Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Journeying with Him

Every one of us is on a journey. Whatever station we find ourselves in, we know fully well that we have come this far because the Lord has sustained us by His amazing grace. The Lord makes our journey beautiful and colourful because He is a creative and resourceful God. Joy, hope and peace flood our hearts daily as long as we keep our eyes on Him. He is the reason for our being. He is the reason why we rise in the morning with hope and expectation. As we take baby steps of faith, He prods us on to trust Him in greater measure. None of us know what tomorrow holds but we rest in the full assurance that whatever may come our way, our gracious Father keeps us safe and secure in His abiding love. This is the reason why we thrive even in the most adverse and unbelievably difficult circumstances. He is the reason why we are able to press on with courage and hope. The Lord's sustaining power and grace deepen in us as we step into the water and taste and see that He is good.

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