Thursday, October 01, 2020


Last Sunday, I noticed a hard lump near my right ankle.  The following day, I saw the doctor.  X Ray was taken and the report suggested tendinosis.  Tendinosis is the degeneration of the tendon's collagen in response to chronic overuse.

Over the years, I faced a couple of health challenges.  Tendinosis added more stress to my body.  It is daunting.  Monte and I pray for God's healing and grace in this new health challenge. 

We will praise the Lord at all times.  Our eyes may grow dimmer.  Our limbs may be more feeble.  Our energy level may decline.  God is the strength of our heart.  

He endows us with new strength, zeal and fervour.  We will pursue Him with every breath.  

We are not contented with the knee-high water.  We are not contented with the waist-high water.  We want to swim in His river.  We want to immerse ourselves completely in the river of His spirit.

The legendary Amy Carmichael, the renowned missionary to India, was bedridden for many years before her death. She continued to love the Lord passionately.  She envisioned climbing the mountain of God in her heart and spirit.  She never stopped pursuing God, not even on her death bed. 

Lord, teach us to persevere.  Teach us to press on.  To love and serve You in whatever manner You desire.  

Move powerfully through our lives and ministries.  Touch our hearts.  Set our hearts ablazed.  Burn Your deep desires in us.  We put our complete trust in our maker. 

Monday, September 21, 2020

Empower Us

The life and light of Christ radiate through our broken lives.  In our vulnerable moments, the power of God's grace sustains us.  Every trial is an open opportunity for God to work in and through us.  The chiseling goes on.  The master is working tirelessly to bring out the gem in us.  Our lives are a testament of the goodness of God.  When the impurities are removed,  we will see the reflection of the face of God.  Lord, empower us to soldier on.  To reach the journey of a lifetime in seeking You.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Your Tenderness

Your tenderness melts our hearts
Your tenderness heals our wounds
Your tenderness brings us release

Your tender loving care
Always constant
Always reliable
Always dependable

Let our hearts be pliable
Let Your tenderness soften us
Water our hearts with Your love

We draw close to You
Your tender heart beats in us
This is reason for our existence

Saturday, September 19, 2020

We Call On Your Name

We call on Your name
We see Your power
We call on Your name
We see Your glory
We call on Your name
We see Your might
We proclaim Your glory
We declare Your majesty
Every knee must bow
And every tongue confess
That You are Lord

Friday, September 18, 2020

Glorious Saviour

Let Your face shine upon us
Let Your glory flood in our hearts
Let Your fire consume us
Glorious saviour
Marvelous Lord
We bow
We worship
We adore You
We bless Your holy name

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Seeking You

Lead us to Your living streams.  Lead us to Your green pastures.  Lead us to Your high mountains.  We will follow You all the days of our lives.  Leaning on You.  Clinging to You.  Resting in Your love. 

Grant us the desire to run after You.  Order our desires.  Posture our hearts to seek You wholeheartedly. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

His Loving Purposes

Life is precious.  Most people can hold their breath up to two minutes. Every breath is a miracle from God.  Our lives are just one breath away.  God in His love and mercy keeps us alive.  Alive to love Him.  Alive to taste His goodness.  Alive to see His glory.

The dreams and hopes that God has birthed in our heart and spirit rest in the loving hands of God.  With this life He has given us, we want to live it to the fullest.  When the voices around us deter us from going on.  We must not waver and sway. We will reach the final destination as long as our eyes are on our maker.  He will make a way when there seems to be no way.  

