I gave my heart to the Lord in the year 1980. Receiving the gift of salvation is the best thing that happened in my life. A friend once shared her salvation experience with me. Before she knew anything about Christianity and Jesus, she saw a cross in her dream one day and ultimately she came to know Jesus. This is the amazing power of God of work in people's lives.
More than ten years ago, Monte and I were talking to a pastor who was ministering in Luzon, Philippines. We came to the topic on salvation and the pastor mentioned that many of the people there came to receive Christ as their Saviour after observing the lives of the Christians around them; usually it took years before they would make the decision to become Christians. As I dwell on the conversion experience of these people, I see how important our testimony is. Wherever we are on planet earth, you and I may be the only 'Jesus' that the unsaved may see. As carriers and couriers of God's presence, we spread the fragrance and light of Jesus in this darkened world. O Lord, empower us to be His channel of love and blessing.
In January this year, I started Speech and Drama training in two primary schools. An eight year old boy is one of these schools has made remarkable progress in these few short months. I vividly remember how he was so fearful; he was curled up and squatting on the ground when asked to participate in part of a skit. Recently, I asked him to come to the front of the classroom to participate in an item and I was overjoyed to see that he was no longer afraid. He had conquered his fears in the best of his abilities.
In another incident, a little seven year old girl who is always shy and soft spoken volunteered to be a lead character in a little skit that we were doing a few weeks ago. It was so different in the earlier months; I have seen tremendous growth and improvement. When I see these little ones grow in confidence, I am elated.
I believe Speech and Drama training does not merely comprise of good speech and acting but an important component is undoubting confidence. Children will grow and excel in an environment where they are free and encouraged to explore things around them. If we build them up with sincere encouragement and help them to believe in themselves, they will thrive.