Saturday, June 29, 2019

Move Mightily Upon Us

Spirit of the living God
Fall afresh on us
Move mightily on our hearts

Move mightily in the mountains
Move mightily in our storms
Move mightily in the fire

Let Your grace abound
Let Your power abound
Let Your love abound

Spirit of the living God
Fall afresh on us
Move mightily upon us

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Thank You, Lord

Grant us a thankful heart
We see Your glory
We see Your grace
We see Your power
Grant us a thankful heart
A pure heart
A humble heart
A soft heart
Thanking You
For every moment
Thanking You
For every breath
Thanking You
For Your abiding presence
Thank You, Lord

Sunday, June 23, 2019

The Journey to the Heart of God

Lord, lead us to Your heart. The journey to Your heart is the sole journey that brings life and purpose to us.  

We want to hear Your heartcry. We long for Your courts. We desire You and You alone. We come in humble adoration. We bow before You.

We feel Your abiding presence. You comfort and strengthen us. Through the fire and the flood, we find strength in You. 

The journey to Your heart is flooded with Your loving kindness and tender mercies. We call on You, our maker, our hope and our redeemer. We worship You almighty God.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

You Are With Us

You are with us
When the sun rises
You are with us
When the sun sets
You are with us
When we lay our head to rest
You are with us
When we are awake
You are with us
From the beginning
You are with us
At the very end
You are with us
In the highest height
You are with us
In the deepest depth
Your comforting presence
Your abiding love
Your unfailing mercy
You are with us

His Providence

In August 2001, we moved into our flat in Seng Kang.  Our friends, I and R gave us some used furniture.  Up till today, we are still using them.  

We are thankful for God's providential supply.

Everything we have comes from the Lord. The roof over our heads, the food on our table, education, jobs and much more.

The Lord watches over us. We are completely reliant on Him. He never fails to supply our every need.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Your Wonder Working Power

We serve a supernatural God.  We live supernatural lives.  Lord, open our eyes to see the miraculous.  Open our hearts to receive Your blessings and gifts.  Open our ears to hear Your word of life.  Bring restoration. Bring relief.  Bring breakthroughs.  Nothing is too difficult for You.  Release Your wonder working power.  Save us.  Deliver us.  Cover us. We declare Your greatness and faithfulness from now till the end of eternity. 

Friday, June 14, 2019

Your Loving Kindness

Each day brings new hope as God awakens us to His love.  Each breath is filled with the mercy of  our loving Father.  He blesses us with His loving kindness.  He opens our eyes to behold His beauty.  He opens our hearts to receive His blessings.  God supreme, God sovereign, God almighty.  Give us a heart of wisdom, grant us Your sustaining grace.  Pour out Your spirit on us, Lord.

Flood Our Hearts

Flood our hearts
With Your joy
Flood your soul
With Your presence
Flood our mind
With Your peace

Flood us
Till we overflow
Flood us
Till we are Immerse in Your river
Flood us
Till we swim in Your river
Flood every fibre 
Every cell
Every tissue

With everything within us
We declare Your lordship
We proclaim Your majesty
We worship and adore You

Friday, June 07, 2019

Great is the Lord

About two years ago, blood was found in my mum's stool.  This was followed up with a colonoscopy.  A polyp was discovered and we thank God that it was benign.  Recently, my mum went through her second colonoscopy.  Another benign polyp was removed.  She will need to go through another colonoscopy in five years time.

We find every circumstance to thank God.  Thanking God for every improvement. Thanking Him for every breakthrough. Thanking Him for every success.  God watches over our loved ones.  His assuring love and presence overwhelm us and bring calmness and solace and strength.  We trust Him.  We  rest in His love.  We receive His unending mercies.

Wednesday, June 05, 2019

The Fire of Your Love

Life is a gift from our merciful God.  He leads and directs our path as we put our hands in His.  We honour Him with our life.  We honour Him in every decision we make.  We honour Him with humble obedience.

Some of us may be facing tragedies and hardship.  We may feel that God seems so far away.  We do not know how long we can stay in that life threatening situation.  We are at our wit ends.  The silence is unbearable.

Tough times reveal who we truly are.  When the rubber meets the road, we see our authentic self.  If any of us are sugar coated, we may not survive the fire.

God breaks through our defenses.  He challenges us to trust Him in the burning wok.  Even when all seem to be in chaos, the presence of God will prevail.  The touch of God is evident when we worship Him in hard times.  Someone once said that "tough times will not diminish the presence of God".  As the fire gets hotter, our faith in God is purified.  He is with us in the fire.  We will overcome because God almighty is with us.  He promised never to leave us or forsake us.  He covers us with His love and protects us.  His abiding presence envelopes us

Lord, we trust You.  Our hope is anchored in You.  Work powerfully through our broken lives. 

Monday, June 03, 2019

Lead Us to Your Heart

You have given us life.  You have given us wholeness.  You have given us strength.  There are days when we are overcome with distress and challenges.  You come to us with Your assuring love.  You give us rest and remind us that You are in complete control.  You help us to see through Your eyes, to hear through Your ears and to understand with Your heart.  You build us up to overcome every obstacle. We see Your great power at work in our deepest pain, in our deepest anguish, in our deepest distress. How could we ever live without You.  We need You more than yesterday.  Lead us to Your heart, Lord!  When we have You, we have everything.

Sunday, June 02, 2019


This morning, there was a faint rainbow in the sky.  The rainbow is a sign of God's hope.  It is a sign of God's goodness and grace.  Have it not been for His hope, we would not have lived another day.  God's eternal hope sustains the weary.  The living hope of God gives us reason to live and thrive.  He blesses us with wholeness, renewal and restoration.

Saturday, June 01, 2019

We Seek You

As the clouds are pushing through the sky.  Your love envelopes us.  Your love overpowers us.  Your love floods our hearts.  Reveal Yourself to us as we seek You.  Seeking You with everything that is within us.  Seeking You to know You.  Seeking You to love You.  We declare Your majesty in all the earth.  Pour Your spirit on us, this day.