Wednesday, February 02, 2011

The Nacre of Life

I was browsing the website on how pearl is formed 
“A pearl is a natural gem created by a living organism. When a foreign object is introduced into a mussel or oyster the animal coats the irritant with a substance called nacre, the same material with which it builds its shell. Layers of nacre build up to make a pearl.

The setbacks, irritants, challenges that we face daily are very much like these layers of nacre in the mussels. In His love, the Lord uses the circumstances of life to mould and make us to be more like Him. Very often, the pressure and heat can be unbearable and overpowering. At such times, discouragement and fear strike furiously. Despair and disillusionment set in. Some of us may bend or give up. Others fight on when the storms of life come crashing in. The power and strength of God help us to overcome every tragedy and challenge. We ride on the wings of His Spirit and soar like the eagles. We acquire a bird’s eye view of things as the Lord begins to open our eyes to see what He sees. He enables us to overcome by the power of His Spirit and the might of His strength. He never lets us go.

The Lord will use anything in His hands to bring out the beauty in each of us; for there lays a priceless and beautiful pearl. He reveals His glory through us. His enduring love leads us on to persevere and spurs us to pursue Him with undying devotion till the day we see Him face to face.

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