Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Take Time To Smell The Flowers

Recently Monte and I went to the Garden Festival at a HortPark. It was so relaxing to soak up all that nature has to offer, the lush greenery, the plants and ponds. Don’t let the world go by, take time to smell the flowers in their full bloom.

Give Them More Time

A few days ago, Monte and I were traveling by bus to visit my parents in Bukit Panjang. At some point, an elderly woman boarded the bus with a marketing trolley. The kind bus driver waited for her to be seated before driving off.

I was touched by the kind act of the bus driver. What saddens me most of this fast paced society is that people tend to be impatient, curt, dry and uncaring. We need to look out for the old, the marginalized, the poor and disadvantaged people.

One day, you and I will grow old for the simple fact that Singapore like many countries is faced with an increasing aging population. We are to be mindful that many of us will be at the receiving end in the days to come.

People Watching

From time to time. Monte and I will walk Mickey around my parent's neighbourhood in Bukit Panjang. He longs to get out of the house. Every time, he gets to go for a walk, you can see the joy and elation on his cute little face. He is so adorable. Here are some pictures of Mickey, people watching, while I was reading at the seat outside Bukit Panjang Plaza.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What He Says Matters Most

You may have been told that you will amount to nothing.
The Lord says: " that you will make it, soldier on!"

You may have told that you should quit trying, you will never make it.
The Lord says: "you will succeed, persevere!"

You may have been told that you are insignificant,
The Lord says: "you can make a difference!"

You may have been told that you have no potential,
The Lord says: "you can reach your full potential in Me."

What we want to hear is the loving words of our Lord and King. His word brings life and hope to our beings. He picked us up from the miry clay and clothed us with His righteousness. We will never have to live in defeat for He has conquered the enemy, He leads us on in victory. Lift up our eyes to the hill, our help comes from God most high, the creator of heaven and earth.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Tough Love

In the mid 1990’s, I learned of this story during a financial freedom seminar. The woman who was then 38 years old was saddled with a credit card debt of $80,000. She came from a wealthy family and she had lavished lifestyle. Apparently, this is not the first time she had got herself in trouble. Her family had enough of her and they decided not to bail her out. She was left to face the music. What awaited her was impending bankruptcy. She was forced to grow up overnight.

Love is not always sugar coated. Tough love may seem hard at first glance but it is needful at times. We have erred one time or another, sometimes God does not bail us out immediately, He may want us to walk through the issue and learn out mistakes in order to grow through it. Love does not mean condoning every wrong but rather it is a sincere desire to see God’s transformation at work in our lives.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Cherish The Treasure

Cherish The Treasure

I cherish the treasure
The treasure of you
Lifelong companion
I give myself to you
God has enabled me
To walk with you faithfully
And cherish the treasure
The treasure of you

As I obey the Spirit's voice
And seek to do His will
I then can see the wisdom of His plan
For as He works His will in me
I then can love you selflessly

And by His grace, can pledge my love
To you


This sacred vow I make to you
Does not contain an "if"
Though I'm aware that trials lie ahead
I will love you and pray with you
And through it all, I will stay with you

Our home will be a refuge of
Unconditional love


Cherish the treasure
The treasure of you

Please join me to hear this beautiful song at

I remember singing this song at a wedding. It is powerful. Cherishing our spouse like precious treasure is one of the keys to lasting loving relationship in the Lord. Always believing in them, always loving them, always supporting them and always having their best interest at heart. We grow to appreciate them with each passing day. We are not to take them for granted or place very high expectations and demands on them.

The God given relationship between a man and his wife is so precious. This relationship will continue to grow and blossom in His loving care.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Endless Toil

I chatted with a lady from China who is working at a food stall near my home. I found out that she worked twelve hours daily with a monthly pay of $1000. She worked from 4am to 4pm with one rest day in every two weeks. She must be dead tired. It must be tough for her, knowing the cost of living here. And if she needs to pay rental for accommodation, it will take away quite a big chunk of her salary.

