Friday, December 18, 2015

Thank You, Lord

Lord, thank You for honey in the rock
For manna to satisfy our hunger
For strength for every new day
For hope for the impossible
For grace so rich 
For love so tender
For courage to persevere
For peace that passes understanding
Thank you for Your work in us
Building, strengthening and shaping us
Till You see Your face in us

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Our Only Hope

You calm the raging sea
You bring hope in our hopelessness 
You bring comfort in our loneliness 
You bring joy in our sorrow
Only You can meet our deepest needs 
Only You can hear the cry of our heart
When the stresses of life seem unbearable 
We hear Your voice beckoning us to draw near
We feel Your warm embrace
All that really matters is You
Your presence 
Your great love
Your work in us
Teach us to number our days
Teach us to walk in Your ways

Thursday, November 26, 2015

We Worship You, Lord

This glorious morning beams with Your beauty and majesty. Lord, pour Your grace and strength on us. Your presence envelopes and empowers us in everyday living. In You we hope, in You we find courage and grace. Whom have we in heaven but You. You are the strength of our heart. You are awesome, strong, magnificent, glorious and great. We bow in humble adoration for You deserve all our praise and worship.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Sunrise of Hope

Sunrise speaks of hope and newness.  We find fresh strength and fervour in the Lord.  God empowers us with His love.  He gives us endless hope.  

Life's journey may be challenging at times but God's abiding presence helps us to move forward in life. We embrace Him and everything He is doing in us in this season. He is more than enough.His faithfulness reaches to the sky.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Immanuel, God with Us

Yesterday, Monte and I were praying at Lower Pierce Reservoir. God is ever faithful. When we pray, we are relinquishing all control to Him. We are always vulnerable and dependent on the Lord. He breaks through our defenses and work in and through us to reveal His strength, glory and grace. God is our lifeline. We can only call upon Him in the deepest and darkest hour. He is Immanuel, God with us.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

We Live for You

We live each day 
To taste Your fresh manna
We live each day
To drink from Your living streams
We live each day 
To hear Your gentle whisper
We live each day
To see a sign of Your goodness
Your greatness
Your wonder
Your grace
We would have despaired
If You have not picked us
Out of the miry clay
We rise up with praise
We rise up with adoration
Offering our lives to You
As a pleasing sacrifice

Friday, September 25, 2015

Fall Afresh on Us, Lord!

Broken world
Broken dreams
Broken lives
How we need You, Lord
Hear our cry this day
Come to our rescue
Bring hope and healing
Bring comfort and strength
Quiet us in Your love
Grace us with Your strength
Spirit of the living God
Fall afresh on us

Monday, September 21, 2015

Flow through Us

Lord, grant us clarity of vision 
Open our ears
To hear the voice of Your Spirit
Open our hearts 
To receive Your work in us
Mould us
Direct our every step
Flow through each broken vessel
As we yield to You
In humble adoration

Sunday, September 20, 2015

We Need You, Lord!

Lord, we need You desperately 
We love You passionately 
We walk before You humbly
We sing to You wholeheartedly 
We dance with all our might 
Before You
Our God and King
We rise with praise
To see Your mercy and grace
Poured all over us
We the redeemed
Go forth to declare Your greatness
In all the earth
For all eternity

Monday, September 07, 2015

Touch Our Hearts, Lord!

Engulf us with Your presence
Cleanse us with Your water
Clothe us with Your power
Flood us with Your love
Hide us in the shadow of Your wings
Fill us with Your anointing
Touch our hearts, O Lord

Thursday, September 03, 2015

We love You, Lord!

This glorious day
We come before You
In humble submission
In loving obedience
How can we live
Without You
Your presence
Brings us
And grace
So we can live
Another day
To love and honour You
To behold Your glory
Splendour and
We love You, Lord

Sunday, August 09, 2015

Leaning on You

We lean on You
Moment by moment
Hour by hour
Day by day

Savouring every precious moment
Moment of hope
Moment of joy
Moment of strength
Moment of peace

We magnify
And glorify
Your great name

The name that is above every other name
Every knee shall bow 
And tongue confess
That You are Lord
Lord of all

Saturday, August 01, 2015

Our Hearts Find Rest in You

We are eternally grateful
For breath
For life
For salvation 
And endless hope

Our hearts find rest in You
You are the anchor of our soul
You are the joy of our desire

Let our hearts 
Rejoice in our maker
Our redeemer
Our helper

Teach us to lean on You
Every moment of this day
Our hearts find rest in You

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Touch Us, Lord

You touch and transform us
You make us new
You make us whole
You purify us from all filth
And ugliness
Lord, this day
We call upon You
We need You
More than yesterday 
We want to know You
We want to embrace You
We want to be in the centre 
Of Your will
To bring You
Glory and honour
And to magnify Your name

