Saturday, April 01, 2017

The Fire of His Love

Serving God brings Monte and I tremendous joy and fulfillment.  God's call has brought us to an amazing journey to His heart.  We hear His heart beat and follow Him with no reservation. There is no higher calling than to worship and honour the Kings of kings and the Lord of lords.  His love compels to love and serve Him and His people. He graces us to be a witness to the people who are loss without His love.

Faith and adventure are pathways of the Lord. We can only go as far as the Lord leads. There are seasons of abundance and seasons of lack. We lean on Him and allow Him to see us through every season. We continue to soldier on in full assurance of His goodness and greatness. We depend completely on the Lord's care, love and providence. Our Redeemer lives!

We experience the fire of God's love.  This fire burns brighter and stronger as the day goes by.  The Lord sets our heart ablazed with His love.  For the sake of knowing Christ, we stepped into the great unknown with full assurance that God is all we need.  He is ever faithful.  Calvary's love propels us to take another step; to walk another mile.  We see hope and possibilities in face of the daunting challenges and hardship.  God pours His mercy and grace and opens our eyes to see His love at work.  The ministry that God has entrusted to us is never a burden.  It is a delight.  It is a joy.  It is an honour to serve the living God.

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