In my London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts (LAMDA) public speaking exam last October, one of my speeches is on how our children can learn from our live in maids. As one in seven households here employ a live in maid. One key area of my speech is to bring home the point that all forms of hard work carry dignity. In some case, many of these maids are professionals and highly trained skilled workers in their own right. But they have humbled themselves to work here as maids, due to unfortunate circumstances in their home country.

One day, I saw a lady speaking condescendingly to her maid in front of her young daughter in public. If this persists, the child will never learn to respect her maid.

I have also observed that some maids from Indonesia are so young. They look as young as 13 or 14 years of age. Some struggle with home sicknesses as they try their level best to adjust to a new living and working environment. I feel that they should be in school. Even if the family cannot afford to give them a decent education, it would still be safer for them to be living with their families. They may still make a living or find some simple forms of work back home. I hope that employment agencies will pay special attention to ensure that they do not bring in young girls to toil endlessly in the homes here.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Draw Me Close To You

No one can take Your place in my life, Lord. No amount of wealth, status, prestige or power can replace You. Just imagine, a huge mansion or maybe a credit card with no credit limit, all the good things that life affords is empty. No, nothing is more important than having You. Nothing is more crucial than hearing Your voice. All I want if You and Your presence in my life.

Draw Me Close To You

Draw me close to You
Never let me go
I lay it all down again
To hear You say that I'm Your friend

You are my desire
No one else will do
Cause nothing else could take Your place
To feel the warmth of Your embrace
Help me find the way to, bring me back to You

You're all I want
You're all I've ever needed
You're all I want
Help me know You are near

Be Strong And Take Courage

The Lord strengthens us for this arduous journey. When life presents us with seemingly tough and insurmountable challenges, the Lord comes on the scene and reminds us that He is with us right to the end. His mighty right hand sustains us. He wants us to be strong and take courage in Him for He is fully dependable. There is absolutely nothing He cannot do. He empowers us with His great love and power.

Be Strong And Take Courage

Be strong and take courage
Do not fear or be dismayed
For the Lord will go before you
And His light will show the way

Be strong and take courage
Do not fear or be dismayed
For the one who lives within you
Will be strong in you today

Why don' you give him all of your fears
Why don't you let him wipe all of your tears
He knows, He's been through pain before
And He knows all that you've been looking for

So, be strong and take courage
Do not fear or be dismayed
For the Lord will go before you
And His light will show the way

Be Strong and take courage
Do not fear or be dismayed
For the one who lives within you
Will be strong in you today

Nothing can take you out of his hand
Nothing can face you can't command
I know that you will always be
In His love, in His power you will be free!!

So, be strong and take courage
Do not fear or be dismayed
For the Lord will go before you
And His light will show the way

Be Strong and take courage
Do not fear or be dismayed
For the one who lives within you
Will be strong in you today

Monday, January 21, 2008

Can't Bear To See

When the movie, Passion of the Christ was shown here some years ago, it was the talk of the town. Some churches used that opportunity as a means to reach out to the lost.

While I was viewing the movie, my eyes were closed for a large portion of the time particularly the part when Christ was tortured, when He was whipped, when He suffered on our behalf. The pain was unbearable. He took our place though we are the guilty ones. He did not deserve to receive some inhumane torture but the love of God compelled Him to take it all in. How can we ever thank Him enough for the precious gift of salvation! We are privileged to know Your freedom, peace, comfort, strength, hope, rest and joy. Saturate our total being with You, Lord. When you open our mind’s eye, we will see what You see and we will feel what You feel. Infuse us with Your strength to love and serve You all the days of our lives.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Eternity In Our Hearts

The decisions and choices we make in our lifetime do not just affect us, they affect our families and people who are close to us. 

God leads and guides us to His pathways. In our humble obedience, God honours us and blesses us.

With eternity in our hearts, we are able to make kingdom choices that are in line with His word.

We allow the still small voice of God to help us to discern what He desires. For His plan for us is to prosper and bless us. It is never to harm us. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Ravens have Fed us

Monte and I recognized our time in the Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, Baguio, Philippines as a very significant milestone in our walk with the Lord. 

We were there around mid 2000 and 2001. The Lord revealed Himself as Jehovah Jireh, our provider powerfully. 

