Friday, October 31, 2008
Porterhouse Steak
A Long Walk

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Pour Forth Your Spirit, Lord

Yesterday morning at the church, I saw a short video clip on the Billy Graham crusade in Singapore in 1978. The throngs of people who responded to the altar call to gave their hearts to Jesus was amazing. My heart was beating faster than usual. It is always wonderful to see people turn their lives over to Jesus.
We need a revival. We need the grace and mercy of God to fall on this land. With the turmoil and looming global recession, I believer many hearts are open to the touch of Jesus. The church the world over must unite in concerted effort to pray for the outpouring of God’s spirit in all the earth so that His glory will be revealed to the hearts of people who are groping in pitch darkness.
Guard It Jealously
Jesus is irreplaceable. All the money in this temporal world cannot buy our relationship with God. Some people may have fallen away because of greed, pride or idolatry. Anything or anyone who tries to usurp God’s place in our hearts is a potential danger that we must watch out for. The enemy of our soul prowls around desperately seeking who he can devour. I know of people who were hurt or stumbled by fellow Christians and they allow bitterness and resentment to grow. Sad to say, they fell through the cracks and today they are no longer enjoying a joy filled life with Jesus. Some others who have allowed money or positions to corrupt them and the enemy had lured them away from the Lord. The deception of riches and power deals heavy blows on us and we must always be on guard. The Bible cautions us to be careful in these. Obviously, there are other reasons that people backslide. But at the end of the day, what we need to do is to fix our eyes on Jesus at all times.
It is imperative to guard our relationship with Jesus jealously for the enemy seeks to destroy us at the slightest opportunity. The battle that we are engaged in is not a physical battle but one that is spiritual. If we do not flex our spiritual muscles, we are certainly a potential candidate to be slaughtered. For that reason, we continue to draw strength and keep in step with God’s Holy Spirit so that we are constantly near the Lord. His hand of love and protection covers and shield us from all seen and unseen danger. We stay safe and secure in the loving arms of Jesus.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Back To The Closet
In my time at Calvary Charismatic Centre (currently known as Victory Family Centre) from 1983 to 2000, we had plenty of opportunities to gather in small group as well as corporate prayer. It helped to lay the foundation of prayer in my life. Those times of prayer yielded fruits that I am tasting up till today. God is a prayer answering God. He hears our heart cry and reaches out to us in His love. He is our helper in times of need. There is nothing our God cannot do.
Prayer helps us to stay in tune with the Lord. Prayer helps us to keep in step with the Spirit In our times of prayer, we are built up and strengthened and we allow God to speak into our lives. The power of the Holy Spirit comes upon us when to draw near to God. The forces of darkness are pushed back when the light of Christ shines in all its brightness.
Gracious And Kind Singaporeans

My elderly parents-in-law from the States are currently visiting with us. When we are travelling on the LRT(light rail transport) or MRT(mass rapid transport) trains, people would offer their seats. The act of kindness warms my heart. People care for the elderly besides offering their seats to pregnant women or women with very young children on our trains.. At other times in different places, people offered their help when the need arises.
Today, one in 12 people in Singapore is aged 65 or above. The government is consistently addressing this need. Some of the areas that are looked into are:
Barrier-Free Society
Holistic Affordable Healthcare and Elder Care
Active Lifestyles and Well-being
The increasing ageing population will warrant the concerted effort of every Singaporean to chip in to meet the needs of this special group of people who have build Singapore from a fishing village to what it is today. The government, educators or organizations continue to motivate us to show greater care and concern to the elderly. A gracious society begins in our hearts.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Never Looked Back
have seen His hand of love guiding and helping us in our time of need. Someone once said that God is indescribable. I can safely say that all the words and expressions in our limited vocabulary is insufficient to describe how awesome and wonderful our God is. Great is His faithfulness.
The Joy of Life
Friday, October 24, 2008
Persevering Love

In this pragmatic, efficient, face paced world that we live in, people are often looking for quick fixes, short cuts and instant results.
We are so afraid to make mistakes. We are afraid to try again if we do not make it the first time. We do not want to be labelled weak or incompetent. Sad to say, failure is a taboo for some people.
God reaches out to us in His mercy and love. He does not condemn us when we hit rock bottom. He will do everything He can to restore and strengthen us. His strength is made perfect in our weakness.
We have not failed as long as we do not stop trying. The finishing line is within sight and we must persevere. The persevering love of God abounds. We will triumph and be victorious in Christ Jesus.
The Ministry Of The Song

Some years back, while I was in church back-up singing on stage, the visiting speaker’s wife was worshipping the Lord on the first row of the seats. I vividly remember that we were singing the song As The Deer Pants For The Water. She was crying that whole time.
Often times, God ministers to us as we set our hearts to minister to Him in precious times of praise and worship. He begins to speak to us. He reaches into the inner recesses of our hearts as though He is performing a spiritual surgery to make us pure, to make us more like Him in every way. The greatest thing in all our life is none other than to bow before God and give Him full access into our lives. There is no higher calling than to honour and worship Him. He works in and through us to fulfil His purpose and plan for His glory.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Cyber Bashing
The cyber world is very far reaching. On the net, there is certainly good stuff but we also need to discard the trash that people have uploaded. Eat the meat and throw away the bones. We can make use of technology in the digital age to reach the dying world.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Painfully Misunderstood
Have you ever been misunderstood? Indescribable pain and agony is felt when we are wronged. We find solace and comfort in Jesus who was often misunderstood. He understands the pain that we go through. In the natural, we may want to defend and explain but sometimes the opportunity may not be readily available. The party or parties involved may not be willing to dialogue with us. Even when our motives are questioned, the Lord wants us to remain pure in Him. Bitterness and anger have no place in our hearts. We desperately cry out to the Lord for His divine intervention. His peace like a river fills us as we relinquish all control to Him. Ultimately we emerge victorious through the crisis because He cares for us. There is nothing He cannot do.
The Power Of Two

All Figured Out
Often times pride will deter us from embracing all that God has in stored for all who put their trust in our loving God. We become impatient and fidgety and we jumped ahead of the Lord and missed out on Him.
Lord, we allow You full permission to complete the quilt of our life so that Your glory will radiate from us. Help us to draw strength from You to complete this race so that our lives will bring honour to the King of kings and Lord of lords. You are sovereign, You are in full control of our life.