Friday, July 24, 2015

More of You

We ask You, dear Lord
Not for silver
Or for gold
Not for houses
Or for things
All we want is You
More of You
From sunrise to sunset
We yearn for You
When we lay out head to rest
Our hearts will be bubbling
With joy
All we want is more of You

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

We Come to You

We come to You
In our weakness
You picked us up
From the miry clay
And robed us
With Your righteousness
Giving us
Hope and strength
Joy and peace
We Your redeemed people
Bow at the wonder of Your love
We come in humble adoration
And pour our heart 
Out to You

Monday, July 13, 2015

Hear Our Cry

In our darkness
We see Your light
In our weakness 
We feel Your strength
In our pain
We feel Your healing touch
In our sorrow
We feel Your comfort
Lord, You are all we want
You are all we need
We pour our heart 
Out to You
For You alone hear
Our heart cry
You alone meet 
Our deepest need

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

We Hide in the Shadow of Your Wings

We hide in the shadow of Your wings
We hide in Your love
We hide in Your presence

You bring release and relief
You bring comfort and strength 
You bring wholeness and healing 

We hide in the shadow of the almighty
Let Your life and light
Flood our hearts
As we call on Your great name

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Whole of Singapore Mourns

Yesterday, my mum and I were at the tribute centre at Tanjong Katong Primary School. We were overwhelmed by the out pour of love and support for the school. The loss of the lives of the teachers and children saddened our hearts. Mr Ho, the father of Rachel Ho, one of the students who died when interviewed by Mediacorp said that he sensed the whole country was behind them.  Mr Ho, the father of Rachel Ho, one of the students who died when interviewed by Mediacorp said that he sensed the whole country was behind them. Having seen the magnitude of the warmth and love of the people, one can only say that indeed the whole of Singapore mourns for the loss of these precious lives. May their families and friends find strength and hope to live for another day. 

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Draw us Deeper into Your Presence

Draw us deeper into Your presence
Draw us deeper into Your love
Draw us deeper into Your grace
Do a deep and a lasting work in us
Spirit of the living God
Fall afresh on us
Come in Your power
Come in Your might
Lord!  We call on You
We come humbly before Your throne
Everything we have is Yours
We lay our lives on the altar this day

Monday, June 08, 2015

Touched by a Little Child

Last week from 2 - 4 June, I was conducting an Oratorical Skills workshop in a primary school in Punggol. There were three full days of training from 9.00am-4.30pm. I was training a rambunctious and enthusiastic primary three students.  They were the Prefects in school. These kids were real good kids.  I had so much fun in my training sessions with them.

On the last day, a child passed me a package.  I thanked her for her gift.  Later when I reached home, I read the "home made card" and gifts.  She has put in effort to make paper stars and put them in a lovely net.  

I started training in mid 2006.  On many occasions, God has touched me through the actions and words of the students I met.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Touch Our Heart

Lord, touch our heart this day
We want to listen more clearly
To see more sharply
To feel Your tenderly love
To bask in Your glory
To bounce with Your joy
Soften our hearts
Open our eyes
Pour Your Spirit on us
Come, Lord
Come in Your power
Come in Your strength
Do a deep and a lasting work
In our heart and spirit
Till we see You 
In all Your glory
And majesty

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Our 16th Wedding Anniversary

Monte penned this on Facebook on 20 March 2015.

"My beloved Wife
From God above
Whom before His presence 
I know in Holy Matrimony,
Now begins the glory of our 16th year together.

For a brief time in Sacred History,
We today be separate in time and space;
Yet just a few days more.

Let us again hallow this sacred day 
And thank His Majesty who joins us as one.

What is good, true and beautiful—
Before God
You remind me daily, and I am thankful.

I have flowers in the spring
I have you to wear my ring
And in my palm you have my hand 
You have me and I have you
I in you and you in me
My Lady Fair
I love you.

Happy Anniversary.
20 March, 2015"

Monte and I are celebrating our 16th anniversary today. He is overseas and will be back in Singapore tomorrow.

Our hearts are overwhelmed by the goodness and grace of the Lord. God in His love and mercy led us 
to this day. We experience His hand of grace, endless mercy, unlimited strength, boundless hope and 
unspeakable joy as a couple. He shows us that there is nothing He cannot do.

