Saturday, December 27, 2014

Set our Hearts on Fire

Spirit of the living God
Fall afresh on us
Grant us a fresh impartation

Touch us
Renew us
Rebuild us

Open our eyes to see Your wonder
Open our ears to hear Your voice
Open our hearts to receive Your love

Pave our way
Direct our every step
Show us the way

Pour Your grace and mercy on us
Fill our hearts with joy and glory
Ignite our hearts
With Your burning desire

We cry
Pour Your Spirit of us
And set our hearts on fire
Abba Father
We Need You

Friday, December 26, 2014

Our Helper in Times of Need

On 9 June, 2012, I penned the following post which read: "We moved into our existing flat in Seng kang in August 2001. My friend contacted me to say that her sister had bought a new refrigerator and asked if we would like to take over the existing one. We were more than happy to do so. The refrigerator is still in good working condition up to today. It has not broken down once all these years. We are grateful for the Lord’s providence. We are also thankful to my friend and her sister.
As God’s children, we experience the hand of God in everyday living. He meets our needs. He protects us from seen and unseen dangers. He reaches the inner recesses of our hearts and makes us whole and strong. He nurtures, develops and empowers us. He gives us undying hope, faith, unspeakable joy and peace that passes understanding. In Him we live and move and have our being. We cannot live without the Lord and as we abandon ourselves to His loving embrace, our hearts leap with vibrant joy. We are thankful to be alive to taste His goodness and His grace."
One day in recent months, our refrigerator broke down. The freezer was fine, the middle area worked at 10-20% capacity. The lower section was totally not working. We continued to pray for the Lord to provide for this need. Four days ago, I was so shocked to discover that our whole refrigerator is back to proper working condition. Monte and I thanked the Lord for this amazing miracle. He meets our every need. He reminds us daily that He is more than enough for every need in our life. He teaches us to trust Him. Thank you, Lord!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Thank You, Lord

Thank You, Lord
Thank You
For the power of Your love
The richness of Your grace
The warmth of Your Spirit
The comfort of Your presence
The firmness of Your hope
The sweetness of Your joy

Thank You
For You have turned
Our sorrow into joy
Our despair into hope
Our doubt into faith
Our darkness into light
Thank You, Lord

Monday, December 15, 2014

Breathe Upon Us, Breath of God

You keep us alive
Moment by moment
Every second
Every minute
Every hour

Our beating heart speaks of Your greatness
You alone sustain us with Your power

Breathe upon us
Breath of God
And empower us, this day
To live in Your glory and Your grace

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Your Gift of Life

Lord, thank You for Your gift of life
To live hopefully
To love wholeheartedly
To speak graciously
To dream endlessly
To give lavishly
To deal gently
To laugh heartily
To walk humbly
To praise sincerely
To dance with all our might
Before You our God and King
Lord, thank You for all that You have done 
In and through us
To bring You eternal praise and glory

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

We Long for You

Purify us, Lord
Remove all that is not of You
Fill our heart with Your presence
Fill our heart with Your love
Flood our heart with Your peace
Flood our heart with Your joy
Pour Your spirit on us, Lord
We cry to You
From the depth of our soul
We long for Your courts
We linger in Your unfailing love
Touch our life this day
Refresh us, we pray

Saturday, November 08, 2014

Your Ever Increasing Glory

We behold Your ever increasing glory
Your ever increasing power
Your ever increasing might

We bow in humble adoration
We bow in willing submission
We linger in Your loving embrace

We see Your hand of love
We taste the honey in the rock
We bask in Your abiding presence
We feel the gentle nudge of Your love

And all that really matters
Is You and You alone
Lord, Be magnified
Be glorified
In all the earth
We exalt Your most high name
The name above every other name