We have times of plenty as well as times of lack. But one thing is for sure and that is there is no lack in the Lord.

God came through for us miraculously one time when we really were in dire need. 

One day, there was a knock on our apartment door on campus. We opened our door to find two to three bags of groceries and food. No one was around and we stood there speechless. Up to today, we still do not know who that kind person was. 

We can never out give the Lord. When He opens the floodgates of heaven, we will not be able to contain His blessings. He is the God of abundance.

God has directed His ravens to bring us food. He cares deeply for us. He finds every opportunity to bless us. 

God watches over us and loves us deeply. His love and compassion never ceases. The God of miracles inspires us to step out in faith. The God of miracles teaches us to be completely reliant on Him. As we step out in obedience, He releases His love and power on us. He reminds us that there is nothing He cannot do.

Lord, we put our complete trust in You. You are with us in every season of our lives. We will follow to the ends of the earth. We lay on Your altar. We linger in Your presence. Empower us to walk in Your love.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

More Than Wonderful

Who is like unto the Lord, our God, He is beyond comparison. He is amazing, He is all that we long and hope for. The rock of ages, the soon and coming king, our refuge, our fortress and all that we ever need is found in Him. He’s more than wonderful!

More Than Wonderful

He promised us that He would be a counselor
A Mighty God and the Prince of Peace
He promised us that He would be a Father
And that He would love us with a love that would not cease.

Well, I tried Him and I found His promises are true
He’s everything He said that He would be.
The finest words I know could not begin to tell
Just what Jesus really means to me.

For He’s more wonderful than my mind can concieve
He’s more wonderful than my heart can believe
He goes beyond my highest hopes and fondest dreams.
He’s everything that my soul ever longed for
Everything He’s promised and so much more
More than amazing, more than marvelous
More than miraculous could ever be
He’s more than wonderful, that’s what Jesus is to me.

I stand amazed when I think that the King of glory
Should come to dwell within the heart of man
I marvel just to know He really loves me
When I think of who He is, and who I am.

For He’s more wonderful than my mind can concieve
He’s more wonderful than my heart can believe
He goes beyond my highest hopes and fondest dreams.
He’s everything that my soul ever longed for
Everything He’s promised and so much more
More than amazing, more than marvelous,
More than miraculous could ever be
He’s more than wonderful, that’s what Jesus is to me.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Love Crucified Arose

Love Crucified Arose
Long ago He blessed the earth
Born older than the years
And in the stall a cross He saw
Through the first of many tears
A life of homeless wandering
Cast out in sorrow's way
The Shepherd seeking for the lost
His life, the price He paid

Love crucified, arose
The Risen One in splendor
Jehovah soul Defender
Has won the victory
Love crucified, arose
And the grave became a place of hope
For the heart that sin and sorrow broke
Is beating once again

Throughout Your life You felt the weight
Of what You'd come to give
To drink for us that crimson cup
So we might really live
At last the time to love and die
The dark appointed day
That one forsaken moment
When Your Father turned His face away

Love crucified, arose
The One who lived the died for me
Was Satan's nail-pierced casualty
Now He's breathing once again

Love crucified, arose
And the grave became a place of hope
For the heart that sin and sorrow broke
Is beating once again

Love crucified, arose
The Risen One in splendor
Jehovah soul defender
Has won the victory

Love crucified, arose
And the grave became a place of hope
for the heart that sin and sorrow broke
is beating once again

Love crucified, arose
The One who lived and died for me
Was Satan's nail-pierced casualty
Now He's breathing once again

Just A Breath Away

From the year 1992 - 2000, I was a field representative with Prudential Assurance here in Singapore. Today, the position is called financial service consultant. The insurance industry is an excellent industry. Selling an intangible product has its challenge, but the truth remains that it is one of the best products that we can ever buy.

One day, I received a heartbreaking news of the death of one of my clients. He was a single man in his early thirties. He died in a tragic accident leaving behind his mother and some siblings. The pain that the family through was inexpressible.

The prudential head office processed the death claim in a matter of a few days. Subsequently I visited his family and delivered them a cheque and spent some time with them.

