Sunday, June 14, 2020

Prince of Peace

My mum has multiple health challenges for many years now.  On 10 June, we received more news of further health challenges.  My heart was overwhelmed.  Monte and I prayed together and committed her to the Lord.

Recently,  I have a lump on my neck and went to consult the doctor. The doctor ordered for blood test and ultrasound of my thyroid.  On 11 June,  I received word from the doctor that my thyroid ultrasound showed three nodules.  I will be followed up by the specialist on 18 June . Two of the nodules will be biopsied.  I covet your prayer.

The only reason we are still alive is because God has sustained us with His breath.  He is the reason for our existence.  He lives His purposes through each yielded vessels.  He pours His mercy and grace on us lavishly.

Through it all,  God is ever faithful.  God floods my heart with His peace.  Peace that passes understanding. Peace so precious and priceless.  Peace that only His beloved children can understand.  He is the Prince of peace.  He is the everlasting God.  He is God eternal.  He rules and reigns in every broken life.

We  worship You almighty God.  We bow and worship You at Your footstool.  Rain Your love and power on us.  We need You, Lord.

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