Sunday, June 28, 2020

The Tenderness of Christ

This goes back to the early 90's when the evangelist, Rev Roy Durman, was featured as a speaker for one of our crusades in Singapore.  He went home to be with the Lord on 16 March 2018.

The atmosphere at the crusade was so charged up.  The Lord's powerful anointing was on evangelist Durman.  He was used by the Lord to touch many who were there; some were in desperate need of healing.

I remember praying to the Lord for this anointing that I saw in this servant of God.  I was drawn by the tenderness and compassion of the Lord that was oozing out of him. It reminded me of many instances when Jesus ministered to the needy people out of such overwhelming love and compassion.  I vividly remember that evangelist Durman called upon the church to stand with him in prayer.  We believed God for a mighty move of His spirit.  The anointed servant of God had such a tender heart and spirit. 

At the end of the day, evangelist Durman was a vessel that God moved through.  He availed himself and God's anointing fell on him.  Ultimately all eyes were fixed on the Lord.  The Balm of Gilead was on spilling over the l people.  The great physician came in His power and glory to touch the sick and broken.  Many came to accept Jesus as their personal saviour.

As believers, the Lord anoints for ministry.  When the anointing of God comes upon us, we are empowered.  God can use anyone of us.  He does not need our talents and skills.  He wants our hearts.  His anointing flows through broken, yielded and humble vessels.  We cannot do anything apart from Him.  As we reach out and touch the helm of His garment.  His anointing flows out of Him.  We the recipients of His anointing and grace step into the arena.  We allow God to work through us.  Giving all the glory, honour and praise to our redeemer.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Merciful Lord

God has blessed me with Monte. He has always been there for me. Loving, supporting and encouraging me all these years. I have spent the best years of my life with Monte.

I battled with depression as a young adult. I went through countless bouts of depression in my lifetime. Those were very dark days. Facing another new day can be a challenge when depressive moods engulfed me. There were days I did not know how I could ever go on. When I was depressed, everything comes to a standstill. Every facet of Monte and my life were badly affected. We felt the destructive force of depression.

I saw the psychiatrist in 2021. I went on medication.  The doctor weaned me off the antidepressants gradually. I was discharged in Jan 2022. Since then, I do not take any medication for depression. Glory be to God!

All these years, Monte's patient love and long suffering helped me tremendously. His prayer and encouragement help me greatly.

God raises us up to face the mountains in our lives.  He is Immanuel, God with us. He will never forsake us.  In our struggle and pain, He brings comfort and strength. We are not alone. He is our ever present help.  

This day, we cry out to You, Lord! Live through our broken lives. Have mercy on us. Touch and heal us for Your glory.

Mighty God

You determined the stars in the sky.  You named each of them.  You spoke the world into existence.  Great and mighty are You.  You are clothed with strength and power.  Your dominion is over all.  We bow and worship You the ever living God.  Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that You are Lord.  We declare Your majesty.  We proclaim Your great power from now till eternity.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

He Made Colours

This morning, I was out brisk walking.  I was fascinated by the different shades of blue  a period of time.  

God created colours. His creativity is evident in His creation. The human eye can detect about 100 shades of blue.  The Lord has blessed us with eyes to behold His beauty and glory.  All creation worship His magnificent power and greatness. 

Draw Us by Your Spirit

With each passing day, we see the power of Your love.  With each passing day, we see the smallness of our strength.  With each passing day, we taste the goodness of Your love.  

With each passing day, we see the futility of earthly pursuit.  With each passing day, we drink from the river of Your spirit.  With each passing day, we see the emptiness of worldly living.  

Draw us by Your spirit.  We want to run after You.  Draw us by Your power, we want to come on bended knees.  Draw us by Your love, we long for Your courts.  

Your constant and overpowering love consumes us every moment of our lives.  

We declare Your lordship.  We declare Your majesty.  We worship and adore You.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

He Moves Through Us

God ministers through broken vessels. He wants us to step out of our comfort zone. He takes over and move in and through us.

Sometime between year 2000 and 2001, Monte and I were at Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (APTS) in Baguio, Philippines. 

The late Dr Chin Do Kham, who was then the Dean of Students, was not able to honour a commitment. He asked if I could take it on. When I found out that I had to sit on a panel at a worship seminar at Baguio Assembly of God. I was elated. At the same time, it seemed a little too big for me.

I was deeply honoured by the invitation. I felt that it would be difficult to fill his shoes.

Monte encouraged me to take the challenge. To cut the long story short, I did it. 

It turned out to be a great blessing. I went away encouraged and thankful for God's help, grace and strength. His enablement and empowerment was more than enough for me to accomplish the task.

God uses every ministry opportunity to bless us. He stretches us. He works powerfully through us.  As we yield to His hand of love, He begins to sharpen our skills and talents. He pours His anointing on us.  

He is looking for willing vessels to step out of our comfort zone. He reveals His purposes and plans to us as we set our hearts to love and serve Him. Our God is faithful. He moves mightily through every broken vessel.

