Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Mighty Healer

In recent years, I have been battling osteoarthritis. My last two fingers on my right hand cannot bend fully.  

God healed me when I was in Baguio, Philippines in early 2023. Monte and I spent a month at Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (APTS) situated at Baguio, Philippines.

I am thankful to be able to clench my right fist completely.  I have a firmer grip of my right hand. Glory be to God. 

It is significant the healing happened in Baguio, Philippines as Monte and I went to Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (APTS). The Lord healed me in a significant way. 

Making the trip to APTS was a challenge. My thyroid eye disease caused my upper eye lids to swell due to the flight to Baguio. On top of that, APTS is situated 5000 feet above sea level. This further aggravated my upper eyelid swelling. God is so merciful to see me through the whole trip. I continue to trust God for complete healing.

Monte and I prayed and trusted God as we embarked on this journey. We are amazed at the healing power and the goodness of God. God is in complete control.

The Lord is the greatest physician. His healing can be instantaneous. It can be progressive. His healing balm flows through our broken bodies.  

All honour and glory be to our great healer. He is worthy to be praised.

God puts faith in our hearts for the miraculous. God's miraculous power is on display when He heals us.

Lord, we call upon Your mighty name. We declare Your healing power on our bodies. Right every wrong in out bodies. Remove all pain and sickness. Let our organs and body parts function correctly. Touch us from the top of our heads to the sole of our feet. Thank you for touching and healing us. We proclaim Your glory in all the earth.

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