Friday, March 30, 2018

Awesome God
Monte and I are sitting on the beach at East Coast Park.  It is delightful to soak  in the beauty that is before us.  Hearing the waves crashing the edge of the water is therapeutic. God is the God of the winds and the waves.  As we still our hearts before Him, His reassuring presence drowns out every competing voice.  All other noise is shut out as we tune in to His voice.  God speaks to us anywhere and everywhere.  For us, one of the places that we love to wait upon Him is to sit at the beach.  When night falls, a look at the night sky brings a sense of awe and wonder.  The God who made heaven and earth lives in our hearts.  The sky radiates with the glory of the risen Lord.  All creation worship You, Lord.

Disconnect to Connect

I am off Facebook for two weeks.  I live in a very connected world.  SMS and email are no longer sufficient, now we have to contend with Facebook, Whatsapp, twitter and instagram.  I have not exhausted the list.

Going off Facebook gives me more time to read.  More time to be reflective with all that the Lord is doing in Monte and I.  This extra time allows me to be more present with the here and now; not having to check my Facebook status regularly.  In the long run, occasion absence from Facebook frees me to do more.  It frees me to be more focused.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

You Made Colours

I was out brisk walking one morning.  I lifted my eyes and saw the beautiful blue sky.  Within a short time, the blue tinge changed as the morning light was breaking through.  It is mind blowing to know that there is almost 500 shades of blue.  How great is the Lord!

God makes colours.  Colours that show His beauty, grace and splendour.  God beautifies our life, He reveals His strength and power through His creation.  All creation worships the living God.  The great and awesome God who spoke the universe into existence.  The God who commands the winds and the waves.  The God who sets the sun, the moon and the stars in their places.  Lord, we bow at Your feet.  We worship You with every ounce of our strength.  We love You for You first loved us with an everlasting love.

Thursday, March 22, 2018


Faith comes from God.  God grants us faith to believe in the miraculous.  When the eye do not see, God is actively at work in the challenges we find ourself in.  He is indescribable.  Everything in the natural seems to be chaotic but God is telling us to trust Him.  He opens our eyes to see.  He opens our hearts to understand.  He grants us faith to go deeper.  We are not satisfied with the ankle deep water.  We are not satisfied with the knee deep water.  We are not satisfied with the waist deep water.  We want to swim in the river of God.  We want to see signs and wonders.  We long to hear His whispers of love.  We long for the courts of the Lord.  We want to see Him in His glory and His grace.  Let Your sweet anointment fall upon us.  Fill us with the power of Your spirit.  Fill us through and through.  You are all we ever needed.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Broken People

God works through each of us in His love. He works through our lives. He works through our pain. He works through our broken dreams. He works through every contrite heart.  He works through every broken spirit.

He releases His fragrance through crushing moments.  Times of trials. Times of immense suffering. Times of indescribable pain. God works through everything we place in His loving hands.

The Lord refines us in His fire.  He challenges us to trust Him in our darkest season. He breathes life and hope into our lifeless bodies. He reminds us to focus on Him. He is our eternal hope. 

God shows us His glory. He is sovereign and powerful. He is majestic. He is full of spendour.

He wants to be glorified through our lives. He wants humility and brokenness. He wants to release His anointing on broken vessels and broken lives. He shows His glory through the most unlikely candidate. He lifts the lowly in heart. He pours His blessing on the simple. His heart yearns for all who call on His mercy and grace.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Work Through Us

Inspire our heart
Give us dreams and visions
Knowing Your heart
And hearing Your voice
Anoint us
Empower us
Work through us
Use our hands
Use our feet
Use our heart
To touch the lowly
To speak to the disdain
To comfort the weak
Anoint us 
Work powerfully 
Through each of us

We Hear You

We hear You 
Calling us in the night
We hear You
Calling us in the desert
We hear You
Calling us in the valley

We hear You, Lord
Your soft whisper
Your comforting voice

Reassuring us
Comforting us
Strengthening us

We hear Your tender voice
Lifting us up
Loving us
Empowering us

Speak to our hearts
We long to hear Your voice
We need You
More and more
With each passing day

Friday, March 16, 2018

The Rainbow of Hope

You have given us Your rainbow
To remind us of Your promises

You have given us Your rainbow
To remind us of Your goodness

You have given us Your rainbow
To remind us of Your love

You are our pure delight
You are our constant hope
You are all we ever wanted

Spring Your rainbow
Upon our heart
Brimming with Your love
Bursting with Your joy
Bubbling with Your hope

