Redeemer reaches out to us in our most vulnerable moments. 

The valley experience is an experience that we have all gone through at one point or another. It is a transformative experience. The Lord picks us up from deep valleys. He speaks hope and strength into our broken lives. He nourishes and nurses us back to health. He rescues us.

We cannot survive without the Lord's presence. God speaks life and wholeness into our mortal bodies. He strengthens us to scale new heights every new day.

In His mercy, He reminds that we are His priceless possession. He yearns for us. He loves us with an everlasting love.

The Name Above Every Other Name

Lord, we are privileged to call on Your name.  The name that is above every other name.  The name that every knee must bow.  Your matchless, majestic and mighty name.  

Let the renown of Your great name resound in all the earth.  We declare the glory of Your name.  We proclaim our God is supreme.  Our God is sovereign.  Our God is lifted up with a shout of praise. We worship You almighty God. 

Tuesday, August 04, 2020

His Protection

Today, I tripped over a bamboo pole at home.  The bamboo pole broke into two.  I was only slightly hurt.  If the bamboo pole had not taken the brunt of my fall.  I could have ended up with a broken leg. 

God protects us.  He watches over us.  He sees us through seen and unseen danger.  His mercy prevails.  His grace prevails.  His power prevails.  We fully entrust our lives into the hand of our loving God.  We hope in His unfailing love. 

We Worship You

You are our everlasting light
You are God eternal
Our rock of ages
Our fortress
Our comforter
Our glorious King
Our redeemer
Our hope
Our helper

We bow before You
Be exalted
Be magnified
We lift Your name up high
We worship You
Almighty God