Saturday, October 04, 2014

His Divine Providence

God is so good. Last month, we received word that Monte's paper proposal has been accepted by SPS under the Ecumenical Interest Group. He titled it, “Translating Pentecost into Salvation Praxes: The Soteriological Praxis of Gift Sharing through Encounters with Otherness.”
We are overwhelmed by God's continual work in our life. Monte has come to cherish this wonderful Pentecostal/Charismatic theological platform which we believe God has opened for us.
Yet in the meantime, we pray earnestly with all our heart to believe God to provide the funds to see all this come to pass. We are believing the Lord for a mighty miracle. We are reminded of God's divine providence. He saw Monte through the past three consecutive SPS meetings in the States. Our hearts overflow with gratitude for the people who have contributed financially, others have prayed with us and encouraged us. We are thankful for every family member, our mentors and friends who has stood by us all these years.
This day, we are reminded of the smallness of our strength. We know our vulnerabilities. We know that we cannot live without the Lord. Our hearts overflow with the goodness of God for each new day. A new day of hope, a new day of boundless possibilities and opportunities in God. He is ever faithful. When we look to our Redeemer, He continues to pour His grace on us. He shows us the wonder of His love, the Strength of His Spirit and the greatness of His power.

Monday, September 22, 2014

The Mention of Your Name

Lord, You hear our silent cries
You know our every thought
You feel our every pain
Lord, You are as close
As the mention of Your name
You created us
You call us into being
You bring meaning and purpose
To our existence
Lord, how we need You
Every day
Every hour
Every minute
Every second
Every moment
For You are as close
As the mention of Your name

Sunday, September 07, 2014

You Made All Things Beautiful

Lord, You made all things beautiful
You look after the lilies in the field
The birds in the air
You provide for our every need
You turn our sorrow into joy
Our despair into hope
You give us the garment of praise
You lead us on to live each new day
In the light of Your glory and grace
We desire nothing except Your perfect will
To see Your hand of love
To feel Your loving embrace
Lord, You made all things beautiful

Saturday, August 30, 2014

His Redeeming Grace

The Lord allows us to go through seasons where we thread on rocky grounds; we linger in dark places and things seem to go downhill and we spiral into chaos and despair.  Many great men and women of God had gone through the dark night of the soul.  Seemingly, God is silent; but the truth is glaring; He is with us in every season of our life.  At the mountain top, in deep and dark valley, in good and challenging times, in our joy and sorrow.  

Through all our experiences, the Lord brings people into our paths; the depressed, the disillusioned, the downcast, the disheveled, the disenfranchised, the powerless, the weak, the infirmed and the down and outs. These people have lost all hope of a future. When God allows us to minister to these people through our brokenness and weakness, He releases His fragrance and power and saturates every part of our being with His unfailing love. We are His redeemed people; we minister through the redeeming power and love of a God and His heart beats for the dying and the lost.

We Cry out to You

Our heart flows with gratitude to You, O Lord
Our song
Our strength
Our hope 
Our Redeemer
Our Maker
Our King
Our Everlasting God and Father
We cry out to You 
From the depth of our heart
We pour our heart 
To You, O Lord
As a pleasing sacrifice
Do a deep work in our life
Let the search light of Your Spirit shine on us
We cry out to You
God with us

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Lord, lead us deeper into Your presence
Deeper into Your heart
Deeper into Your delight
Deeper into Your purpose
For our sole desire is to love You
To please You
And to follow hard after You
All the days of our lives
We bow in humble adoration
In loving submission
We lay everything
Every part of us on the altar
As a willing sacrifice
To our eternal God and King

Monday, August 18, 2014

Francis Encounters a Leper

"One day, while he was praying enthusiastically to the Lord, Francis received this response: “Francis, everything you loved carnally and desired to have, you must despise and hate, if you wish to know my will. Because once you begin doing this, what before seemed delightful and sweet will be unbearable and bitter; and what before made you shudder will offer you great sweetness and enormous delight.”

He was overjoyed at this and was comforted by the Lord. One day he was riding his horse near Assisi, when he met a leper. And, even though he usually shuddered at lepers, he made himself dismount, and gave him a coin, kissing his hand as he did so. After he accepted a kiss of peace from him, Francis remounted and continued on his way. He then began to consider himself less and less, until, by God’s grace, he came to complete victory over himself.