My client’s death was so sudden. A person’s life is fleeting. It’s merely a breath away. How powerful would it be if you and I live each day as though it is our last on earth? Then we will be concerned with prioritizing the different aspects of our lives. We do the things that matter most. Building our spiritual lives in Christ and building relationships with people become increasingly important. Let each day that we live count for eternity. Let us point someone to Jesus today.

An Act of Gratitude

Last September, I had the privilege to conduct a course on Study Skills at a primary school in Bukit Timah area. That was an all girls school. The kids were so well behaved. I enjoyed my time with them tremendously.

One day after completing my training session, a sweet girl came up and passed me a small piece of paper. On it was some pictures she had drawn and along with it was a message of thanks to me. That little girl touched my heart that day. On her own initiative, she took the effort to express her appreciation towards me. I am constantly learning from children. From this one, I am reminded to be thankful and to express my heartfelt thanks freely. This incident reminds me of the story of the ten lepers in the bible. All ten lepers were healed by Jesus, but only only came back to thank Him.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Blatant Lying

Yesterday, while I was at a bus stop, I overheard a man a short distance from me receiving a call on his hand phone. He told the caller that he was in a meeting and he hurriedly hung up. I was stunned. He surely was not in a meeting. The caller would be upset if he or she knew the truth.

Lying is not just wrong but it is a vicious cycle that never ends because once a lie is told, one needs to cover it with more lies. A lie is a lie, whether it is a white lie or flattery that is not from one’s heart.

The word of God exhorts us to be truthful. He tuned in to every conversation that we hold. In fact He already knew what is on our hearts before we speak out. He wants us to mean what we say and say what we mean so that we as His children will not bring dishonour and reproach to His name. For only the pure in heart will see His face.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

More than Conquerors

Many years ago at a church camp I attended in Malaysia, the camp speaker preached a powerful message about persevering and not quitting in our faith in Jesus Christ. He told everyone of us to turn to the front page of our bibles and write down these words, "I will never quit"

Walking with the Lord has been so fulfilling and amazing but it is not smooth sailing all the time. I have my fair share of ups and downs. I went through my mountain top experiences as well as valley experiences. One thing remains unchanged, I have my moments of utter lossless and hopelessness but the Lord has always been with me. The going may get tough but all I have to know is that God is sovereign and He is in control. I am limited, He is limitless. I am finite, He is infinite. I am weak but He is strong. I can be confined, but our maker, He is boundless. He is more than enough. So when trials and tribulations come my way, all I need to do is to cry out to the Lord and the problems become small and manageable as God is magnified.

We are more than conquerors in Him. The battle belongs to Him. And the Lord is the glory and lifter of our heads. We are not defeated and downtrodden for our God is our strong tower. He is the rock of our salvation. We will be bold like lions and He leads us into victory.

In Monte (my husband) and my time in the Philippines, one of the most memorable things was looking into the night’s sky. Thousands upon thousands of stars shone brilliantly in the night sky. The sight was just magnificent and awesome. The stars reminded me of the promises that God gave to Abraham. He is ever faithful, our covenant making and covenant keeping God.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Take a Break

We live in a hectic and fast-paced country. Everything has to be fast and if we are slow at work, we will be deemed ineffective. The mounting pressure is real. A few years ago, a Singaporean man was experiencing tremendous pressure at work. He went through deep depression. To cut the long story short, he took his life. I vividly remember that that incident caused quite a stir here.

Most of us have to work. Some work pressure may not be totally bad but if it hounds us and cause us to malfunction in everyday life, then we may need to do some stock taking here. For some, a change of job may be helpful, for others it may be a change of their work scope. It is common these days for high paying executives to switch careers, they may even settle into a lower paying job but they are happier. These days it's heartening to learn that many companies and establishments are paying more attention to work life balance. As Christians, we strive to live balanced lives, giving time to God, family and friends or some also devote time to do social work. Making time for hobbies, recreational activities and exercise are also important.

