Vocal & Singing Techniques Workshop
Cost: $30 per participant
Body posture
Voice projection
Singing Confidence
Vocal Phrasing
Voice control
Voice care
To register, please visit my vocal training website at http://vocaltrainingjeefong.tripod.com
(Kindly note that the workshop will commence with a minimum of four participants.)
Testimonials for
“I never realised how we can easily spoil our Vocal Cords without knowing it until it’s too late. I now know that taking care of our Voice is quite simple if we were taught the proper Vocal & Singing Techniques. Some of the Techniques you shared with us during your Demo Session was quite simple to practice & proved to be effective.
Thank you for sharing and I wish you success in your vocal training workshop.”
“After the vocal training, I am now more confident in singing, at least I dare to sing louder then before and with more expression. Thanks for teaching us the techniques of singing. May God continue to bless you and your work.”
Michelle Chau
“Indeed I felt that the training is fruitful and useful to me. Sis
Cheralyn Lim
"I can feel the passion that
Lilian Lee
“Hi! Your vocal training has helped me in singing properly and with confidence. I will continue to use the techniques to improve on my weak areas. I used to have sore throat after two hours of singing. I have learnt that I have exerted on the wrong muscle and lack warming up. Now with proper practice and knowledge of taking care of my vocal cord. I am able to speak properly after 2 hours of singing. I must thank
Hong Demei
“It is most liberating to be able to sing with confidence without getting hoarse or worse, a sore throat. Now I can worship with greater joy!”
Frances Goh
“My greatest achievement is knowing Christ. And that He loves me and you.”
Goh Hong Eng
“After several meetings, I can sing loudly and confidently. It is an enjoyable experience to work with you.”
Clifford Mario
"It was an eye opener for me. I was not aware of the intricate details of maintaining vocal quality. A great help for me, as a trainer."
Selvarajoo Vadivelu
"I've attended the voice training sessions with hopes of improving my foundational techniques and I have improved since. Now when i sing for longer periods of time, my voice does not feel the strain and tiredness. Praise God!"
Vincent Kwok
"Thank you for coaching us in vocal and singing techniques. It had been a fun time. We found the sessions refreshing, enjoyable and relaxing as we’re comfortable with you. You have been very helpful and patient.
May the Lord bless and extend this area of your passion and ministry for His glory."