After a few days, he moved to a hospice of lepers, taking with him a large sum of money. Calling them all together, as he kissed the hand of each, he gave them alms. When he left there, what before had been bitter, that is, to see and touch lepers, was turned into sweetness. For, as he said, the sight of lepers was so bitter to him, that he refused not only to look at them, but even to approach their dwellings. If he happened to come near their houses or to see them, even though he was moved by piety to give them alms through an intermediary, he always turned away his face and held his nose. With the help of God’s grace, he became such a servant and friend of the lepers, that, as he testified in his Testament, he stayed among them and served them with humility."

Saturday, August 09, 2014

The clouds are bursting through the blue sky this sunny Saturday morning.  This day as Singapore celebrates her National Day.  Our hearts are overwhelmed by the rich blessings God has poured on us.  We continue to pray for God's provision, protection and favour to rest on this tiny Red Dot.  That He will bless us to be a blessing to other nations.

I will leave you with a blog posting by Pastor Kenny Chee.

"I do not have 10,000 reasons to feel blessed to be a Singaporean. However, I can certainly come up with 10 reasons to be thankful about being a Singaporean.  I am sure all of you can too. Here are my ten reasons:

We are able to practice our faith without fear.
There is law and order and it is safe to walk the streets even after 10pm.
We have varied paths in our education system for developing different talents.
We have jobs in relative abundance.
We have homes that we own.
A clean and capable government.
Peace with neighbouring countries.
The country is well organized and things run efficiently.
There is a growing increasingly vocal and active citizenry.
A good standard of medical care is available.
What are your 10 blessings of being a Singaporean?"

My Sheep Hears My Voice

The ears of the sheep are inclined to the voice of the shepherd. The sheep immediately respond to the call of the shepherd from a distance. In the midst of many possible noises in the field, the sheep easily picked up the shepherd's voice and moved towards Him in eager expectation and joy.

We as sheep of the great shepherd likewise hear the shepherd's voice distinctly. When God speaks to us, we know that He has spoken because we recognize His voice. As we respond to Him, He sensitizes our heart and spirit to respond to Him in faith.

Thursday, August 07, 2014

The Fire of Affliction

In the fire of affliction
The fainthearted cries out
In the fire of affliction
We are utterly vulnerable
In the fire of affliction
We feel the pain and anguish

But not for long
For the Lord is with us in the fire
He conquers us with His love
He hides us in the shadow of His wings

In the fire of affliction
We emerge stronger
More radiant than we had ever been

In the fire of affliction
The Lord shows us His undying hope
His Abiding presence
And His persevering love

For our God reigns supreme
He reigns sovereign
He reigns eternal

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Sustain Us, Lord

Sustain us with Your love
Sustain us with Your power
Sustain us with Your grace
Sustain us with Your living water
Sustain us with Your word

You are the reason why our hearts are beating
You are the reason why we rise each day with hope
You are the reason for our being

Saturate our hearts with Your abiding presence
Draw us to Your secret place
To adore You
To gaze upon Your loveliness
To know You in Your glory and Your grace

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Speak, Lord

Speak, Lord
For our hearts yearn to hear Your voice
Speak, Lord
The Shepherd calls out to the sheep
We hear Your voice 
We run towards You

Your voice brings comfort and hope
Your voice brings strength and warmth
Your voice brings joy and vitality

You are the Shepherd of our soul
Our sole delight 
Our only hope
We long to hear Your voice

Speak to our hearts
Renew us with Your endless love

Friday, June 13, 2014

A Lovely Walk at the Chinese Garden

Last Monday, Monte and I had a wonderful walk at the Chinese Garden.  Getting away from the hustle and bustle of life to spend sometime with each other.  Allowing the Lord to speak to us in the quietness and serenity of the lovely garden. Pouring our heart out to the Lord.  These are precious moments where we set our hearts on God who is fully dependable.  All we need is Him and His presence will lead us to the place He has prepared for us.  The hope of God burns brighter when we see His hand of love moment by moment.

