Monday, January 30, 2012

God is the Strength of our Heart

Yesterday, we had the privilege to minister at His Sanctuary.  We had a great time of ministry.  God is the strength of our heart; we continue to depend on Him.

We were caught by surprise when the church took a special offering to meet the cost of Monte’s upcoming conference in Virginia, USA.  You may read more on it at

God has gone beyond our wildest imagination.  He continues to lead us on the path He has laid before us.  As we thread on it, we can only say that God is amazing and His mercies endure forever.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

How Great is Our God

The earth is tilted at an angle of 23 degrees to its orbit, which produces our seasons.  If the earth were not tilted just so, vapors from the oceans would have moved both north and south, resulting in uninhabitable continents of ice.  Evidently, if the moon were only 50,000 mile away form earth, instead of 200,000, the tides would be so huge that all the continents would be under water.”

Christina Rees, "The Divine Embrace: Discovering the Reality of God's Love.

Our master designer, the maker of heaven and earth is so awesome.  How great is our God!  This world will never produce a better designer than our great God who holds all things together.  He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, and in Him we find all that we need in life.  When we go through rough terrains, all we need to do is to focus on the Lord and He builds faith in us to conquer every battle.  Our smallness and frailty vanish and we magnify Him who is invincible, majestic and strong. 

Monte and I love to sit on the beach and gaze at the awesome night sky.  Soaking in the glory and beauty of our great God is pure delight.  In the tranquility and stillness, the Lord comes through to us as our dependable, reliable, loving and unfailing God who is ever faithful.  He is invincible, majestic and strong.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Embracing God

"In the fable about the blind men and the elephant, the first blind man grabbed hold of the elephant’s trunk and announced that an elephant is like a snake.  The second man felt the elephant’s leg, and declared that an elephant is like a tree.  The third caught hold of the elephant’s tail, and exclaimed that an elephant is like a rope.  The fourth leaned against the elephant’s side, and swore that the elephant is like a wall.  Who was right?

They were, of course, all right, and yet their partial understandings about the elephant  did not add up to the whole truth about the elephant.  In fact, their individual perceptions did not even add up to a realistic description of an elephant.  In a way, that could be said to be like theology; blind men telling each other about the bit of the elephant that they have got hold of and making suppositions about the rest of the elephant.

It’s awfully difficult to describe the whole truth about God.  Some descriptions might be more true or accurate than others, but all descriptions are incomplete.  The truth of God is always greater than what we can say about God.  If anyone tries to tell you that they have got God all sewn up and neatly packaged, don’t believe them.  God is infinite, as love is infinite.”

Christina Rees, "The Divine Embrace: Discovering the Reality of God's Love."

Whenever I think about this powerful parable, I am reminded of the importance of being open to hear and learn from others.  We are different and we see things from different angles.  God also reveals Himself to each of us in His special way.  Knowing God is an unending pathway and journey.  As God unfolds Himself to us, we learn to submit and position our hearts to embrace Him and all that He pours lavishly into our lives.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


This is a photo of my lovely niece, Eliska, at birth on 9th Nov 2011.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wounded Heroes

The book Wounded Heroes was written  by Elizabeth R. Skoglund.  It is a wonderful book.

In the book, Skoglund shared on how God’s servants triumphed over emotional pain.  The secret laid in discovering how God enabled His children to deal with situations that faced us in this life.

A great man of faith that Skoglund included is Charles Haddon Spurgeon.  Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-92) was England's best-known preacher for most of the second half of the nineteenth century.  In 1854, he became the pastor of London's famed New Park Street Church.  He preached to audiences numbering more than 10,000.  Spurgeon was also known for his printed works.  Nearly all of Spurgeon's printed works are still in print.

Though Spurgeon was so prominent in the ministry, he was plagued with deep depression.  It surfaced when the church was on fire one time.  Skoglund recounted:  ““The service began, ran a few minutes, when suddenly a cry, “Fire!  The galleries are giving away, the place is falling!”  A terrible panic followed; seven were killed, many seriously injured.  Spurgeon’s grief over this almost unseated his reason.  He was immediately hidden from the public; spent hours ‘in tears by day, and dreams of terror by night.’  A depression deepened upon him form which he never fully recovered.”

Another giant of faith that Skoglund cited is Amy Carmichael.  Amy Carmichael (1867–1951), a Protestant Christian missionary in India founded the Dohnavur Fellowship.  She gave a home to over one thousand children.

She gave them a future in their bleak circumstances.  God used Carmichael greatly; we would never have imagined that she had struggled with health problems and loneliness in her time.  She persevered and kept her faith strong in the Lord.

There were other great men and women that Skoglund shared in her book namely Hudson Taylor, C.S. Lewis, Isobel Kuhn and others.  They were people who possessed great faith and yet there were areas in their lives that reveal their humanness and vulnerability.