The Safest Place

One day a sister-in-Christ was testifying on the grace and goodness of God in a meeting. You see, this sister had a very demanding and hectic job. It got so bad that occasionally she would get into the cubicle in the washroom to pray for the Lord to help her. The Lord strengthened and empowered her daily as she cried out to Him. The presence of God is the safest place on earth. In His presence, there is peace, joy, hope and love. He renews and refreshes us in His presence. He enables us to cope with pressure.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

The Potter's Hand

God is the potter and we are the clay. When we allow Him to mould, make and shape us according to His desire, we become His masterpiece. He looked at His finished work with much content and pride. Lord, let’s us be pliable in Your hand. If we resist the work of Your spirit, we rob ourselves of the opportunity to reach our full potential in You. We will never grow in You. Teach us to rest when the process gets tough or unpleasant. Let us abandon our lives into the hand of our creator.


Beautiful Lord, wonderful Saviour
I know for sure all of my days are
Held in Your hand
Crafted into Your perfect plan

You gently call me into Your presence
Guiding me by Your Holy Spirit
Teach me dear Lord
To live all my life through Your eyes

I’m captured by Your holy calling
Set me apart
I know You’re drawing me to Yourself
Lead me Lord I pray

Take me, mold me
Use me, fill me
I give my life to the Potter’s hand
Call me, guide me
Lead me, walk beside me
I give my life to the Potter’s hand 

Monday, January 07, 2008

God of a Second Chance

If you have strayed away from God, it is never too late to come back. You cannot have strayed so far that the Lord is unable to reach you for the Lord’s arm is never too short to draw us back to Himself if we make a decision to return to Him. He receives us with open arms. The prodigal son came to mind. He squandered his portion of the inheritance that his father gave him. When he came to the end of himself, he was a filthy and hopeless mess. He felt utterly lost and despondent. He picked himself up and headed home. His father was already waiting for him. The father hugged his dirty and stinking son and put a robe on him. He received him unconditionally.

God loves us unconditionally. Man may say: “I love you because ”, “I love you if ” or “I love you when ”. The bible clearly states that He loved us with an everlasting love. He pursued us with His great love while we were lost in sin.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Opportunity to Serve

Monte and I do not take God’s opened doors for ministry for granted. We thank the good Lord for the opportunity for Monte to teach the book of Matthew in Radiant Community Church weekly from Jan 6 all the way to the end of March 2008. We are merely the vessels that God uses to bless the people around us. Ministry is not a platform to display our talents, but it is a humbling process that God chooses to minister in and through our lives and ministries to reveal His glory and His grace to this world touching every man, woman and child.

Think about His Love

We are sojourners on this temporal world. What truly lasts is our relationship with our maker. All the gold, diamonds, precious stones, money, assets, properties and so forth may be desirable but all these things has no lasting and eternal values, they cannot fill the void that only God and God alone can fill. We pray for the Lord to help us to build His house and that He will be the focus of our lives. So that our hearts and minds are constantly on the one who made us for Himself. For He alone can satisfy our desires. Lord, we want You to consume our lives for Your glory.

Think About His Love

Think about His love
Think about His goodness
Think about His grace that’s brought us through
For as high as the heaven’s above
So great is the measure of our Father’s love
Great is the measure of our Father’s love

How could I forget His love
How could I forget His mercy
He satisfies He satisfies
He satisfies my desires

Even when I’ve strayed away
His love has sought me out and found me
He satisfies He satisfies
He satisfies my desires

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Love In Any Language

Love In Any Language

Je t'aime
Te amo
Ya ti-bya lyu blyu
Ani o hev ot cha
I love you

The sounds are all as different

As the lands from which they came
And though the words are all unique
Our hearts are still the same

Love in any language
Straight from the heart
Pulls us all together
Never apart
And once we learn to speak it
All the world will hear
Love in any language

Fluently spoken here
We teach the young our differences
Yet look how we're the same
We love to laugh, to dream our dreams
We know the sting of pain

From Leningrad to Lexington
The farmer loves his land
And daddies all get misty-eyedTo give their daughter's hand

Oh maybe when we realize
How much there is to share
We'll find too much in common
To pretend it isn't there

Love in any language
Straight from the heart
Pulls us all together
Never apart
And once we learn to speak it
All the world will hear
Love in any language
Fluently spoken here

Tho' the rehtoric of government
May keep us worlds apart
There's no misinterpreting
The language of the heart

Love in any language
Straight from the heart
Pulls us all together

Never apart
And once we learn to speak it
All the world will hear
Love in any languageFluently spoken here

Friday, January 04, 2008

Lord of All (I Surrender All)

God wants total and free access into our lives. Assume that you have a huge mansion with 100 rooms. Even if you have allowed Him to enter all 99 rooms, except for one. He will not be pleased. He wants our whole being; totally devoted and surrendered to His lordship. If He is not the Lord of all, He is not the Lord at all.