The Beauty of Love


Monday, June 09, 2014

An Enchanting Evening at the Botanic Garden

Monte and I had a wonderful time at the Botanic Garden last Saturday. Opera in the Park was the highlight of the day. The powerful vocals and great orchestra astounded us. It was an awesome and enchanting evening. Most beautiful of all was to see many people out with their family and friends picnicking. Above the laughter, chatter, great music and good food, I believe the most important agenda that most people had was to spend quality time with people that meant a lot to them.

Friday, June 06, 2014

Touch us, Lord

On this awesome Friday morning, we declare You are the Lord of all. Your mercy triumphs over judgment and Your love flows unceasingly. Touch us, your broken people. Lift us up with Your love. Pour Your Spirit on us, Lord. Hear our cry and fill us with hope. Thank You for blessing us with a brand new day to taste Your goodness and see Your glory.

Sunday, June 01, 2014

A Lovely Walk on the Beach

Monte and I had a wonderful evening at the Changi Beach last Thursday evening.  We love nature and we love to take long walks in the forest, in nature reserves, on the beach and boardwalks.

It was at the time of the day before darkness cave in, the photos turned out pretty good.  We soaked in every moment of our time there.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Renew Us, Lord

A misty Friday morning beckons us to a brand new day, a brand new beginning. In the Lord, we experience daily renewal to empower us to live for the glory of His name.

A God of Faithfulness

Monte and I were at Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (APTS) from June 2000 to April 2001. Monte was furthering his theological studies. 

God met us and blessed us with a wonderful and amazing time at APTS. God's faithfulness and goodness saw us through each day.

At that time, we were newly married. We settle into a new environment. We were staying on the campus with a community of believers who were pursuing God just like us.

The Lord blessed us beyond our wildest imagination. Our journey of faith began on 20 March 1999 when we joined our hearts as one in holy matrimony. We purposed in our hearts to pursue our amazing God. A God of faithfulness. A God who never fails.

We do not want to be anywhere else except in the centre of His will. A place that God's presence, power and glory lie. We continue to pursue the Lord. The claroin call of God upon our lives ring louder as we journey with the Lord. He takes us by the hand and leads and guides us to His heart. Thank You, Lord!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

We Declare Our Love for You

This glorious morning
We declare our love for You
For You first loved us
Your love is so pure
So rich
So divine
Eternal and almighty God
We honour and praise You
For Your marvelous work
We bow down in humble adoration
In love and submission
We love You, Lord

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Loving You

We have purposed in our hearts 
To seek You, Lord
To touch Your throne of grace
To feel Your loving embrace
We have purposed in our hearts
To know You, Lord
To hear Your still small voice
In the dark hour of our soul
To know that You are in control
For You are fully dependable
Ever faithful and true
We yearn for Your loving kindness and tender mercies
Your rich favour and goodness Flood our souls
We have purposed in our hearts
To love You
In our waking moments
In our dreams
Live in us
Live through us
Lord, we pour our hearts out to You
Our Maker
Our Redeemer
Our helper in times of need

Friday, May 23, 2014

God is so Good

On 30 March, Monte was invited to preach at Pentecostal Christian Community.  Prior to Monte's delivery of the Word, I led in two worship choruses.  I also felt led to testify of God's goodness and divine providence.  I shared on how God had sovereignly opened the door for Monte to be part of the SPS (Society for Pentecostal Studies) conference in three different parts of the States in the past three years.  And how He had provided miraculously for us to make what seemed impossible possible. We serve a mighty God.  At the end of the day, the miracles happened not because of us. It is purely His work.  It is purely His grace.  He deserves all the glory and honour.  We can only stand speechless and marvel at His wonderful work.  We bow down in humble adoration.  God is so good.

