Saturday, December 14, 2019

We Cannot Live Without You

Each day we are awakened by the warmth of Your love. We are awakened by Your tender love. We are awakened by Your merciful grace.  

You have filled our hearts with Your presence. You lead us to gentle streams. You direct our paths with patient love.  

We cannot live without You. We are empty without You. We are barren apart from You. 

Your faithful love. Your undying hope. Your unlimited grace. Thank You, Lord!

We bow and we declare Your lordship over us. We bow before You, our great King. Our glorious Saviour. Our faithful Redeemer. Abide in us. Envelope us with Your love. 

Pour Your Spirit on us. We worship You, almighty God. Save us. Deliver us. Rescue us.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Merciful Lord

In December 2019, Monte and I went through a crisis. This crisis struck us like a bolt of lightning. 

We experienced the presence of God powerfully. The Lord saw us through one of the greatest storms in our lives.

My brother, Nicholas, blessed us with a staycation at D'resorts. We are grateful.

We see the hand of God through this incident. God orchestrated the circumstances of our lives to bless us. He looked into the minutest details.

In the room at D'resorts, we had a conducive environment to pray and seek the face of God. We are eternally grateful. God encouraged and strengthened us as we sought His face. He cares deeply for us.

God is in complete control. Nothing happens by chance. God blesses us daily. His love never fails. His hand is never to short to touch us.

We open our hearts to the move of Your Spirit, Lord. Pour Your Spirit on us. Drench us by the power of Your presence. Draw us by the power of Your Spirit and we will run after You.

God is with us in our deepest pain. The comforting and empowering presence of God is real. God is actively involved in our broken lives.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Praise Your Holy Name

Let the rivers clap their hands. Let the mountains sing. Let everything that has breath praise Your holy name.  

All creation worship You. You are the ever living God. You are the great I am. You are our glorious king. Let all those who seek You rejoice and be glad.  

Let all those that call on Your name find hope and strength. Let all those who bow at Your feet find release and solace.  

We celebrate Your love.  We celebrate Your grace. We celebrate You. Let everything that has breath praise Your holy name.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Our Hearts Swell

Our hearts swell at Your glory
Our heart swell at Your mercy
Our heart swell at Your greatness

You are reason why we rise with hope
You are the reason why we thrive
You are the reason why we have a song in our hearts

All glory is Yours
All honour is Yours
All power is Yours

Our hearts swell
Every time we think of You
Thank You for putting eternity in our hearts 
You are the reason for our existence

Tuesday, December 10, 2019


Come with us
Abide in us
Come into our broken lives
Come into our broken dreams
Come into our broken estates

Come Immanuel
Come with us
Abide in us

Our Eternal Hope

The wonder of Your gentle love
The wonder of Your loving embrace 
The wonder of Your incredible hope

How could we live without You
You poured in the oil and the wine
You nursed us in our pain
You calmed us with Your peace

The strength of Your spirit
The hope of glory
The rock of ages

You are our portion forever
You are our everlasting King
You are our eternal hope

We Surrender All

Lord, this glorious morning, we bow in humble adoration.  You have awaken us with Your love.  You are the reason for our existence.  We call on You.  We rest in Your love.  We are a lump of clay in Your hands.  Mould us and shape us.  We want to be pliable in Your loving hands.  We yield our lives to You.  We surrender all.  We abandon ourselves to Your work in and through us. We love for You first loved us.

Monday, December 09, 2019

Almighty God

God is infinite. We are finite.  He is limitless.  We are limited.  He is boundless.  We are bound by space and time.  He is ageless.  He is not bound by distance.  Great is our God.  Our limited vocabulary is inadequate to describe Him.  He is indescribable.  None of us can fully capture the attributes of God because He is beyond description.  

We lift up our eyes and we see the greatness and bigness of our supreme God.  Our mountains become molehills when we see through His eyes.  Faith is birthed by the power of God's spirit.  God endows us with supernatural faith to believe when everything tells us there is no hope.  

When God steps into the picture.  His wonder working power is released.  He holds us by the hand.  He leads us through the toughest terrain. He guides us through the severest storm.  There is no turning back.  God is our eternal refuge, He is our strength.  He is our only hope. 

