What I am about to relate happened many years ago. One day, I was walking on a pavement along Kay Siang Road. Some work was done part of the pavement and I got off and stepped onto the road without realising that vehicles were coming from behind. At that moment, a bus sped by at a moderately high speed, I was so closed to being knocked down. I know that God's hand of protection was on me that day or I would not be alive today.
In the 1990's, I was on some ministry trips in a third world country. On arrival at our destination, I learned that it was common for bombs to blow up where we went. The Lord protected my team members and me. He builds a hedge of protection over us. He protects us from dangers seen and unseen. We rest secure in the loving arms of our God and Saviour.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
His Special Grace
I took on a work assignment in January this year which lasts all the way till this October. One day of a week, I will be up by 4.45 in the morning and on another day at 5.45. I have to admit that it is not easy getting up so early. I thought what I am going through is tough until my recent encounter with someone at Johor Bahru (JB), Malaysia.
Recently, a couple friend of ours invited Monte (my husband) and I to JB. We gladly accepted the invitation. While in JB, our friend introduced us to another couple who happened to be our friend’s business contact. They have two lovely young children and the wife is now pregnant with their third child. Her health is not good in this early stage of her pregnancy. She works in Singapore. Every morning, she is up by three in the morning. She goes to work daily and comes home to make dinner for the family. I cannot imagine doing this day in and day out, not mentioning having to battle the often maddening traffic conditions while getting in and out of Malaysia and Singapore. Life is tough.
Going back to where I first started, it dawned on me that what I am going through pale in comparison to what this dear woman is going through. One thing both of us have in common though is that we can call onto the Lord for strength and help for each new day. Yes! It is His special grace.
Recently, a couple friend of ours invited Monte (my husband) and I to JB. We gladly accepted the invitation. While in JB, our friend introduced us to another couple who happened to be our friend’s business contact. They have two lovely young children and the wife is now pregnant with their third child. Her health is not good in this early stage of her pregnancy. She works in Singapore. Every morning, she is up by three in the morning. She goes to work daily and comes home to make dinner for the family. I cannot imagine doing this day in and day out, not mentioning having to battle the often maddening traffic conditions while getting in and out of Malaysia and Singapore. Life is tough.
Going back to where I first started, it dawned on me that what I am going through pale in comparison to what this dear woman is going through. One thing both of us have in common though is that we can call onto the Lord for strength and help for each new day. Yes! It is His special grace.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Seeing Through His Eyes
Picture with me a little boy who had gone to a fair with his father. Initially, he held on to his father's hand. Suddenly he lost his grip and drifted away from his father in the midst of a maddening crowd.
He started to perspire profusely; the big, tall adults who were over him blocked his view. Gradually it became a little difficult to breath down where he was standing. It was a frightening experience.
Finally, he cried out for his father at the top of his lungs. All of a sudden out of nowhere, two strong hands picked him up and hugged him tightly. Yes! His father came to his rescue.
Often times, we are like this little boy, life’s threatening blows overwhelm us and we get disillusioned, discouraged and depressed.
In our desperation, we cry out for His divine intervention.
The Lord comes and lifts us up to see. He gives us new perspectives, He gives us new strategies, He grants us added strength and fills our hearts with new found hope and expectations.
The mountains may still be there but He says: "You are more than conquerors in Me and you will triumph".
God is not bound by space, time or distance. He is almighty, omnipresent and omnipotent. He is limitless and fully dependable. We serve a great and a marvelous God.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Our Fishes
Sometimes when a plague strikes we end up loosing many fishes. We have replenished fishes over time. Usually when the fishes lose their hunger, we know that they are unwell. Drawing on this, when we lose our hunger for the word of God; we have no desire to draw near to the Lord in prayer and worship. This is very often an indication of some spiritual 'ailments' which need immediate attention.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Enjoying Vocal Training
I have enjoyed vocal training thoroughly. Last Saturday afternoon, I had the opportunity to train at a company. I came away from the training feeling really good. I look forward to every training and coaching session, be it with individuals or in group settings. It is really wonderful to do something I enjoy. For that matter, I do not feel that I an actually working. Thank God for the open doors.
Amazing Instincts
A friend once sent Monte (my husband) and I the picture of this beautiful cat with a watermelon hat. Don’t you think it is cute? Monte loves cats. If we chance upon one, he will always want to pat it. As for me, I have never really been crazy about any animal until my brother, Edwin, bought a dog named Mickey a year ago. Mickey has been so much a part of our lives.
Coming back to the cat. One day, while we were in Kampong Glam area we saw this amazing cat. It was clearing its bowels and right after that, he used some soil to cover up it's waste. On top of that, it used some leaves nearby to cover the soil. How is it possible that an animal knows how to clean up after itself. Wow! Such amazing instincts. The Lord never fails to marvel me with His creation.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Liberating Ministry
Friday, July 13, 2007
Miyuki Touched My Heart
When Monte (my husband) and I were in APTS, Baguio, Philippines, we thank God for the people the Lord had brought into our lives. One person that stays in my memory is none other than Miyuki. She is a lovely Japanese wife of a student at the campus. Her husband and her stayed two units away from us.
A few days after we had arrived at the seminary, Miyuki came by our studio apartment one day. In her hands were two oranges, she told us that she came by to welcome us to the campus. She warmed my heart and we thank God for her kind gesture. In life oftentimes, it is the little things that count. A smile, a kind word, the nod of assurance or encouraging word.
Monte and I have always tried to do our part in connecting with our neighbours. We reap what we sow; our neighbours have also extended their friendship and neighbourly kindness to us in their special ways.
A few days after we had arrived at the seminary, Miyuki came by our studio apartment one day. In her hands were two oranges, she told us that she came by to welcome us to the campus. She warmed my heart and we thank God for her kind gesture. In life oftentimes, it is the little things that count. A smile, a kind word, the nod of assurance or encouraging word.
Monte and I have always tried to do our part in connecting with our neighbours. We reap what we sow; our neighbours have also extended their friendship and neighbourly kindness to us in their special ways.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Heart Of Worship
In the mid 90's, some worship team members and I from the church that I was then attending, Calvary Charismatic Centre (now known as Victory Family Centre), were ministering in Kuching, East Malaysia.
We were there to help out our worship team in our sister church there. We had such an amazing and fruitful time of ministry. We also had the opportunity to minister in the Sunday services.
In that service, we had the privilege to worship together with some of our deaf brothers and sisters. They were using sign language to express their love and gratitude to the Lord. They were in such intense worship. Though they were not able to sing like you and I, they poured their hearts out to the Lord. It was such a glorious sight.
The Lord is worthy of our praise. We do not merely offer sacrifices of praise in good times. We praise God at all times.
God enables us to praise Him even at our darkest hour. He often does the deepest work in us in the most vulnerable and desperate times.
Praise and worship is raised with everything that is within our hearts. Our hearts are overwhelmed by the power of God. Our Maker deserves all the praises. We are made to glorify His name.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Teaching English
During my time at APTS in Baguio, Philippines, I had the privilege to know a special group of women. These are the wives of the students at the seminary. It all started with one of them coming to me to ask if I woudl be willing to teach her English. I gladly said yes to her. Before long, a few others joined us in the class. There were Koreans, a Japanese and a Fijian. We had such a wonderful time together. We also spent time praying for each other. Helping them to learn the English language is good but more importantly I thank God for the opportunity to get to know them better.
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