God spoke to us.  We responded in faith even when the mountain in front of us appeared daunting. God came through for us at the eleventh hour.  His hand is never too short. He stretched and taught us how to follow the leading of His Spirit.  Our faith grew and our hearts were challenged to believe God for the impossible.

Friday, March 21, 2014

A Note from Monte

Monte posted this on my Facebook timeline yesterday:

"My most holy and beloved Wife
From God above
Whom before His presence
I know in Holy Matrimony,
Now begins the glory of our fifteenth year together.
Let us again hallow this sacred day
And thank His Majesty who joins us as one.

What is good, true and beautiful—
Before God
You remind me daily, and I am thankful.

Beyond our horizon
Far higher ascents
Rise where clouds reign;
Yet today on this peak
God’s Spirit names this sacred place—
Mount Tabor.

Happy Anniversary.
20 March, 2014 — with Jee Fong Tan-Rice."

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Our 15th Wedding Anniversary

Today marks the fifteenth year of our marriage.  Monte has given me the best years of my life. Though I enjoyed my single hood, marriage is far better.  We cherish each precious moment that the Lord blesses us to live as one. 

Monte is a wonderful, loving and faithful husband.  As each day unfolds, I see a man who loves deeply, cares tenderly, encourages wisely and seeks the best for my well being. He sacrifices and gives me the best.  He believes and supports me unconditionally. 

We are overwhelmed by God's greatness and faithfulness. Together, we experience the length, breadth, height and depth of His love. Together, we taste His goodness, grace and unending mercies.  The Lord takes us by the hand and shows us that there is nothing He cannot do.  We serve a covenant making and covenant keeping God.  He is in the center of our marriage, and everything is built around Him.  He is the reason why we have come together in the first place.  He leads and guides us to fulfill His purposes and plans. Whatever the Lord desires, we surrender and embrace all He wants to do in and through us. It is not that we are good or talented; but we are merely thankful that He chooses to use broken vessels like us.  We offer our broken pieces, our weaknesses, our vulnerability to the Lord and allow Him to work in whatever manner He chooses.

We are eternally grateful to God's sovereign work in us.  We continue to look to the one who can never fail. To see His hand of love. To receive His favour. To experience the gentle nudge of His love and to taste His goodness.  

Friday, March 07, 2014


I am thankful to the Lord for opening the door to enrichment training.  Over the years, I conducted over training programmes in from preschool, primary and secondary schools.  (

I conduct mostly speech related programmes like public speaking, debating, oral presentation, show and tell and storytelling programmes. 

One of the things I emphasized on is in building confidence in the students.  Very often, I will remind them not to be afraid of making mistakes.  All of a sudden, their faces started lighting up because oftentimes they are told not to make any mistakes.  Therefore, whenever I see them, I tell them to feel free to make all the mistakes they can in my time with them because we can learn from our mistakes.  They feel so reassured and happy.

I thank God that I am doing something I really enjoy.  Along side with enrichment training, the Lord opened the door for me to conduct vocal training in churches, organizations and the public.  (

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

By Monte Lee Rice

I strongly believe with the utmost conviction, that God birthed global Pentecostalism through sovereign “latter day” outpourings of His Spirit.  At the dawn of the 20th century from many early centres around the world such as the Azusa Street Revival, Pentecostalism emerged and has matured as a Christian tradition— a gifted tradition comprising a prophetic-type spirituality.  Hence, at the high moments of our history as a movement and tradition within the Church Catholic, our communal life has perennially demonstrated ideals most nobly characteristic of the biblical prophetic tradition.  Also reflecting the tradition’s historical privileging of Luke-Acts as its core paradigmatic story-framing scripture, Pentecostal spirituality has demonstrated deep resonance to recapulatory nuanced spiritualities that nuance the life of Jesus as paradigmatic for Christian life.