Sunday, December 08, 2019

Your Loving Kindness is Better than Life

Your loving kindness 
Is better than life
We live for You

Your loving kindness 
Is better than life
Our life is in You

Your loving kindness 
Is better than life
We cherish You

Breathe upon us
Breath of God 
Come and renew us
Come and restore us
Come and revive us

Your loving kindness 
Is better than life
We live and move 
And have our being in You
Your loving kindness 
Is better than life

Saturday, December 07, 2019

Your River of Life

Your river of life
Your river of hope 
Your river of peace

Wash over us
Your river of pure delight
Your river of limitless power
Your river of divine strength

Bring us to Your river
Bring us to eternal bliss
Bring us to endless hope

Refresh us
Renew us
Revitalize us

Thursday, December 05, 2019

The Goodness Of God

In mid 2000, Monte and I spent about a year at Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (APTS). 

It was a faith testing period. We experienced the miraculous provision of God. The Lord revealed His mercy and grace to us powerfully.   

APTS is located at Baguio, Philippines. It is 5000 feet above sea level. The cold weather was refreshing. We loved the Baguio weather.   

One day, we opened our front door to find some bags of food. We were shocked and thankful at the same time. God watches over us.  

We were so amazed at God's providence.  We are thankful to this mystery person who had blessed us.  Up to today, we do not know who this person is. Thank you so much! 

Whenever we think of this incident, our hearts well up with deep gratitude and appreciation. God has blessed us beyond our wildest imagination. 

God sends us bread from heaven. He has not forgotten us. He is more than enough.  

Let faith arise, let the Lord move upon our hearts. He is in complete control. He loves us with His everlasting love. We can trust Him completely.  

There is no lack in Him.  He pours His mercy and grace on us as we posture our hearts to seek Him.  

Everlasting God, lead us to trust You completely.  You are faithful to Your promises.  We worship You and bow in holy reverence.  There is none like You.

You Paid A Price

You paid a price
We are eternally grateful
You paid a price
We are forever free
You paid a price
We can never repay
God eternal
God supernatural
God Immortal
We bow in gratitude
We bow in love
We bow before You
You paid a price
We are forever free

Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Set Us Apart

Set Us apart
For Your glory
Set us apart
For Your honour
Set us apart
Your redeemed people
We declare Your word
We declare Your loving kindness
We declare Your tender mercies
Set us apart
Consumes us with Your fire
Burn deep within
Our heart and soul
Set us apart
Almighty God

Tuesday, December 03, 2019

No Greater Love

No greater love
You poured in the oil
And the wine

No greater love
You gave Your only son

No greater love
You mould us
With patient love

How deep is Your love
How strong is Your love
How wide is Your love

No greater love
We love because
You first loved us

Draw Us by Your Spirit

Draw us by Your spirit
And we run after You
Draw us by Your love
For we long for You
Draw us by Your grace
For we need You 
We declare Your majesty
We proclaim Your lordship
We exalt Your holy name
Draw us by Your spirit
And we run after You

Monday, December 02, 2019

Your Miraculous Power

Lord, open our eyes to the miraculous. Your miraculous healing.  Your miraculous provision.  Your miraculous intervention.  You are boundless. You are limitless.  You are timeless.  You know no distance.  You are not bound by space.  Work Your wonders in our broken lives.  Pour Your spirit on us.  Open our eyes to see the miraculous.  Open our ears to hear the miraculous.  Open our hearts to receive the miraculous. 

The Miracle of Life

God breathed His breath into us. It is a miracle to be alive. It is a miracle to breathe.  

God in His mercy is keeping us alive to taste His goodness. We know His loving kindness. We know His tender mercies. He spurs us on to live for Him.  

God sustains us through every season of our lives.  Each new day, He pours His mercy and grace on us.  He leads us by the hand to face the mountains.  With one baby step at a time, the journey is blissful.  

God fills us with faith to do the impossible. He enlarges our hearts to contain more of Him.  Nothing is too difficult for the Lord.  He raises the dead, He heals the sick and broken.  He opens blind eyes.  He performs mighty miracles for the glory of His name.

Lord, we cherish this life You have given us. The miracle of life. The miracle of hope.  The miracle of Your resurrection power. Infuse us with Your strength. Comfort us with Your love.  Empower us by Your Spirit.

Sunday, December 01, 2019

Reign in Us

Reign in Us
Fulfill Your plans
Reign in Us
Fulfill Your purposes
Reign in Us
Do a deeper work in us
Sovereign Lord
Rule and reign in us
Unfold Your plans
Unfold Your purposes
Lead us on
Reign in us
We offer our lives
As a living sacrifice

Empower Us

Come like a rushing wind
Come like a raging water
Come like a pouring rain
Revive us
Energise us
Empower us
God in us
God for us
God with us
Strengthen us in Your love
Anchor us in Your hope
Flood us with Your grace