When we submit our lives completely to the Lordship of Jesus, He turns our lives around. He gives us hope to live out every new day. Christians who walk in total liberty in Christ become a beacon of light to this dark world. We have the one and only hope that many are dying to get a hold of. Right at this moment, people are seeking, they are lost, they need someone to help them. They need peace that money cannot buy. Lord, fill our hearts with compassion and love for those who need You today.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Whatever He Says To You, Do It
When we submit our lives completely to the Lordship of Jesus, He turns our lives around. He gives us hope to live out every new day. Christians who walk in total liberty in Christ become a beacon of light to this dark world. We have the one and only hope that many are dying to get a hold of. Right at this moment, people are seeking, they are lost, they need someone to help them. They need peace that money cannot buy. Lord, fill our hearts with compassion and love for those who need You today.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Life's Little Pleasure

Last night after spending some time at Changi beach, Monte (my husband) and I headed towards Hougang for some XO durians. After purchasing the durians, we found a place to sit and prepared our disposable gloves to keep our hands clean. The durians were so good; creamy, rich and sweet. Sometimes, people who passed us by would say; “ang mo jia liu lian” which means that a Caucasian is eating durians. It is very unusual to find Caucasians who like durians. They will stay miles away if they smell it. However, Monte, is an exception, he loved eating durians. Every once in a while, we just crave for durians. It is certainly one of life’s little pleasures for us.
Friday, November 07, 2008
No Price Tag

Thursday, November 06, 2008
Be Generous With Praise

Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Miracle Working God
Last Sunday, a visiting speaker, Art Sanborn, ministered a powerful message at the church service. He is a walking miracle because he should not be walking around; he should have been wheelchair bound all his life. You see, after a bodysurfing accident. Art was reduced to a quadriplegic. God healed him miraculously and he went on to plant 12 churches in Thailand, pioneered mission work in several Asian countries, led 61 outreaches and directed 25 YWAM (Youth With A Mission) and SMMI training schools. The healing power of God speaks of His greatness and goodness. He is the great physician and our faith arises to see the master at work in His awesome power and glory. I invite you to watch a video clip on the amazing touch of Jesus upon Art Sanborn at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACovSQSnf28
Monday, November 03, 2008
Appreciating People
They Deserve Our Honour
In the Chinese culture, we have a common saying “Jia you yi lau, ru you yi bao”.(家有一老, 如有一宝). It means you have an elderly person at home you have a treasure. In other words, they are very important. For that reason, we have often got three generations living under one roof. However, sometimes this is not possible because of space constraint, changing mindsets or some logistical constraints or other reasons.
The elderly people have sacrificed tremendously to make
I am so proud of all the government is doing for this special group of people. Often concessions and special discounts help in lowering their expenditures. As we continue to grow into a gracious society, one of the most crucial areas is to attend to the need of these people as they age graciously into their golden years.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
His Heart Beats for Them
Jesus sets an example for us. He had His own setbacks and challenges; He was misunderstood, betrayed, despised, rejected and even looked down upon. But He was not inward looking, He ministered to the poor, sick, disadvantaged, marginalised, the down-and-outs, the have nots, the outcasts and people on the fringe. The very people that the world despise and neglect are put into our paths because God's heart beat for them.
Lord, help us to reach out to people who need You desperately. Fill out hearts with compassion. Flow through us to touch someone with the love of Christ.
Stand Amazed At His Glory