One of our core framing metaphors that not only shapes our communal giftedness but blends together the prophetic and recapulatory motifs into a distinctive Christian spirituality, is Spirit baptism.  The witness of our communal narratives, historical testimonies and theological readings of Scripture, consistently interpret experiences of Spirit baptism as encounters with God’s Trinitarian love, pathos and mission.  Such experiences initiate and renew apostolic certainty that God has commissioned one’s life as a prophetically endowed witness to the Christian gospel.  The pentecostal experience of Spirit baptism thus grants a prophetic call beckoning us towards God’s empathy and mission towards creation, even as He endows us with dreams of His coming new world of Perfect Love.

Consequently, this new eschatological horizon has historically awakened within believers a heightened sense of both eschatological urgency, and the conviction that one’s life possesses a providential-orchestrated and ordained destiny towards the shaping of history and even of God’s coming new world.  This encounter with Jesus through the Spirit therefore creates a heightened eschatological awareness of God’s involvement in our life and in the historical direction of human history.  Moreover, as pentecostal experiences of Spirit baptism renew our eschatological horizon via the giving of prophetic hope, so also do they grant existential baptisms into apostolic experience, meaning into the biblical story-word as particularly narrated within the book of Acts, and— into the life-script and mission of Jesus.

Therefore, within the formative ethos of Pentecostal spirituality, encounters with Jesus as the Baptizer in the Holy Spirit grant us seminal gateways into the prophetic consciousness and imagination.  This giftedness that demarks who we are as a Christian tradition, interprets the revolutionary power of Spirit baptism as especially evident when through our missional presence in the world— the weak and marginalized find themselves empowered to dream and enter into a better future for all creation, and meaningfully contribute to its coming fullness.  We Pentecostals are gifted “for such a time as this,” to manifest in our personal and congregational way of life, a revolutionary witness to the coming Kingdom.  We are also therefore an ecclesiological tradition gifted to edify all the Church Catholic in the prophetic consciousness of God’s coming kingdom.  Pentecostal spirituality thus helps the Church Catholic remember that she is to question the legitimacy of this world’s prevailing realities, and demonstrate and proclaim through the power of God’s Spirit, an alternative vision of God’s new world.  By the power of the Spirit given through the pentecostal experience of Spirit-baptism, we thus speak forth liberation to all humanity, and even to the whole creation.

Yet one of the most critical challenges facing Christianity today, which is particularly challenging the integrity of Pentecostal spirituality, is the formative power of 21st century global market forces that propagate for their survival— a consumerist vision for human life.  A current problem of this vision is its accompanying life-shaping story world.  This story world scripts and defines our worth according to not only how much we can measurably achieve but even more, to how much we can consume.  Therefore, as a Christian tradition especially gifted in the prophetic imagination, the time has now come for us to be faithfully-responsive to this emerging 21st century challenge.  I suggest that a core response shall comprise a return to our roots as a gifted tradition and spirituality.  Therefore, we must consistently renew our memory of who we are in the Church Catholic, and let this self-awareness guide our movement towards the future.

What I find resident within our roots is a two-fold rhythm that characterizes the prophetic imagination operative in Pentecostal spirituality, fostered via pentecostal experiences of Spirit baptism.  In the first movement of this rhythm, our prophetic consciousness calls into question the prevailing consensus and status quos.  In this movement, the prophetic imagination that comes from God’s Spirit will prompt us to deconstruct many of our framing scripts and story-worlds, revealing a radical disjunction between what is and what should be; between unjust framing stories and the biblical framing story which shapes us as the Spirit baptizes us in the way of Jesus.

Yet in the second movement of prophetic imagination, the Spirit endows us with dreams, visions, prophecies, symbols and metaphors of hope— again opening our eyes towards the broad moral and ethical contours of life in God’s kingdom.  In moments like these on holy ground, we find ourselves raised up to the heights of Zion where we affectively grasp in all its beauty— the promised coming of God’s kingdom and the role He gives us towards the shaping of cosmic history.  In such times when we encounter Jesus as Spirit Baptizer, we again see God’s new world order, where the “last” of al social settings now receive grace to become the “first.”  We again see the coming new world where the Spirit gives both the first and the last, the minority and majority voice, a common tongue signifying the inclusive broadness of God’s household.