The book reminds us that God is awesome.  He is at work in every person’s life.  We may have our weaknesses, inadequacies, shortcomings, failures, discouragements, depression and setbacks.  Some of us are plagued with constant discouragement and depression.  Fear, doubt, anxiety and insecurity hound us furiously.  Others lack faith in our walk with God.  Seemingly, we struggle to reach our full potential in Him.  

The beautiful thing is that the Lord works through our vulnerability, weaknesses or even physical handicaps.  

No challenge is too great for God.  He breaks down every barrier and helps us to overcome and triumph in dire situations and conditions.  

All He wants is our brokenness, humility and willingness to love and serve Him with no reservation.  The baby steps we take today will lead us to great mountains and deep valleys all for the glory of the risen King.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Monte and I are thankful to family and friends who have been a part of of us. We appreciate every person that God has brought into our life.  They are people who believed in us. People who care for us. People who maintained links with us. People who took time to be with us. Thank you for sowing into our ministry. Thank you for partnering with us in ministry.

We are thankful for the trust and bond built over time. In our tough times, God sent people to help and encourage us. 

Gratitude is one of the main characteristics of a believer. When our hearts are thankful, we leave no room for worry, anxiety and fear.  In its place, praise, worship, prayer and intercession flood our hearts. God is faithful and merciful.

My Adorable Two-Month Old Niece, Eliska,

Monday, January 23, 2012

Embracing 2012

Monte and I look at the onset of year 2012 with expectancy and joy.  God has been so good and faithful to us.  When we recount what the Lord has done and is still doing in our lives, we can only say that God is awesome.  With complete reliance and faith, we soldier on victoriously for the Lord is our banner of victory.  We embrace 2012 because our future is in God’s hands.

Our hearts are all ablaze when we live with hope and assurance of the Lord’s abiding presence.  There is no greater joy than to hear the voice of the Lord.  There is no greater fulfillment than to walk and live in His purposes.  We count it our gain to love, know and serve the King of kings and Lord of lords.  As we abandon ourselves to the Lord’s bidding and call, we are keenly aware that we have many areas of lacks and weaknesses.  Nevertheless, these will not stop us from pursuing the God who has given everything He has to pursue us.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Vocal & Singing Techniques Workshop
Saturday,17 March 2012
Time: 2.00 – 4.00pm
Cost: $30 per participant

Body posture
Voice projection
Singing Confidence
Vocal Phrasing
Voice control
Voice care
Balancing the ears

To register, please visit my vocal training website at
(Kindly note that the workshop will commence with a minimum of four participants.)


Here is what some people have to say about Jee Fong's vocal training sessions:

"Dear Sister Jee Fong, Your lessons benefited me tremendously, especially for someone like me who sing each Sunday without previous training. I tried hard but could not identify areas which needed fine-tuning. Your vocal training sessions helped me understand myself better. I have yet to grasp everything you taught us but I am more confident already.  You are a conscientious trainer. I am sure every of your students have gained greatly from you.”
Betty Yeo
His Sanctuary

"Jee Fong is a very committed teacher and comes prepared for every lesson.  With her engaging and bubbly personality, she makes lessons interesting and fun and inspires one to try and do more.“
Shauna Law
His Sanctuary

"Sister Jee Fong came well prepared for each lesson. Her tips and techniques are very useful and enriching. I did not even know the "ahem" will spoil our vocal chords!  All in all I had gained lots of knowledge and techniques.  Thank you Sister Jee Fong."
Simon Loh
Chapel of Christ the Redeemer

“The vocal training class was very interesting. I have benefited a lot. I have learnt to have expression when I sing, put in emotions when I sing and also on voice control.  All these techniques have helped me to be a better back-up singer in my church.  I would encourage those who have not attended any such training to go for it."
Joycelyn Lee 
Chapel of Christ the Redeemer

Jee Fong is an articulated and resourceful trainer.  Although I had attended vocal training before, I had picked up many new information and techniques which help to enhance my vocal health.” 
Randall Goh
Chapel of Christ the Redeemer

“I never realize how we can easily spoil our Vocal Cords without knowing it until it’s too late.  I now know that taking care of our Voice is quite simple if we were taught the proper Vocal & Singing Techniques. Some of the Techniques you shared with us during your Demo Session was quite simple to practice & proved to be effective. Thank you for sharing and I wish you success in your vocal training workshop.” 
Richard Tan
Chapel of Christ the Redeemer

“After the vocal training, I am now more confident in singing, at least I dare to sing louder then before and with more expression.  Thanks for teaching us the techniques of singing.  May God continue to bless you and your work.”
Rosie Lee

