Wednesday, October 12, 2022


In February 2022, I underwent Intravenous Methylprenisolone treatment (IMPT) to treat my thyroid eye disease. I suffered a few side effects. Insomnia, I had a metallic taste in my mouth, heart palpitations and painful leg cramps. I had a total of 12 treatments. Each treatment lasting about an hour.

A day later, I came down with covid. It was a double whammy. My heart rate and blood pressure sky rocketed.

I updated the doctor from the Ministry of Health who was monitoring my covid status.He told me to head straight to the emergency department in Sengkang hospital. 

God touched my body and brought healing. My heart rate and blood pressure stabilised. I was kept for observation and was discharged on the same day. Glory be to God!

I vividly remember laying down in bed the night before. My lungs felt awful. I drifted into slumberland. 

I believe the healing hand of God was on me that night. The power of God's healing is real. He is our mighty healer. Our deliverer. Our only hope. There is nothing our God cannot do. We serve a faithful God!

The Lord watches over us. His intervention and loving support sustain us daily. As we trust our maker, He floods our hearts with His divine presence. 

God is with us. He is with us in the raging storms. He is in complete control. He abides in us. He reigns in our chaos and pain. His still small voice gives us immense strength and hope.

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