I finally suggest that faithful-responsiveness to both our 21st century challenges and our historically rooted calling as a Christian spirituality nuanced towards the prophetic tradition of biblical faith, enjoins us to foster missional communities that visibly express counter-cultural alternatives to market-driven, social conventions.  Our historic moment therefore infers that if Pentecostal churches are to practice a prophetic spirituality within the greater Church of God, we shall foster a congregational ethos that visibly counters dominate status quos emerging from the global market’s consumerist vision for human life.

Practicing a prophetic spirituality should comprise embracing diverse peoples and populations, so that the Spirit may reconcile them and us into heterogeneous communities shaped by the love of the Father, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.  Because of these communal icons of the Triune God, the world shall indelibly identify us as communities more visibly sensitized to the socially marginalized, than to the socially affluent, powerful, privileged, elite, and secure.  Yet what makes possible this revolutionary identity is that the Spirit is embracing people of all social strata into unified and blended communities of hope, faith, and charity.  In doing so, we shall interpret for our world, the embracing dreams of God.  Such journeys to Zion always prove exhausting, because conflict with darkness is certain.  Yet along the way, the Spirit renews our strength with prophetic hope and speech that we may keep on speaking and evoking in the world we live — better realities and futures reflecting God’s dreams for creation.

As we preach the gospel of Christ from these renewed encounters with Jesus our Savior, Sanctifier, Baptizer, Healer, and Coming King— let us moreover seek new outpourings of God’s Spirit upon the whole Catholic Christian Church.  Let us again turn and see the flame that burns on holy ground.  Let us pray for these latter day 21st century outpourings of the Spirit.  Let us do so that when they come, our world may know the kingdom of God is at hand— countering prevailing realities and empowering the poor of the earth towards their complete redemption into the riches of God’s kingdom.  This redemption, which Christ availed to us through the cross, He now makes visible through the just sharing of gifts, prophesy, and power across the social, racial, economic and demographic walls that separate us from one another in this present age.  Let us therefore know that God’s purpose for all latter day Pentecostal outpourings of the Spirit, is that He is embracing lost children to one another in Christ— as One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.

About Monte Lee Rice:

As a Pentecostal, Monte envisions fresh outpourings of the Spirit for the 21st century world, empowering the powerless through preaching the spiritual, social, and revolutionary power of Jesus as Saviour, Sanctifier, Baptiser, Healer and Coming King.

Monte comes with a broad ministry background and experience in both large and small churches. While based in and out of Singapore since 1989 (where he met his wife Jee Fong), he has served on the pastoral staff for Assemblies of God as well as Anglican churches, and has ministered within some 15 nations in Southeast Asia and Africa. In past years he has raised up mission teams and established church planting targets in East and West Africa, pastored a mission church in Accra, Ghana, and also lived and ministered throughout Uganda.
As a seasoned speaker, Monte has engaged a broad range of audience platforms, and is experienced with pulpit ministry to large audiences of a thousand plus. He has lectured in the Asia Centre for Evangelism and Mission, and Assemblies of God Bible College, (both in Singapore), and in the Africa Centre for Evangelism and Mission in Jinja, Uganda. He has published articles and book reviews in the Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies, Trinity Theological Journal, Church and Society, and Encounter: Journal for Pentecostal Ministry.
Monte earned his M.Div. degree (summa cum laude) in theology from Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, in The Philippines (2002), and his M.A. in New Testament Studies from the Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary (1986) in Fresno, California, USA.

Monte is a member of the Society for Pentecostal Studies (SPS, USA), and has presented papers in both the 2012 and 2013 annual SPS meetings. He is also a member of the Theological Consultation for the World Alliance for Pentecostal Theological Education (WAPTE; affiliated with the Pentecostal World Fellowship).