“Hi!  Your vocal training has helped me in singing properly and with confidence.  I will continue to use the techniques to improve on my weak areas.  I used to have sore throat after two hours of singing.  I have learnt that I have exerted on the wrong muscle and lack warming up.  Now with proper practice and knowledge of taking care of my vocal cord, I am able to speak properly after 2 hours of singing.  I must thank Jee Fong for her Marvellous GIFT in Vocal Training."
Hong Demei
Chapel of Christ the Redeemer

"I can feel the passion that Jee Fong has in wanting to impart all the knowledge that she has to the participants that come to her class.  Personally, her desire to make sure that her participants understood and grasped what she was teaching touched me the most"
Lilian Lee
Chapel of Christ the Redeemer

“Indeed I felt that the training is fruitful and useful to me.  Sis Jee Fong has made it so interesting and practical that I can put into practice right away.  After attending the training, it has given me more confidence in delivering the songs and able to express better.  Thank u Sis Jee Fong.  Hereby, I would like to give thanks and praise to the Lord for giving me the opportunity to attend this training.  God bless one and all!” 
Cheralyn Lim
Chapel of Christ the Redeemer

“A committed and dedicated teacher to her craft, Jee Fong believes that everyone has a singing voice that just needs the correct techniques to bring it out.  I thoroughly enjoyed the training sessions with her and gained a better understanding on how to "stretch " my voice.”
Michelle Chau
Chapel of Christ the Redeemer

“We have definitely learnt a lot through this course.  It has helped us to project our voice better and we have also discovered many new insights.  We will surely look forward to attend such courses in the future. Cheers to you our coach!!”
Janet Koh
Chapel of Christ the Redeemer

“I begin to enjoy singing with a louder voice.  Thank you Sister Jee Fong.”
Paul Png
Chapel of Christ the Redeemer

“My greatest achievement is knowing Christ.  And that He loves me and you.”
Goh Hong Eng
Church of Our Saviour

“It is most liberating to be able to sing with confidence without getting hoarse or worse, a sore throat. Now I can worship with greater joy!”
Frances Goh
Church of Our Saviour

“After several meetings, I can sing loudly and confidently.  It is an enjoyable experience to work with you.”
Clifford Mario
Anglo Chinese School (Secondary)

"Jee Fong's classes enabled me to learn how to use my voice better and to realise that good speech not only included using one's voice correctly but that it was necessary to have the right posture and use correct breathing techniques as well. Jee Fong's personality is also warm and engaging which made the personalised classes all that more enriching to attend." 

"It was an eye opener for me.  I was not aware of the intricate details of maintaining vocal quality. A great help for me, as a trainer."
Selvarajoo Vadivelu

"I've attended the voice training sessions with hopes of improving my foundational techniques and I have improved since.  Now when i sing for longer periods of time, my voice does not feel the strain and tiredness.  Praise God!"
Vincent Kwok
 Living Faith Church

"Thank you for coaching us in vocal and singing techniques. It had been a fun time.  We found the sessions refreshing, enjoyable and relaxing as we’re comfortable with you.  You have been very helpful and patient. 
May the Lord bless and extend this area of your passion and ministry for His glory."
Nancy Choo, Michelle Pillai & Pearl Yeo
St John’s St Margaret’s Church

Liberating Ministry

Yesterday evening, Monte and I had a wonderful time ministering at J-Gospel, the Japanese fellowship of St Andrew’s Cathedral.  The Lord graced us with His presence.  As we gathered in His name, He revealed Himself to us as our ever-present God who is powerfully at work in our lives.

We came away encouraged, enriched and empowered.  The Lord has graciously allowed us to partner with Him and we are awed by His greatness and wonder.  We entrust every opportunity and occasion to allow Him to work in and through us.  We worship a miracle working God who looks impossibilities in the eye and declare that all things are possible to those who believe.  We pray for an enlargement and extension in our capacity to allow God to lead us to unchartered waters and unclaimed territories.  We believe the Lord for mighty victories as the Lord triumphs over the enemy.  The Lord has overwhelmed us over and beyond what we could ever dream or imagine.  He has put within our hearts a quest for a liberating ministry that sets men and women free to worship our living God in spirit and in truth.  The Lord is raising fearless people who will pursue Him with every fibre of their beings.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Vessels for Him

In preparation for today's ministry at J-Gospel, the Japanese Fellowship of St Andrew's Cathedral, Monte and I spent some time to pray at the Lower Pierce Reservoir.  We cherish these precious moments when we can seek the face of the Lord together in prayer.

Monte will preach and I will be ministering in songs.  We thank God for each opportunity to serve God and His people.  We are mindful that God is the one who has graciously opened the door of ministry; we serve from hearts of gratitude for we are merely His vessels.  We cannot do anything apart from His grace and empowerment.  We give Him all glory and praise.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Amazed by the Lord

By the Lord’s providence, I embarked on the Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment (ACTA) programme in October 2010.  I have learned so much from the programme and what is good is that I am already able to put what I have learned into practice in my current training work.  It is only by His grace alone that I have completed four out of the six modules.  I have to pay a higher fee as I am not company sponsored.  Somehow, the Lord has sovereignly provided the finances needed.

