Chapter six of the book of Judges zoomed into a character who is all too familiar to you and I. When God called Gideon to save Israel out of Midian's hand, Gideon's reply was: "how can I save Isreal? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family." I know what Gideon was going through because I have gone through this struggle many times.
A few years ago, a professor at APTS (Asia Pacific Theological Seminary) was scheduled to do a Praise and Worship seminar in a church in Baguio, Philippines but due to some unforseen circumstances he was not able to fulfill that commitment. My name came to his mind and later Monte (my husband) came to me to ask if I will be willing to stand in for him. The Gideon in me surfaced and my initial response was that 'this is too big for me" and frankly I was even a little jittery. To cut the long story short, I accepted the invitation and I've never regretted it because I learnt so much and grew through it too.
A few months later, Monte was invited to minister in the cold mountainous region of Luzon in Baguio and the door also opened for me to speak to some pastors on Praise and Worship. Again, I asked myself: "These are pastors, I'm not sure if I can do this?" At the end I took it on and I thank God for that amazing opportunity to see Him at work in me though I am weak, I am stong in Him.
The Gideon is us helps us to stay humble but what the Lord wants us to know is that He will pave the way when He entrusts us with a task and when we step out in faith, He leads us to higher grounds and greater growth for His glory.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Saturday, May 19, 2007
The Question Of The Universe
In my Speech and Drama training with little children, I have often been asked the question of the universe. 'WHY?' Sometimes I am caught off guard because I have not seriously given thought to their questions. The questions will always come for the simple reason that children are inquisitive. But what I am thankful for is that these little ones are comfortable with me to ask any questions with no inhibitions.
One day in either January or February this year, an eight-year-old boy in class asked me a question that startled me, he asked "Ms Jee Fong. Why are you angry?" My reply to him came after some reflections. The reason he thought I was angry was because my face was apparently rosy. You see, the classroom was not air-conditioned, the few fans in the classroom provided some ventilation and I was conducting this training from one to two o'clock in the afternoon. I must have looked rather flustered. I then told the boy that I was not angry, my face was merely rosy.
As I reflected on the matter, I am thankful that the little boy asked me that question because if you did not, he would have gone away with this wrong idea, which may affect him negatively. I reckon, there is so much to learn from children; they ask questions freely, whereas we adults are often held back by inhibitions or have unfounded fears that we might reveal our lack of knowledge of ignorance when we ask questions.
One day in either January or February this year, an eight-year-old boy in class asked me a question that startled me, he asked "Ms Jee Fong. Why are you angry?" My reply to him came after some reflections. The reason he thought I was angry was because my face was apparently rosy. You see, the classroom was not air-conditioned, the few fans in the classroom provided some ventilation and I was conducting this training from one to two o'clock in the afternoon. I must have looked rather flustered. I then told the boy that I was not angry, my face was merely rosy.
As I reflected on the matter, I am thankful that the little boy asked me that question because if you did not, he would have gone away with this wrong idea, which may affect him negatively. I reckon, there is so much to learn from children; they ask questions freely, whereas we adults are often held back by inhibitions or have unfounded fears that we might reveal our lack of knowledge of ignorance when we ask questions.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Clean Hands and Pure Hearts

The story was told of a pastor who was at his "farewell" as he was retiring. He had served more than forty years in small town or rural churches in Nebraska and Minnesota.
He said: "My brothers and sisters in the Lord, I have come now to the end of my pastoral ministry. I never served a large church, never received much recognition of crowds, and never wrote a book, but as I stand before you today my hands are clean before God."
The Lord wants purity and holiness. The pastor in this story is not boasting of himself, on the contrary he displayed contriteness. He knew what is important in God's eyes.
Ps 24: 3, 4 read "Who may ascend the hill of the Lord? Who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false."
The pure in heart see the Lord. The pure in heart hears the Lord. The pure in heart knows the heart of God.
God's hand rests on the pure in heart. The pure in heart shall move in the power and the anointing of God.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Hey Mickey!
Each time before reaching my parent's front door, I will whistle to attract Mickey's attention. Lo and behold, he will meet me at the door. Isn't it amazing!
Mickey never fails to meet my elder brother, Nicholas, from his work, he gets home between two to three in the morning. No matter what happens, Mickey will be welcoming him home faithfully. This feat can hardly be met by a human being. We might be able to do it occasionally but not long term. We love Mickey!
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
The Tenderness of Christ

Another servant of the Lord who has impacted my life is none other than the late Dr Sam Sessar. His genuine love and compassion was so infectious. One time, he was our speaker in a church camp in Malaysia. What touched me most was when I saw how the campers were so comfortable with him. During our meal time, he will freely mingle with us. On the last day of camp, many approached him to have their photos taken with him, something I do not usually see. It was heartwarming. He loved people deeply with the love of Christ.
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