Thursday, October 31, 2013

Seek the Lord

Seek the Lord and He will be found. He will show us signs and wonders. He will reveal things that will blow our mind. God is earnestly seeking for those who will seek Him with all of their heart. He promised to shower His love and blessings on each of us. He calls us His beloved. We are the apple of His eye, His prized possession. Anyone who says that we are insignificant has missed it all because the Lord is on our side and we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. He empowers us to live each day triumphantly.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Thank You for Your comforting presence
Thank You for the song in the night
How can we ever thank You enough 
For all that You've done for us
Our heart is full of singing
There is a spring in our feet
Amazing God
God with us
The beginning and the end
Alpha and Omega
We come before You today
To acknowledge that there is no higher calling
Than to worship You
In Your spendour and beauty
In Your strength and glory

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Give Them All to Jesus

Give them all to Jesus
Our pain and our sorrow
Our grief
Our unanswered questions
Things that we may not understand
Circumstances that are not in our control
Heartaches that weigh like tonnes
Broken hopes and dreams
Broken relationships
We have no reason to carry all these
The Lord beckons us to come to Him
To lay every burden and pain at His feet
To trust Him to soothe, comfort and strengthen
To believe Him
To see His divine intervention
To have the full assurance
In Him who created this universe
He is more than able to rescue us
All we have to do is to give them all to Jesus
He brings beauty out of our brokenness
Through our complete reliance on Him
To lean on the arm of Jesus
To find the strength to take another step
To allow Him to carry us through it all

Saturday, October 26, 2013

We cannot be Shaken

Psalm 125:1

Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever.

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary:
"All those minds shall be truly stayed, that are stayed on God. They shall be as Mount Zion, firm as it is; a mountain supported by providence, much more as a holy mountain supported by promise. They cannot be removed from confidence in God. They abide for ever in that grace which is the earnest of their everlasting continuance in glory. Committing themselves to God, they shall be safe from their enemies. Even mountains may moulder and come to nothing, and rocks be removed, but God's covenant with his people cannot be broken, nor his care of them cease. Their troubles shall last no longer than their strength will bear them up under them. The rod of the wicked may come, may fall upon the righteous, upon their persons, their estates, their liberties, their families names, on any thing that falls to their lot; only it cannot reach their souls. And though it may come upon their lot, it shall not rest thereon. The Lord will make all work together for their good. The wicked shall only prove a correcting rod, not a destroying sword; even this rod shall not remain upon them, lest they distrust the promise, thinking God has cast them off."

Thursday, October 24, 2013

We Remember Your Covenant

We remember Your covenant with us
We remember Your loving kindness

We remember Your unending mercies
We remember Your faithful promises

We can only bow down 
In humble adoration
To Your love
To Your lordship 
Almighty God 

We have come so far 
Solely by Your grace
Your hand of love
And Your continual leading

We remember Your covenant of love
You have inscribed our names 
On the palm of Your hands
We are precious 
And priceless in Your eyes

We remember Your covenant of love
We are eternally grateful to You

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

We Look to You

We look to You
For You have the words of eternal life
We look to You 
For You are the life giver

We look to You
For You are our endless love
We look to You 
For You are our only hope

The anchor of our souls
The hope of our glory
The sole desire of our hearts

We look to You
To seek and love You
To know and embrace You
To pursue You wholeheartedly
For You are the lover of our souls

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Grateful to the Lord

This morning as I look out of my window, my heart is overwhelmed by the goodness of God. I thank God for a loving husband, wonderful family and friends.

I see the smallness of my strength and the greatness of the Lord. I see my weakness made perfect in His strength. God is all powerful, all knowing, great and beyond comparison. No one can ever run out of things to thank Him. 

As a pilgrim on earth, travelling light is easy as long as we lay our life at the altar daily. Giving our life completely to His Lordship. Soaking in His loving kindness and love till His holy presence permeate through every part of our being. Thank you for Your everlasting love, O Lord.

God is on our Side

God is on our side
We have nothing to fear
Trials and troubles cannot knock us down
Discouragements and disappointments 
Will not dampen us
Dark clouds of depression flee 
At the mention of His name
Tragedy may strike
The storms of life may brew
But our eyes are on the Lord
For God has put eternity in our hearts
Nothing else matters
As long as God is on our side

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Consuming Fire

Try us, O Lord. You desire truth in our innermost being. Search our hearts this day.