Recently, a Christian couple, B and M, who are Monte and my friends in the ministry, expressed their desire to help see me through my two remaining ACTA modules, which total close to six hundred dollars.  We are very grateful to their involvement in our life.  The Lord has brought people into our life and helped us in so many ways.  When we list them down, we are amazed at the wonder working God who is faithful and true in every way.  He looks after us and keeps us in His loving embrace as we purpose in our hearts to follow Him no matter where He leads us.  We desire to live in His will and we want His Spirit to have full reign in us.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Monte and I live simply.  Since we were married in March 1999, we have never bought a television.  From time to time, when my parents and brothers upgraded theirs, we will take over their old ones.  Last September, we were so shocked when my older brother, Nicholas, bought us a Samsung Smart TV.  We found out the cost later, we learned that he had splurged on us.  God has blessed us with wonderful family members in both the States and here in Singapore.

We are thankful for the Lord's providence.  He supplies all our needs.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Utterly Blessed

The goodness and grace of the Lord overwhelms us daily.  The more the Lord unfolds His plan and purposes to us, what comes on is not burden but unspeakable joy.  We are mere mortal beings who are here today and may be gone tomorrow, yet the Lord treasures us and make us partners in His plan.  Having faith in God is to believe when everything else tells us that it is impossible.  When the odds are against us, we run with His promises firmly tucked in our heart of hearts.  The Lord teaches us the greatest lessons when we abandon ourselves completely into His hand.  Knowing the heart of God is a lifelong endeavour because we will never stop learning for He is infinite, endless and boundless.  What He does in our lives supersedes what we desire to do for Him. We can never out give Him.  We are utterly blessed.  We embrace His purposes and give Him full reign.  For the Lord who sits on the throne is worthy to be praised, worshipped and adored.

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Battle Belongs to the Lord

The Christian life is a life of constant battle.  We are in it to win it for the battle belongs to the Lord.  We do not fight a physical battle for ours is a spiritual battle.  Just when the going gets tough, we may experience another sudden avalanche.  There are times when we get weary and worn out and in the back of our minds we are wondering how we will ever pull through, God will somehow meet us at the tail end of eleventh hour.  He helps us to draw strength from Him to go on another arduous mile.  He helps us to persevere in the toughest situations and circumstances.  We live on to fight yet another battle.  We live on to experience powerful miracles in the heat of the battle.  We are battle ready soldiers who are at His bid and call 24/7.  We are not quitters, we are fighters.

All our experiences in this amazing journey shape and make us more like Him.  He gives us hope to live and thrive because God, the life giver has not just saved our souls, but He wants to live through us.  He lives through our weaknesses, our brokenness and humility.  We become carriers of His presence and we saturate ourselves in every nook and corner.  The fragrance of Christ is released and all will be drawn to our loving and gracious God and Father.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Divine Providence

This little update is a follow up on my earlier post on Miracle Working God

“When Monte and I received news that the Society of Pentecostal Studies (SPS) had accepted a paper he had earlier submitted for the upcoming 2012 SPS Annual Meeting, our hearts leapt with great joy. The theme is on "Pentecostalisms, Peacemaking, and Social Justice/Righteousness".  You may view this link for more information on the meeting

We know that the Lord has opened this door. We know that God is in this.  While we were overwhelmed with great joy, our immediate response was that it will take a big miracle for Monte to go to Virginia, USA in March 2012 to present his paper.  However, we were quietly confident that God would come through for us.

Our God is a miracle working God.  He miraculously provided the air ticket through a missionary couple who came by Singapore on route to another country for ministry. We are very thankful for their generosity and help. Deep in our hearts, what has transpired is not a small thing; it is a significant move of the hand of God.

In our last home fellowship about a week ago, Monte held the air ticket in his hand and testified of the Lord’s providence.  It was a very significant and touching moment. The Lord challenged us to trust Him for other necessary expenses for the conference. God is so good.”

Monte and I are speechless; the Lord continue to touch our hearts with His love and presence.  He is not a figment of our imagination but a faithful God who hears our heart cries.  To date, he has not only provided for the air ticket but also covered all the necessary conference fees.  Monte has linked up with a fellow participant to share a room in an inn, as this will help to bring down the cost.  God is our helper.  His divine providence is all we need.

God has come through for us and we use it as a stepping-stone to propel us to a deeper level of faith in Him.  He never fails us.  We remind each other that as long as we have breath, we will hang on to His promises.  Our journey with our Maker may be challenging but it brings us the greatest joy and fulfilment.

We would like to say a big thank you to our family and friends who have given generously to us.  We appreciate and thank each one of you from the depth of our hearts.