It is very easy for anyone to throw in the towel.  God beckons us to enter His rest.  He gives us peace and solace in life's perilous journey.  He grants supernatural strength and tenacity.  He desires our full concentration on Him.  He empowers us to live in and through His loving grace.  We live to fulfil His loving purposes. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Trusting You

Trusting You in the desert
Trusting You in raging sea
Trusting You in the fire
Trusting Your goodness
Trusting Your tender mercies
Trusting Your faithfulness
We look to You
Our helper
Our source
Our sole desire
Trusting You
Knowing You
Loving You

Sunday, September 13, 2020


You laid aside Your majesty
You bore our shame
You laid aside Your majesty
You took our pain
You laid aside Your majesty
You gave up everything
Everything within us
Declare You are Lord
Lord of our hearts
Our Lord God
Lord of all
You laid aside Your majesty
And poured Your love
All over us

Almighty God

Your reigning majesty
Your crowning glory
Your surpassing greatness
Your glorious spendour
We bow
We worship You
We submit to You
Be magnified
In our broken lives

Renew us
Rebuild us
We worship You
Almighty God
Pour Your mercy
And grace on us

Monday, September 07, 2020

God of Great Power

Fountains of blessing
River of delight
Mountains of faith
We honour You
We proclaim Your glory
We celebrate Your goodness
God of great power
God of great might
God of great grace

Making Room for the Holy Spirit

God empowers us to live for Him daily. The promised Holy Spirit comes in His power and glory. He engulfs us. He possesses us. He envelopes us. By the power of God’s Spirit, we find liberty and strength.

Lord, teach us to make room for Your Holy Spirit to move mightily in and through us. We desire to be in tune with Your Spirit. We embrace Your love and purposes. We make room for Him to orchestrate the circumstances of our lives to live with Your empowerment.

Spirit of the living God. Come mightily on us. Order our desires so that our lives will be a living sacrifice for Your glory. Consume our broken lives on Your altar.

Saturday, September 05, 2020

Selfless Sacrifice

Your selfless sacrifice
Your nail scarred hands
Your broken heart
Your loving kindness
Your tender mercy
You keep giving
You keep blessing
You keep gracing us
With Your strength
And courage
We love You because
You first loved us

Thursday, September 03, 2020

Creative Power

Last week I dropped a needle on my carpet. I was searching but failed to find the needle. An idea popped up and I went to get a magnet. With the magnet, I found the needle effortlessly.
When we encounter problems in life, we call out to the Lord for help and guidance. God endows us with creative ability to solve problems. Ultimately it is not our ingenuity. It is not our wisdom and talent. These are all God given strengths and abilities. It is God's creative power at work in us.

Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Shepherd of Our Soul

Shepherd of our soul
We give You full control
Shepherd of our soul
We lean on Your strength 
Shepherd of our soul
We bow in humble submission

Grant us steadfast love
Draw us by Your Spirit
Shepherd of our soul
We surrender all
We serve You
We give You full control

We follow You
To the ends of the earth
We rest in Your love
We find strength in You
We find hope in You

Friday, August 28, 2020

Sanctify Us

Cast our care on the Lord and He will sustain us. Fix our eyes on the Lord and we will see His goodness. Put our lives in the hands of our maker and He will work in and through us powerfully. 

Lord, take full control of us.  Shape and mould us.  Purify our hearts.  Sanctify us and set us apart for You.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

We Long For You

Had it not been for Your merciful love, we would not have survived another day.  Had it not been for Your nail scarred hands, we would not have tasted liberty.  Had it not been for Your strengthening presence, we would not be strong.  

Lord, empower us to live for You.  Sensitise our heart and spirit.  We long to hear Your voice.  We long to see Your face.  We long for Your presence.  

Had it not been for Your tender mercies, we would not have received Your oil and Your wine. 

Monday, August 24, 2020

We Seek You

You are our hope.  You are our dream.  You are our aspiration.  When we have You, we have everything.  We have no lack.  We are filled till we overflow.  We are bursting at our seams.

The poor in spirit shall inherit the land.    Fill us with a broken and a contrite spirit.  Rule and reign in us.  Pour Your spirit on us.  Set our hearts on fire.  We Your redeemed people will seek Your face.  We bow before Your throne of grace.  We lay our lives on Your altar. 

