Global rising prices is raging like a blazing fire in many countries all over the world. The same amount of money today gets you less goods and services. Recently, an article in the papers caught my attention. Due to escalating prices, this Filipino lady could not afford to buy milk powder for her baby. We are not talking about luxury goods, milk powder is a necessity. Yesterday, I learned that some people in another country cannot afford to buy rice and bread as food prices had escalated beyond their control. Many impoverished people all the world over are plagued by hunger pangs at this moment.
Let us come back to Singapore. Low income families who are struggling to survive face tremendous pressure. Some live on instant noodles because that is all they can afford. The Singapore government is doing all they can to help the poor and needy.
The Straits Times School Pocket Money Fund is an excellent initiative by the The Straits Times. Needy children get $30 to $50 a month. Mr Seenivasagam’s three children are the recipients. In his interview, he related: “Please thank the people at The Straits Times for me. My children would have had nothing to eat at recess if not for them. - Security guard Madialagam Seenivasagam, 50, whose three children, aged 10, 12 and 14, receive $1 a day from the School Pocket Money Fund.” Because of people who care, those who are in need receive help. Because of people who care, the poor need not go to bed hungry. As Singapore becomes more affluent, the people who are more well off can do more to reach out to those who need a helping hand.