Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Hey Mickey!

About a year ago, my brother, Edwin, bought a cute dog called Mickey. The whole family adore him utterly. He has become a part of the family. He brought so much joy to us. Monte and I love Mickey a lot. Every time we visit my parents at Bukit Panjang area, we will try to bring Mickey out for walks near my parent's flat.

Each time before reaching my parent's front door, I will whistle to attract Mickey's attention. Lo and behold, he will meet me at the door. Isn't it amazing!

Mickey never fails to meet my elder brother, Nicholas, from his work, he gets home between two to three in the morning. No matter what happens, Mickey will be welcoming him home faithfully. This feat can hardly be met by a human being. We might be able to do it occasionally but not long term. We love Mickey!

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