Monday, January 06, 2020

God's Miraculous Provision

On 21 November 2019, we received word from Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (APTS) that Monte was provisionally approved for the PhD programme.  The entrance fee of US1000 is required to be paid and he will begin his programme on 20 January 2020.  He will depart for APTS for a one month orientation trip on 18 January 2020.

We are deeply indebted to everyone who is journeying with us in this faith venture.  Thank you for standing with us in prayer.  Thank you for giving.  Our hearts well up with thanksgiving every time we think of You.

We have a very small window to the raise the funds.  We prayed and we trusted on the Lord.  As the days progressed, it came to a point that Monte saw the possibility that reaching this US$1000 mark is difficult.  I shared with Monte that God has given me a rhema.  I knew that God will perform a miracle.  In the natural, it may seem impossible, but God will come through for us.  This faith venture requires us to put our hands in His hands.  He will open doors.  He will open the floodgates and bless us.  God opens our natural eyes to see His miraculous grace and power.  He is our covenant making and covenant keeping God.

God in His love and mercy miraculously provided for the needed funds and Monte will depart for a one month trip to APTS Baguio, Philippines, campus to being his PhD.  We give all glory to the living God.  God of miraculous power.  God of faithfulness.  God who answers prayers.  We live by the power of God’s spirit.  We live in the light of His glory.  We live in His abundant grace.

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