Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Thank you, Lord
For a glimmer of hope
A sure hope
A living hope

Your hope brings life
Your hope brings comfort
Your hope brings release

Rebuild our broken lives
Rebuild our broken dreams
Rebuild our broken ruins
For our hope is in You

Friday, March 24, 2017


Awakened by Your love
Awakened by Your hope
Awakened by Your grace
Each day is a gift from You
We love because You first loved us
We are consumed by You
We are possessed by You
We are drawn into Your presence
To be fully awake and alive
In Your awesome presence
Beholding Your beauty and glory

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Heal Us, Lord

Lord, have mercy on us
Pour Your grace on us
Touch and heal us
Let Your healing power flow
Let it flow through 
Every cell
Every tissue
Every fibre
Let it flow through our veins
Through our arteries
Flood our hearts with faith
As we cry out to You
Heal our broken bodies, Lord
The balm of Gilead
Our only hope
Let faith arise
To receive Your healing touch

Monday, March 20, 2017

God is so Good

Monte and I were married on 20 March 1999.  We thank God for blessing us with eighteen years of marriage.  We are grateful to the Lord for bringing us together and holding us in His loving hands all these years.  Monte is a wonderful and loving husband who constantly loves, cares, believes and supports me.  He sacrificed and gave of his best to me.  I am blessed.

God sustains us daily.  Each day, we are reminded that the Lord is in control and we can rely on Him completely.  We have tasted God's goodness and grace.  We have seen wonders and miracles.  The Lord shows us that there is absolutely nothing He cannot do.  We have experienced His miraculous provision.  We have experienced His abiding presence in the midst of raging storms.  Even at this moment, we are not out of the woods.  What keeps us going on is God's hand of love, His faithfulness and sustaining grace.  We desire to live in the center of His will.  As we posture our hearts to seek the Lord, we find strength for each new day. He is the reason for our being.  God unfolds His plans and purposes and fill our hearts with faith and hope.  We would not have made it apart from His mercy and grace.  We bow in humble adoration at the foot of the cross and declare that He is Lord.

We are thankful for family and friends who have journeyed with us all these years.  Many people have stood by us and encouraged us in our journey.  We appreciate each of you and pray for God's abundant blessings on you.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Living in Your Promises

Your promise of unfailing love
Your promise of undying hope
Your promise of divine strength
Your promise of unspeakable joy
Your promise of fearless courage

We cannot live without You
Living in Your promises
Brings us hope and comfort 
Living in Your promises 
Brings us strength and vitality 

Living in Your promises
Opens our eyes to see You
In Your glory 
And Your grace

Thursday, March 09, 2017

Shower us with Your Mercy and Grace

The miracle of God’s love
The miracle of God’s power
The miracle of God’s grace
Lord, have mercy of us
Shower us with Your mighty love
Your awesome power
And Your amazing grace
All honour, glory and praise
Be unto You
Our God and King
Everlasting Father
And the great I am

Monday, March 06, 2017

You Are More Than Enough

You are with us
Your hand of love is on us
Your Spirit leads us
That is all we ask

You are more than enough
All we ever needed is found in You
We put our trust in You

We cry out to You in desperation
We call on Your mighty name
We proclaim Your majesty

You are more than enough 
The cattle on the thousand hills are Yours
All creatures look to You for their food

We trust You in every season
We trust You in every storm
We trust You alone

Saturday, March 04, 2017

Faithful God

As Monte leaves for the States, this morning.  Our hearts are overflowing with God's goodness and faithfulness.  His miraculous provision blew our minds.  We serve a God who has endless supply and resources.  We know that there is absolutely nothing He cannot do.

Monte's first stop after transit in LAX is Nashville, Tennessee, where he will spend a few days with Ekaputra Tupamahu (PhD student at Vanderbilt University) and his wife Jenny and kids. Then he and Ekaputra will drive up to St Louis, Missouri, to again participate and present a paper in the annual conference of the Society for Pentecostal Studies (9 -11 March).  We are grateful to God that He has orchestrated Monte's involvement in this global impacting conference for six consecutive years.  On 12 March, Monte will be off to California (Clovis/Fresno; central California) to visit our beloved family.

We would like to express our deepest appreciation for family and friends who have made this trip possible.  Some have blessed us financially,  others have encouraged and prayed for us. We pray for God's bountiful blessings on each one of you.

We journey with the Lord with joy, hope and expectancy.  We know we cannot do anything apart from the Lord.  He is boundless, limitless and matchless.  God is ever faithful, merciful and gracious.  We see the miraculous, life, hope and endless possibilities in Christ.

Thursday, March 02, 2017

We Rest in You

This glorious morning beams with hope and optimism. How can we ever live without You. You are the reason for our being. You are why our heart is beating. We lean not on our own understanding. We rest in Your amazing love.