Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Jigsaw Puzzle of our Life

We are like a jigsaw puzzle in God’s loving hands. We are limited and finite mortal beings who are often clueless about what may come our way. We give full control to the Lord who patiently fixes each piece of jigsaw. He knows when and where to put them in place. All we need to do is to follow the leading of His Spirit and His gentle nudge. One day, the Lord will complete the jigsaw puzzle. And on that glorious day, He will present us proudly as His masterpiece. In the meantime, all we want is His hand upon us as we walk in love, obedience and reverential fear of the Lord.

If I had My Life to Live over

A friend sent me a beautiful flash presentation by Andie entitled If I had My Life to Live over

It is powerful, I know you will be blessed through it.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Merciful Saviour

Pastor Paul Ang’s story was featured on Mediacorp TV yesterday. The merciful Saviour snatched him from the edge of the cliff and transformed him powerfully to who he is today.

In his younger days, his life was plagued with drug addiction and crimes which led him to waste many years behind the bars. His wife divorced him while he was still in prison and up till today he is still trying to get in touch with his only daughter whom he has not seen for twenty years.

While in prison, he was miraculously saved and God in His mercy gave him a second chance. With the support of Helping Hand, a drug rehabilitation centre, he was completely free from drugs. He started an old aged home and went through Bible College.

He subsequently remarried and today Pastor Ang and his wife continue to reach out to the elderly people. Every Lunar New Year eve, Pastor Ang and his wife will have reunion dinner with them. It means a lot to these elderly folks because some of them have been abandoned by their children and families. They pour their love out lavishly on these old and forsaken people.

Pastor Ang’s testimony speaks of the mercy of the Lord. God flows through a willing vessel to touch many others because His heart beats for people; the down and out, the marginalized, the despised, the helpless, the forsaken, the poor and the needy. Our merciful Saviour’s love flows deeply and strongly through broken and contrite vessels.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Lord Enables

Today, I had a wonderful time training some forty eleven year old children in Public Speaking in a primary school in Sengkang. I emerged from the training with much gratitude. I could never have done it on my own. It is all because the Lord enables me. He is the one who teaches me, gives me ideas and helps me to relate them to the precious children. Enthusiasm is infectious. The children in turn encouraged me with their earnestness and desire to learn. Truly, there is never a dull moment in the course of my training. I thank God for every training opportunity He has opened for me.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Taking the Plunge

There are times in our lives when the Lord challenges us to take a plunge into the deep water. 

These are precious moments where the Lord unleashes His power to fulfill what He desires to do through our obedience. 

He leads us by the hand and helps us to navigate through every obstacle and challenge. He leads us with love.

Taking the plunge of faith moves us to a greater height and dimension in the Lord. He inspires us to trust Him wholeheartedly.

Our faith rises exponentially. We begin to see how small and frail we are and how great and awesome our God is.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Deepest Longing

We long for Your presence increasingly as we journey with You. 

The deepest longing can only by satisfied and fulfilled in You alone. You penetrate into every area of our lives and set our hearts on fire.

Your presence brings us wholeness, strength and hope. Your presence inspires us. Your  presence overpowers us.

Just like the watchman who watches out for the break of dawn, we long for You. You deserve all the praises in our hearts. We exalt Your holy name. We magnify and glorify You all the days of our lives.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

It is All about Him

Today marks the eleventh year of our marriage. Monte and I stand amazed at how God has led us through these years. God is ever faithful. He has put His love in us so that we can be the couriers and carriers of His presence. As a couple, the Lord fuses our strengths and capabilities and makes us effective and useful vessels. For at the end of the day, it is all about Him. He is the reason for our being. He is the reason why we are able to look forward to yet another glorious day. He is the reason why our heart is bursting forth with hope and optimism.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Breaking into the World of Blogging

I broke into the world of blogging on 13 March 2007. It is such an amazing and wonderful platform for me to express my thoughts and reflections. I have often told Monte that it would have been good if I could have started much early, so that all the experiences that the Lord brought me through could be penned down for recollection. Through the passage of time, many precious reflections and experiences have slipped through my memory.

Jee Fong’s Corner chronicles the faithfulness, enduring love and grace of Jesus. Monte and I have many speechless moments where we would just stand back and marvel at the greatness, goodness and graciousness of our loving God. We persevere in His abiding love because His love compels us to press on. We have set our hearts on pilgrimage and the Lord leads us on in victory and triumph. And we rejoice in the hope of glory, the rock of our salvation.  He reigns through all eternity.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Safe in His Love

We are safe in His love. We can run to the Lord at any time of the day. The gentle nudge of His love brings strength and solace.

We live to enjoy a vibrant and a living relationship with our God and maker. We rest secure in Him. Fears and anxieties banish in His presence. His peace, comfort and joy flood our hearts unceasingly.  

Draw us by Your spirit and we will run after You. You alone can satisfy our deepest longing. You alone are worthy of all glory, honour and praise.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Solace and Strength

Two days ago, I saw two ladies praying quietly in Starbucks at Wisma Atria. I do not know them or what they were praying about. What I do know is that the Lord was with them as they laid their needs before Him.

Times of prayer are times that we find solace and strength in the presence of God. The unseen hand of hand reaches out to us in our hour of need. He gives us the motivation and capability to take one baby step at a time. It is at our weakest point that we find His awesome strengthening power at work in and through us. We must remind ourselves to come back to the feet of Jesus to receive continually from His throne of grace.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010


Last Friday morning, I had the privilege to coach some upper primary school children to prepare them for their upcoming inter-school debating competition. I had a wonderful time with them. I am very thankful to the Lord for the opportunity to be involved in this training.

These kids are what we would term as the “cream of the crop”. I am so glad that they were not arrogant. These were very intelligent children who have risen to the top to represent their school. Yet, they did not allow themselves to be puff-up. On the contrary, they were humble and respectful. They were open and willing to learn. I believe humility can lead them to a far better and rewarding journey in their quest for knowledge. They will grow to learn the importance of lowliness and grace in the face of the fierce fighting rat race that sadly devoured much of our world.