When God opens the door, He graces us with His capabilities and strength. He graces us and bless us. He opens doors for us to minister. He challenges us to leave our comfort zone. He challenges us to step into the water. He stretches our faith as we step out in obedience

When we step out in faith and confidence in Him, He lifts us to greater heights. He teaches us new skills. He broadens our horizons. He stretches us to trust Him. We are incapable to do anything without His empowerment. He shows us the smallness of our strength and the greatness of His power.

Monday, June 22, 2020

The Goodness of God

In mid 2018, I was trying to get new reading glasses and I was told by the optician that I may have early stage glaucoma.  

I saw the doctor and was subsequently referred to Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) in July 2018.  

The specialist examined me and said that if I did not receive treatment I will develop acute angle closure glaucoma. 

On that same day, I had laser iridotomy done. This is a surgical procedure performed on the eye to treat angle closure glaucoma. This is a condition of increased pressure in the front chamber of the eyes caused by sudden or slowly progressive blockage of the normal circulation of fluid within the eye. 

I realised the situation was evidently dangerous. Without treatment, one can lose his or her eye sight.  

I thank God that I have fully recovered. I am still being monitored by the glaucoma doctor at SNEC.

God watches over us.  We are in His good hands. He is in full control. He Orchestrates the circumstances and situations in our lives to bring Him honour and glory. He leads us on daily.

We live by the power of His Spirit. We walk in the strength of His grace. We triumph through the might of His power.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Deep Appreciation

Through my current health crisis, many have reached out to me.  People are praying.  They are showering me with loving concern and encouragement.  I am overwhelmed by the love and support.  My heartfelt appreciation goes out to everyone of you who have reached out to me. 

As we face challenges,  we are never alone.  Besides our loved ones,  there are others outside our families who are actively involved in our lives.  The body of Christ is a shining testimony of God.  We are united as one as we meet the needs of one another. 

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Divine Intervention

Each day, God sustains us by the power of His Spirit. We lean not on our own wisdom. We lean not on our own understanding. We trust Him alone.  

As we make decisions and stand at crossroads. The Lord directs us to His way and purpose. He grants us discernment, wisdom and insights. 

We open our hearts to God's full control. In our crises and dire circumstances, the peace of God reigns. Nothing can separate us from the love of God. Waiting and resting in His love open the door for God to move upon our lives. 

His divine intervention shows us His mercy and grace. God is faithful. His faithfulness reaches to the skies. We stand with boldness and courage because God is on our side.

Merciful Love

Each day brings God's hope and optimism.  Each breath we take is filled with His mercy. Each step we faith is strengthened by His grace.  God pours His Mercy and love on us without reservation.  He has written ou names on the palm of His hands.  Each day He gives us is blessed.

Our lives are deeply enveloped in His purposes and destiny for us.  Our success is not determined by the accumulation of wealth, assets and prestige.  Our success is seen through our pursuit of the Lord.  It is measured by how much of Christ is seen in and through us.

The Lord consumes our lives with fresh fire.  He leads us through storms and deserts.  The perilous terrain cannot stop us from following our maker.  He directs our every step.  He shows us a sign of His goodness.  All we see is the merciful love of our redeemer. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Beauty Beyond Description

On 29 May 2014, Monte and I were out at Changi beach. This awesome shot was captured on that lovely evening. 

The Lord creates beauty that words fail to describe. Our limited vocabulary is incapable to express His glorious and magnificent beauty.  

God reveals His goodness and love to us daily. The gift of God is a heart that reaches out to Him unceasingly. God is looking for a broken people. God is looking for a people who are completely dependent on Him.

God pours His love and power on us mercifully. Our Shepherd calls us to Himself. He draws us by the power of His Spirit. He empowers us to live for His glory. We live in the light of His love. He deserves the highest praise.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Prince of Peace

My mum has multiple health challenges for many years now.  On 10 June, we received more news of further health challenges.  My heart was overwhelmed.  Monte and I prayed together and committed her to the Lord.

Recently,  I have a lump on my neck and went to consult the doctor. The doctor ordered for blood test and ultrasound of my thyroid.  On 11 June,  I received word from the doctor that my thyroid ultrasound showed three nodules.  I will be followed up by the specialist on 18 June . Two of the nodules will be biopsied.  I covet your prayer.

The only reason we are still alive is because God has sustained us with His breath.  He is the reason for our existence.  He lives His purposes through each yielded vessels.  He pours His mercy and grace on us lavishly.

Through it all,  God is ever faithful.  God floods my heart with His peace.  Peace that passes understanding. Peace so precious and priceless.  Peace that only His beloved children can understand.  He is the Prince of peace.  He is the everlasting God.  He is God eternal.  He rules and reigns in every broken life.

We  worship You almighty God.  We bow and worship You at Your footstool.  Rain Your love and power on us.  We need You, Lord.