Thursday, December 27, 2012

The True Essence of Giving

Last night, the Chinese evening paper featured a rich businessman who donated S$240,000 to the flood victims of the recent tragedy in the Philippines.  What touched my heart is the fact that the businessman remained anonymous.  He showed us the true essence of giving.  He did not need any recognition or acknowledgement. He did not demand for his name to be plastered on the wall of a building or an institution. He gave from his heart.  This is an act of kindness that leaves a lasting impression. The nameless and the faceless truly know the meaning of giving.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Our First Bear Chopstick Rests

This is our first pair of chopstick rests that we bought back in 1999 when we got married.  They brought back fond and beautiful memories of Monte and my life together.  Our first attempt in making chicken rice, nasi lemak, beef stew, pasta and chicken curry.

I am thankful for the blessing of a wonderful husband that God has brought into my life.  We build a life centred in Christ and allow the Lord to grow and develop us daily. All we ever needed is found in Christ and Christ alone.

We have experienced good and tough times together.  We have ascended to the highest height and the deepest valley together.  God’s love compels us to persevere in loving and serving God and people.  All these years, we just marvel at how the Lord led us and stretch us in many areas that we continue to aspire to grow and develop.  We cherish each day that God has given to us.  It is not just getting through each day but rather to see His hand of love, to experience His favour and feel the gently nudge of His love that brings hope, comfort and strength.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Eliska Turned One on 9 Nov 2012

My niece, Eliska, turned one on 9 November.  Time flies, Eliska has started a few steps.  It so amazing to watch her grow and I cannot help but thank God for the wonderful blessing He has given to our family.

We are Never Alone

We are never alone because God is with us in all and through all.  We may experience moments where our world seems to be falling apart and yet we do not give up because the God of hope upholds us in our pain, agony and anguish.  We may face discouragements and disappointments in life but God’s love and sustaining grace compel us to go yet another mile to love and serve with no reservation.

The love of God compels us to nourish, strengthen and build.  His love spurs us on to run the most important race of our lifetime; a race not marked by human success and accolades.  A race not determined by man’s standard but one that teems with undying devotion and faithfulness to our living God and Father.  When the going gets tough, the Lord pours in added grace and strength to help us to overcome every fiery dart and obstacle.  As we lean on the arms of God, He embraces us in His bosom and comforts us with His abiding presence.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Living in His Promises

Our hearts are full of the goodness of the Lord.  It is bursting at its seams because God has shown us His mercy.  Even with our unanswered questions and things that we cannot fully comprehend and grapple, we do not fall away in dissipation.  For our trust is in our God who never fails or wavers.  Though we do not see, we believe.  We hang on to the promises of God in the face of opposition and bleakness.  God will come through for us.  He orchestrates the circumstances in our lives and leads us to live victoriously for Him.  He stops us in our track and beckons us to focus on Him.  He grants us resilience and strength to persevere when the going gets tough.  He is our only hope.  He is the very reason for our existence.  So we put our trust in God who is ever faithful and true.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Trusting God

On 8 December, Monte made the following post on facebook.

Brothers and Sisters whom I cherish through the fellowship of God's Spirit, what I share here with you, is for the purpose of enlisting your prayer and partnership- as co-labors for the up-building of the Church and testimony of the coming Kingdom, and the greater glory of God.

On 8 August, I received confirmation to deliver another presentation paper at the 21-23 March, 2013 annual meeting for
 the Society of Pentecostal Studies (SPS). In keeping with the conference theme on "Holiness," my presentation will be about life-formation. This conference will be held at Seattle Pacific University, Seattle, Washington, USA, in conjunction with the Wesleyan Theological Society.

I will show how centuries of Christian wisdom confirm the Pentecostal way of life-formation through ongoing consecration to God through redemptive, sanctifying and missionally empowering encounters with His Spirit on holy ground. This 21st century Pentecostal model of life-formation shows how the Spirit uses these three processes to script in us, ever-new stories and testimonies of God's faithfulness- that shape our missional witness of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Hence, the presentation title is, "Patterning the Pentecostal Via Salutis to the Classical ‘Three Ways' of Spiritual Formation: An Ecumenical Model for Developmental Sanctification."

WHAT IS LACKING HOWEVER, and what we are praying for is: God's provision is financing airfare, hotel accommodations and other smaller related expenses (food costs).

Blessings to you


At altars of new beginnings- let us tarry;
For all latter and former rains;
For the upper and lower springs;
For from the Father's right hand,
We receive power-
And prophesy for the healing of all nations.

We are thankful for the positive and encouraging responses so far.  We continue to believe the Lord to provide for our needs.

On 8 August 2012, Monte received word from SPS that his paper was accepted.  We were overflowing with inexpressible joy.  We are thankful that God can minister through what little we have to offer.

In the midst of joy, we are aware of the financial commitment that comes with this venture.  In reality, it is quite daunting to begin with; the air ticket, accommodation, food and miscellaneous expenses.  We know that we are not alone and the Lord has all the resources in His hands.  As the day of the conference draws nearer, the excitement builds up.  Our faith in God is renewed daily.  We continue to lean on His arms of love.  We marvel at His greatness and awesomeness.  We persevere in His love for He is our sole desire.