Saturday, August 22, 2020

A Lesson from the Chinese Bamboo Tree

The Chinese Bamboo tree does not grow in the first four years. Suddenly on the fifth year, life is visible. The amazing thing is it grows 80 feet in six weeks. 

Just imagine what could have happened if we do nothing in the first four weeks. Interestingly growth is still taking place though there is no visible growth. Growth is happening underground.  

The Chinese bamboo tree holds a great lesson for us. It teaches us perseverance, hardwork and tenacity. We may not see immediate results in our endeavours. We are tempted to give up. We may very well loose the opportunity to reap the harvest. All that really matters is for us to soldier on and trust God. 

There are times in life when our world seems to spiral out of control. The challenges disorientate us. Yet it is at such a time that God works His miracles. God is actively at work even though we may not see it. 

Persevering love teaches us to trust God in our darkest hours. His sustaining power and presence lift us up while we are in the whirlwind. His love is our anchor and hope.

Lord, help us to persevere to the end. Empower us to keep on going on. You are the strength of our hearts. You are our eternal hope.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Captivate Us

In Your presence, our hearts will throb and swell with joy.  We rejoice with exceeding great joy.  We glory in Your presence.  We celebrate Your goodness.  We marvel at Your power and grace. Saturate our hearts with You.  Captivate us with Your love. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2020



To touch the helm of Your garment


To taste Your goodness


To see Your glory


To know Your grace


To live in Your love


To receive Your mercy


To sing Your song



Bursting at the seams

Bubbling over 


Every moment

Every hour

Every day

Friday, August 14, 2020

Your Presence

We face mounting challenges each day.  We are unfazed.  We are not down trodden. We will persevere in Your love. Your sustaining Word strengthens us.  Your wonder working power empowers us.  Your unfailing love envelopes us. 

We rise up with eagle's wings.  You want us to soar in the sky.  We triumph in Your glory.  We rejoice in Your hope.  We sing the song of the redeemed.  Lord, flood our hearts with Your abiding presence.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Unimaginable Growth

Growth takes place in the most unimaginable place. Growth is a sign of flourishing and life. 

God flourishes us in the most challenging terrain and circumstances. God grows our faith in the toughest times in our lives.  

The greatest growth requires us to step out to trust the Lord. As we step out in obedience, God intervenes miraculously. He displays His wonder and might.

When our eyes are on God, mountains become molehills. He helps us to see through His eyes. It is no longer normal sight. It is the eternal perspectives from God. God changes our perspectives. The new vision is supernatural.

The Lord gives us strength and courage to persevere. He leads us by the hand. He guides us with His unfailing love. He grows our faith to believe Him for the miraculous.

He assures us that He will make a way when there seems to be no way. He opens pathways. He guides us through challenging terrains.

Our courage will not melt away. We will be strong and courageous. We will anchor our hope in the Lord's love.

The odds may be against us. The Lord reminds us that He enables us to do great exploits.  

His mighty strength holds us up daily. He has made our feet like the feet of deer. We will conquer every mountain by the power of His Spirit.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Mighty God

Spirit of the living God.  Fall afresh on us. Comfort us with Your love. Strengthen with Your grace. Empower us with Your word.  

Wash over us. Renew and refresh us. Draw us to Yourself.  Flood our hearts with Your presence. 

We call on Your mighty name. You are mighty to save. Mighty to deliver. And mighty to heal. 

Sunday, August 09, 2020

Majulah Singapura!

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Singapore holds a special place in Monte and my heart.  It is in Singapore that we tied the knot.  We bought our flat in 2001.  We build a life together.  We are free to pursue our dreams here.
Our hearts are overwhelmed by the goodness and faithfulness of God. 

I have been to some countries outside of Singapore.  Through my conversation with people.  I am pleased they have nothing but praise for Singapore.  We are so blessed to be residing in this beautiful land.

We pray for God's boundless blessings on Singapore.  God will see Singapore through this pandemic.  He watches over us. 