We long to see Your face. Reveal Your heart to us as we worship You. Consume our lives.

You shape and mould us through the fire of Your love. You spur us to love You with each passing day.

Try us and let Your fire consume us. Purify us like gold. Try us and test us.

Holy Spirit, we invite You into our hearts. Do a complete renovation of our hearts.

Speak life and wholeness into us. Speak Your words of love. We want to follow hard after You.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

God of All Seasons

Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter
You are God of the seasons

Beautiful are the works of Your hands
Glorious is Your beauty
You are resplendent

Who can compare with You
You are glorious

Your handiwork speaks of Your greatness
You are the God of all seasons
God of purpose and hope

You carry us through each moment 
To live in the light of Your glory 
We exalt You 
We declare Your majesty 
Your faithfulness reaches to the skies 

Friday, October 18, 2013

We Need You

Your promises preserve our lives
Your blood cleanses our sins
Your Word sustains us

Your Spirit empowers us
Your presence comforts us
Your grace sustains us

How can we live without You
Just like the fish that needs water
The flower that needs sunlight
We need You

We cling on to You
Hear our cry,  O Lord
For nothing can separate us from Your love
From now till eternity

We Serve a Faithful God

We serve a faithful God
We need no other
He walks with us
He talks with us
He holds us by the hand
Through life's rugged paths
His faithfulness reaches to the sky
And His word remains forever
Our Lord
Our rock
Our anchor
Our hope
We serve a faithful God 
Who never fails nor falters

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Your Unending Mercy

Create in us a clean heart
Grant us a right spirit
Let Your mighty river wash over us

You revive the hearts of the contrite
You fill the hearts of the destitute with hope
You will never break a bruised reed

Thank You for Your unending mercy
Thank You for Your out poured grace

You keep our feet firmly planted on the ground
To scale every mountain
To conquer every fear

For those who wait on the Lord
Find refuge in the shadow of Your wings

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

No Rival Throne

 Lord, we give You everything
We pour our heart out to You

Touch and fill us this day
Bring us to a place of release
Lead us to Your streams

Wr bask in Your presence
To taste Your sweetness
To feel Your loving embrace

There is no rival throne
Take Your rightful place 
On the throne of our heart

You deserve the highest praise
In humble adoration we bow

In brokenness we know wholeness
In weakness we know Your strength

Lord, take everything
We abandon ourselves completely to You

We walk in Your love
We want to know You 
We will follow hard after You

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fall Afresh on Us

Spirit of the living God
Fall afresh on us
We need the power of Your Spirit
We need to touch of Your hand
So once again
Restore and renew us
To break and mould us
In whatever manner You so desire
To make gems out of our broken lives
Spirit of the living God
Fall afresh on us

Monday, October 14, 2013

No Shifting Shadows

There is no shifting shadows in God
He is tried and true
His love never fails
Heaven and earth will pass away
But His word remains
We have nothing to fear
For our God is sovereign
He is fully dependable
Because of Him
We can face tomorrow
With heads uplifted
With hearts aflamed
We the redeemed shall sing
With triumph and great joy

Wonderful are Your Ways

Wonderful are Your ways
Marvelous are Your deeds

Who is like unto You
You put the stars, sun and moon in their places
You hold the world in the palm of Your hands
The mountains melt like wax before You

When the eyes of our heart open to You
The life and light of Christ flood our hearts
Move Upon our hearts
Touch Our broken lives

To believe though we do not see
To persevere in pursuing You
The lover of our soul

Pressing in to know You more
Resting in Your love
Hearkening to Your voice

Nothing else matters 
For all we want is You
And You alone
Nothing more 
Nothing less
All we need is You

Saturday, October 12, 2013

In the Shadow of the Almighty

We dwell in the shelter of the Most High
We find rest in the shadow of the Almighty
You are our hiding place
We run into Your presence

We find strength and grace
To scale the mountains of our life
Fear and discouragements disappear 
Hope and faith arise
Solace and strength abound

All who put their trust in our eternal God
All who dwell in the shelter of the Most High
Shall find rest in the shadow of the Almighty