Thursday, December 13, 2018

His Persevering Love

We have all experienced dark days in our lifetime.  Bleakness and doom cloud our outlook and perspectives.  The stress and pressure seemingly suffocate us and immobilize us.  Fear grip our hearts.  Worry is a constant companion.  We are human.  We are susceptible to fear, discouragement and despondency.  At times, we just want to throw in the towel.  Every attempt to stand up is futile.

As children of God, we are subjected to hard times and dark days.  The difference is the knowledge that through these challenging times, God is with us.  With Him, we can weather any difficulties.  Not because of anything that is good about us; the truth is we cannot manage on our own.  God helps us.  He delivers us.  He strengthens us to overcome.  He gives us victory and hope.  He beckons to us to follow Him.  All that really matters is the posture of our hearts.  

We seek and love Him with no reservation.  Through the fire and the flood, God's glory shines through our broken lives.  God's unfailing love and power sustains us moment by moments.  He does not want us to quit.  His persevering love leads us daily to trust Him for the miraculous.  All glory and honour be unto God who lives and reigns through all eternity.

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