We celebrate with every Singaporean. Majulah Singapura! 🇸🇬

Friday, August 07, 2020

Deep Valleys

The deep valleys that God allows us to enter hold important lessons for us. On the surface, it seems like a place of desolation. In reality, God lift us up from the darkest and deepest valley.  

His hand is never too short to reach us. He reaches out to rescue us. He reaches out to deliver us. He reaches out to us in love. Our Redeemer reaches out to us in our most vulnerable moments. 

The valley experience is an experience that we have all gone through at one point or another. It is a transformative experience. The Lord picks us up from deep valleys. He speaks hope and strength into our broken lives. He nourishes and nurses us back to health. He rescues us.

We cannot survive without the Lord's presence. God speaks life and wholeness into our mortal bodies. He strengthens us to scale new heights every new day.

In His mercy, He reminds that we are His priceless possession. He yearns for us. He loves us with an everlasting love.

The Name Above Every Other Name

Lord, we are privileged to call on Your name.  The name that is above every other name.  The name that every knee must bow.  Your matchless, majestic and mighty name.  

Let the renown of Your great name resound in all the earth.  We declare the glory of Your name.  We proclaim our God is supreme.  Our God is sovereign.  Our God is lifted up with a shout of praise. We worship You almighty God. 

Tuesday, August 04, 2020

His Protection

Today, I tripped over a bamboo pole at home.  The bamboo pole broke into two.  I was only slightly hurt.  If the bamboo pole had not taken the brunt of my fall.  I could have ended up with a broken leg. 

God protects us.  He watches over us.  He sees us through seen and unseen danger.  His mercy prevails.  His grace prevails.  His power prevails.  We fully entrust our lives into the hand of our loving God.  We hope in His unfailing love. 

We Worship You

You are our everlasting light
You are God eternal
Our rock of ages
Our fortress
Our comforter
Our glorious King
Our redeemer
Our hope
Our helper

We bow before You
Be exalted
Be magnified
We lift Your name up high
We worship You
Almighty God

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Touch Our Hearts

Touch Our hearts
Transform us
Empower us
Renew us
Energise us
Pour Your spirit
On us, Lord
Move mightily in us
Work Your wonders
Through us
Show us Your glory
Show us Your splendour
Show us Your power

Thursday, July 23, 2020


I was with Calvary Charismatic Centre now known as Victory Family Centre from 1983 to 2000.

I can vividly remember how on many occasions after Life group meetings, my heart was full of the presence of the Lord.  I recalled the many testimonys glorifying the Lord.  God inspired me and built faith in my heart.  The God we serve is a miracle Working God.  He is alive.  He is actively at work in our lives.

As we share the faithfulness and goodness of God.  He is planting faith in us.  Our faith is infectious.  Our faith is inspiring.  Our faith comes from God.  We are nothing apart from Him.  God grows and develops our spiritual muscles.  With time and experiences He allows us  to go through.  He increases our faith to trust Him for the miraculous.  He pours His anointing on us as we step out in faith.  The situations and circumstances may not change.  What changes is the new perspective He gives us.  We see through His eyes.  We hear through His ears.  We understand with His heart. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Fresh Fire

God is seeking out a broken and a contrite people.  A people who are consumed with His love.  

A people who are willing to embrace the cross.  A nameless and faceless people who will consecrate our lives on His altar.  A people whose hearts are burning with His desires.

Work through us, Lord.  Burn Your deep desire in us.  Consume us with Your love.  Perform mighty miracles through each of us.  Let Your fresh fire burn strongly and brightly in us.  

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Mighty Is Our God

You save us mercifully
You love us lavishly
You hold us tenderly
You transform us powerfully
You lead us purposefully
Direct our paths
Teach us to walk
In Your fear
Teach us to walk
In Your love
Teach us to walk
In Your grace
We will follow You
Till the very end
Beholding Your glory
Marvelling at You
Great and mighty
Is our God
Great and mighty
Is our Rock
Great and mighty
Is our eternal God

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Flow Through Us

God works through broken lives.  He breathes hope into our broken dreams. He speaks life. He speaks strength to our broken spirit.  