Praise Your Holy Name

Let everything that has breath
Praise Your holy name
Let everything that has breath
Bow at Your feet
Let everything that has breath
Worship You 
Let the rivers clap their hands
Let the mountains sing
Let everything that has breath
Praise Your holy name
The rocks shall cry out
To declare You
The sovereign one
Our majestic
And awesome God

Thursday, March 15, 2018

With Each Passing Day

With each passing day
Your love grows stronger
Your grace grows richer
Your hope grows surer
Take us deeper 
Into Your presence
With each passing day
Our vision gets sharper
Our heart beats stronger
Our love grows deeper
With each passing day
We long for Your tender mercies
We long for Your presence
We long for You

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


The joy of knowing You
The joy of loving You
The joy of trusting You
Perfect liberty
Perfect oneness
Perfect joy
You have set us free
You have brought us joy
You have made us whole

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Divine Providence

Monte and I are blessed to journey with the Lord in this amazing journey.  He teaches us to lean on His strong arms.  He pours His grace on us lavishly.  As we look back at all that God has brought us through, all we could do is to bow in humble reverence to His unfailing love.  He is mighty, awesome and indescribable.

We experience His divine providence daily.  Down the corridoor of time, He reveals His constant and undying love for us.

Back in early 1999 when we were preparing for our wedding.  I remember vividly how we called out to the Lord, listing the many needs we have.  The Lord provided miraculously for us.

In 2001, we were praying for God to provide us the funds to renovate and furnish our new flat in Sengkang.  God provided for every need.  He shows us His divine providence again and again.

We serve a great and mighty God.  As we continue to love and serve Him.  He pours more of Himself on us.  His ever increasing love and presence wash over us, renewing and refreshing us.  We bow in humble adoration.  We proclaim His majesty and power.  All honour and glory be unto our God.  He deserves our highest praise.

Monday, March 12, 2018

We Call on You

You feed the hungry
You clothe the naked
You cleanse the filthy
You touch the lowly
You grace the meek
You lift the weak
You love us
Through and through
Speaking strength
And hope
To all who call on You

Monday, March 05, 2018

His Hand of Love

Monte and I have been living in Sengkang since 2001.  I vividly remember the young plants that lined the streets.  Due to strong wind and torrential rain here, they needed to be supported.  Oftentimes, they looked battered and weak.  They were fighting for their survival.

Days, months and years passed.  Today, seventeen years later, they have grown into young trees.  Vibrant, strong and luscious.  

Like the young plants, we were once weak and feeble, the Lord in His love and mercy strengthens us.  He builds us.  His nurturing love grows us into a strong, compassionate and loving people.  A people of compassion.  A people of grace.  A people of love.  He shapes and moulds us daily till He sees His reflection in us.  He guides us with loving patience, bringing out the best in us.  His hand of love is on us.

Pour Us Out

Pour us out 
As a drink offering
To reach the lost
To touch the broken
The despised
The needy
The marginalised
The powerless
The weak
The voiceless

Flow through
Our feeble hands
Flow through 
Our feeble legs
Empower us 
To love and serve

Pour us out
As a drink offering
We offer our lives
To You
The supreme God
And our loving Father

Friday, March 02, 2018

A Bruised Reed

You will never break a bruised reed
You help the powerless
The weak
The marginalized
The needy
The voiceless
The defenseless

You fill our hearts
With good things
And good gifts
Your presence
Your grace
Your hope
Your love

Hear our cries
Touch our lives
Bring healing 
Bring wholeness 
Bring strength

 You bind our broken hearts
You restore our broken lives
You rebuild our broken ruins

Pour Your Spirit on us
Pour Your grace on us
Pour Your love on us

Come in Your power
Come in Your glory
Come in Your love

Thursday, March 01, 2018

We Lift Up Our Eyes

We lift up our eyes. Our help comes from the Lord. The maker of heaven and earth.

We lift up our eyes. Our hope is in You. Hope that does not disappoint. Hope that last forever.

We lift up our eyes. We see Your sustaining grace. Grace abounding. Grace that is always sufficient.

We lift up our eyes. You turn our sorrow into joy. You remove our heaviness and bring release.

You are our everlasting joy. You are our pure delight. You are our only hope.

We lift up our eyes to the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Grant us vision to see in clarity. We want to see You in all Your glory and beauty.

Thank You

Thank You for breath
Thank You for life
Thank You for a song in our heart
Thank You for strength
Thank Your for hope
Thank You for joy
Thank You for peace
In You we live and move
And have our being
Flood our hearts
With Your presence
Move upon our hearts
Touch our lives
Thank you, Lord