I Surrender All

All to Jesus I surrender
All to Him I freely give
I will ever love and trust Him
In His presence daily live

I surrender all, I surrender all
All to Thee my blessed Saviour
I surrender all

I surrender all, I surrender all
All to Thee my blessed Saviour
I surrender all

All to Jesus I surrender
Humbly at his feet I bow
Worldly pleasures all forsaken
Take me, Jesus, take me now

All to Jesus I surrender
Make me, Savior, wholly thine
Fill me with thy love and power
Truly know that thou art mine

All to Jesus I surrender
Lord, I give myself to thee
Fill me with thy love and power
Let thy blessing fall on me

All to Jesus I surrender
Now I feel the sacred flame
O the joy of full salvation
Glory, glory, to his name

Under Construction

The Lord is still working in each of us.  We are under construction. The master went to work from the first day when we made our commitment to follow Him all the days of our lives.

What is amazing is that very often He will try us particularly hard in the areas that we assume we are strong in. He sharpens and shapes us to the specifications He has in mind. He humbles us as we see our vulnerability and our desperate need for Him in our lives. As long as we lean on the rock of our salvation, we are safe and secure because He remains faithful to the end.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Refiner's Fire

Someone once said that one of the most ‘dangerous prayers’ we can pray is to ask God to purify and refine us in whatever way He chooses. When we are thrown into the blazing fire, we begin to see our frailty and weakness but we also see the mighty power of God at work. We persevere through the trials and tribulations because we know who we serve and belong to. 

The consolation we have is that God does not leave us to burn in the fire. He is with us in the fiery furnace. He was the fourth man in the furnace with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego when they were thrown into the fire. The Lord is our only source of strength and hope for everyday living.

Picture with me the refiner of gold in full concentration at work. We asked the refiner: “When do you know that the gold is purified and refined?” He replied: “When I can see my reflection in it.” When the Lord purifies us in His fire, all He wants to see is His character in us. He sees us through the circumstances that we go through and He never leaves us in a lurch or ignores us when we cry out to Him from the depths of the valley. Through the storms of life, God proves that He is in the midst of the threatening and horrifying thunderstorms. God is faithful, His divine intervention speaks not just of His greatness but also His undying love and devotion to all who put their trust in Him.

Refiner’s Fire

Purify my heart

Let me be as gold and precious silver
Purify my heart
Let me be as gold pure gold

Refiner’s fire
My heart’s one desire
Is to be holy
Set apart for You Lord

I choose to be holy

Set apart for You my Master
Ready to do Your will

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Sight without Vision

One of the greatest educators of the 20th century was Helen Keller. She lived her whole life blind and deaf. In 1888, Keller attended the Perkins School for the Blind. In 1894, Keller and Anne Sullivan, her teacher, moved to New York City to attend the Wright-Humason School for the Deaf and Horace Mann School for the Deaf. In 1896, they returned to Massachusetts and Helen entered The Cambridge School for Young Ladies before gaining admittance, in 1900, to Radcliffe College. Her admirer Mark Twain had introduced her to Standard Oil magnate Henry Huttleton Rogers, who, with his wife, paid for her education. In 1904, at the age of 24, Keller graduated from Radcliffe magna cum laude, becoming the first deaf blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. What amazing accomplishments considering her physical limitations.

Someone once asked Keller: “What would be worse than being born blind? Listen to her reply: “To have sight without vision.” Many of us can see but how many of us really have vision? Helen Keller is doubtless a visionary woman who has inspired millions of people all over the world.

(The information on Helen Keller's educational background came from Wikipaedia.)