Life enters our lifeless bones. He speaks wholeness and strength. He brings comfort and grace to His beloved. The power of His love envelopes us. The strength of His spirit energizes us. The hope of His glory radiates through our lives.

Friday, July 17, 2020


Yesterday, my thyroid nodules biopsies result were out.  The thyroid nodules are benign.  Monte and I are so grateful to God's intervention and grace on our lives.

The waiting period was not an easy time.  We do not know how things would turn out.  We only know that we can put our complete trust in the goodness of God.  He is in complete control. 

God's breath sustains us moment by moment.  Every breath we take reminds us of His mercy and grace.  He lives in and through us.  He chooses to work His wonders and miracles through each broken vessel.  God is with us.  He is with us in the fire.  He is with us in the stormy sea.  He is Immanuel.  God with us.  All we have to do is to abide in His presence. Abide in His love.  Abide in Him.  Nothing in this world can separate us from the love of God. 

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Empower Us

The Lord tranforms us daily.  He beckons us to follow Him.  In faith and obedience, we pursue Him relentlessly. 

He pours His mercy and grace on us lavishly. We owe a debt we cannot pay. We can never outgive Him. He keeps pouring His blessings on us. 

He reminds us that we are His.  The Lord burns His deep desires in us. He purifies and sanctifies us as we worship Him. 

We are the carrier and courier of His presence. He endows us with His gifts and talents.  Creative ideas come from God. He grants us insights and wisdom to solve problems.

Lord, do a deep and a lasting work in us. Spirit of the living God, come powerfully on us.  Anoint and empower this day.  Touch our lives. Set our hearts on fire. Be magnified through us. Shine Your glorious light on our broken lives.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Monte and I

The Christmas of 2018, we wanted to send Christmas greetings to our family and friends.  We headed to Emerald Hill road for the photo taking. A student passed by and helped us to take this shot. It turned out so well. 

Saturday, July 04, 2020

The Power of Your Spirit

We see Your surpassing greatness
We know Your abundant supply
We see Your endless possibilities
We know Your empowerment

Live through our broken lives
Set our hearts on pilgrimage
Restore and renew us
By the power of Your spirit

Come, Lord
Come in Your power
Come in Your might
Come in Your glory

Faithful God

This glorious Saturday morning.  The fluffy clouds are bursting through the blue sky.  Lord, Your faithfulness reaches to the sky.  Always dependable.  Always constant.  Always abiding in us.  Minister Your grace and strength to us.  Do a deep and a lasting work in us.  Burn Your deep desires in our hearts nd spirits. Draw us into Your presence.  Empower us today. 

Thursday, July 02, 2020

Thank You

Thank You
For the air we breathe 
Thank You
For the lilies in the field
Thank You
For the birds that sing

We find every circumstance 
To thank You
Every step of faith
Is a gift from You

Strengthening us
Stretching us
Scalping us

Thank You
For Your fresh fire
For Your overflowing streams
For Your living water

Come Lord

Down the corridors of time, faithful men and women have laid down their lives in pursuit of God. 

We set our hearts to seek You in the desert. We set our hearts to seek You in the raging storm. We set our hearts to seek You in treacherous terrain.  

You have called us to Yourself. You have made a covenant with us. You  have redeemed us for Your glory. Touch our broken lives as we worship You.

We lay our ourselves on Your altar. Consume us with fresh fire. Burn Your deep desires in us. Birth Your dreams in our hearts and spirits. 

We magnify Your name. We come in humble submission.  We come with contrite hearts.  Seeking You to love You.  Seeking You with no agenda.  Seeking You for You are worthy of all the praises in our hearts.  