Monte is a loving and wonderful husband. His life is completely sold out to the Lord and He 
continues to pursue God relentlessly. He loves the Lord with all of his heart, soul and mind.
We are deeply indebted to our family and friends who have journeyed with us all these years. 

We are not alone in this whole wide world, God puts people in our lives to enrich and grow us.

We cherish every moment that God has given us. We posture our hearts towards the Lord. We want 
nothing less than all that God has in-stored for us. Our hearts bow in humble adoration to our 
faithful God who never fails us. We experience the height, depth, length and width of God's great 

Thursday, March 05, 2015

Lord, Love the World Through Us

Lord, love the world through us
The broken
The helpless
The hopeless
The crushed
The voiceless
Touch the infirmed
The weak
The powerless
The forsaken
The despised
The unwanted
The outcast
Through each willing vessel
Each broken life
Touch the people You love 
Through us this day

Friday, February 27, 2015

All We Want is You

All we want is You, Lord
Refresh us in Your presence
Empower us in Your love
Calm us in Your bosom
Strengthen us by Your Spirit
Feed us by Your ravens
Fill us with Your grace
Wash us with Your water
All we want is You
For You alone 
Satisfy our deepest longing

Monday, February 16, 2015

His Divine Providence

Our new refrigerator
We moved into our flat in Seng Kang in August 2001.  I vividly remember how our friend, KC, contacted me to say that her sister had bought a new refrigerator and asked if we would like to take over her existing one. We were more than happy to do so. The refrigerator served us all these years. God is so good.

Recently, our refrigerator finally broke down.  For a season of time, we roughed it out and managed without a refrigerator.  Six days ago, God miraculously provided some funds for us to purchase a new one.  This is not coincidental; Monte and I believe that God has provided for us.  Our hearts are amazed at His goodness, providence and love.  We are grateful for God’s timely provision.  He watches over us.  He met our need for a household appliance in His special way and special timing.  He is more than enough.  Our sufficiency is in Christ and Christ alone.  All glory goes to our almighty, supreme, sovereign and awesome God.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

When He Calls, He Provides

Last September , we were beside ourselves when we received word that Monte's paper proposal has been accepted by the Society of Pentecostal Studies (SPS) under the Ecumenical Interest Group.  He titled it, “Translating Pentecost into Salvation Praxes: The Soteriological Praxis of Gift Sharing through Encounters with Otherness.”  This year the conference is held in Lakeland, Florida from 12-14 March 2015.

We felt that God has opened this door.  We laboured in prayer, calling out to the Lord for divine providence.  In the natural, it is insurmountable and overwhelming.  But we believe and know deep within our hearts that God will perform a miracle for us and He did.  Yesterday, Monte purchased the air tickets.

Our God is an awesome God.  He deserves all the glory and the praise.  When God calls, He provides.  He reminds us daily that He is all sufficient, He is more than enough.

God in His goodness saw Monte through the past three consecutive SPS meetings in the States and this being the fourth.  Our hearts overflow with gratitude for the people who have contributed financially, others have prayed with us and encouraged us.  We are thankful for every family member and friend who has stood by us all these years.  We are deeply indebted to you.  Thank you for your involvement in our life and ministry.

This day, we are reminded of the smallness of our strength. We know our vulnerabilities.  God is the strength of our hearts.  We posture our hearts towards the Lord and experience His wonder, grace and goodness moment by moment.  God blesses us with a new day of hope, a new day of boundless possibilities and opportunities.  He is ever faithful. When we look to our Redeemer, He continues to pour His grace on us.  He shows us the wonder of His love, the Strength of His Spirit and the greatness of His power.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Happy Birthday, Monte

Monte, my beloved husband

Soul mate
Life partner
Best friend
Prayer partner

I thank God for each new day that God gives. One of the best decisions I have made in life is to marry Monte on 20 March 1999. Monte has given me the best he can offer, often sacrificing his own needs to see me happy and fulfilled. I have told my mum that Monte is a great husband and deep in my heart, I know that my mum is so happy for me.

Monte and I continue to submit our total being into the hand of God and allow Him to take full control. Someone once said that the best place one can be found is none other than the will of God. As the Lord takes us on this amazing journey, our hearts well up with gratitude to His goodness and grace.

Happy birthday, Monte! I love you.

Monday, February 09, 2015

Flow Through Us, Lord

Sing Your song through us
Love Your people through us
Use our hands
Use our feet
Use our voice
Use our heart
Use our total being
For we are Yours
We belong to You
Almighty God
Breathe upon us
Breath of God
Revitalize us
To be Your channel of love
Instrument of peace 
Vessel of honour
We give our all to You
We lay our life 
As a pleasing sacrifice