Everlasting God, come and abide in us. Come and dwell among us. Come in all Your glory and power.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

The Tenderness of Christ

This goes back to the early 90's when the evangelist, Rev Roy Durman, was featured as a speaker for one of our crusades in Singapore.  He went home to be with the Lord on 16 March 2018.

The atmosphere at the crusade was so charged up.  The Lord's powerful anointing was on evangelist Durman.  He was used by the Lord to touch many who were there; some were in desperate need of healing.

I remember praying to the Lord for this anointing that I saw in this servant of God.  I was drawn by the tenderness and compassion of the Lord that was oozing out of him. It reminded me of many instances when Jesus ministered to the needy people out of such overwhelming love and compassion.  I vividly remember that evangelist Durman called upon the church to stand with him in prayer.  We believed God for a mighty move of His spirit.  The anointed servant of God had such a tender heart and spirit. 

At the end of the day, evangelist Durman was a vessel that God moved through.  He availed himself and God's anointing fell on him.  Ultimately all eyes were fixed on the Lord.  The Balm of Gilead was on spilling over the l people.  The great physician came in His power and glory to touch the sick and broken.  Many came to accept Jesus as their personal saviour.

As believers, the Lord anoints for ministry.  When the anointing of God comes upon us, we are empowered.  God can use anyone of us.  He does not need our talents and skills.  He wants our hearts.  His anointing flows through broken, yielded and humble vessels.  We cannot do anything apart from Him.  As we reach out and touch the helm of His garment.  His anointing flows out of Him.  We the recipients of His anointing and grace step into the arena.  We allow God to work through us.  Giving all the glory, honour and praise to our redeemer.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Merciful Lord

God has blessed me with Monte. He has always been there for me. Loving, supporting and encouraging me all these years. I have spent the best years of my life with Monte.

I battled with depression as a young adult. I went through countless bouts of depression in my lifetime. Those were very dark days. Facing another new day can be a challenge when depressive moods engulfed me. There were days I did not know how I could ever go on. When I was depressed, everything comes to a standstill. Every facet of Monte and my life were badly affected. We felt the destructive force of depression.

I saw the psychiatrist in 2021. I went on medication.  The doctor weaned me off the antidepressants gradually. I was discharged in Jan 2022. Since then, I do not take any medication for depression. Glory be to God!

All these years, Monte's patient love and long suffering helped me tremendously. His prayer and encouragement help me greatly.

God raises us up to face the mountains in our lives.  He is Immanuel, God with us. He will never forsake us.  In our struggle and pain, He brings comfort and strength. We are not alone. He is our ever present help.  

This day, we cry out to You, Lord! Live through our broken lives. Have mercy on us. Touch and heal us for Your glory.

Mighty God

You determined the stars in the sky.  You named each of them.  You spoke the world into existence.  Great and mighty are You.  You are clothed with strength and power.  Your dominion is over all.  We bow and worship You the ever living God.  Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that You are Lord.  We declare Your majesty.  We proclaim Your great power from now till eternity.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

He Made Colours

This morning, I was out brisk walking.  I was fascinated by the different shades of blue  a period of time.  

God created colours. His creativity is evident in His creation. The human eye can detect about 100 shades of blue.  The Lord has blessed us with eyes to behold His beauty and glory.  All creation worship His magnificent power and greatness. 

Draw Us by Your Spirit

With each passing day, we see the power of Your love.  With each passing day, we see the smallness of our strength.  With each passing day, we taste the goodness of Your love.  

With each passing day, we see the futility of earthly pursuit.  With each passing day, we drink from the river of Your spirit.  With each passing day, we see the emptiness of worldly living.  

Draw us by Your spirit.  We want to run after You.  Draw us by Your power, we want to come on bended knees.  Draw us by Your love, we long for Your courts.  

Your constant and overpowering love consumes us every moment of our lives.  

We declare Your lordship.  We declare Your majesty.  We worship and adore You.