Friday, October 16, 2009

He is Lovely

He is Lovely

I can see that you love Jesus first
It's plain to me
And that you sit close and hear His heartbeat
for in your eyes I see shining love
That speak so clear
And I can hear them saying so sweetly

He is lovely, He is holy
Gave supremely, that all men might see
He is gentle, tender hearted
Risen Saviour, He is God

Master maker, life creator
Come and dwell in me
That my heart may know Your tender mercy
Shine through me that all may see
Your love so full and free
And I'll declare Your praise through endless ages

He is lovely, He is holy
Gave supremely, that all men might see
He is gently, tender hearted
Risen Saviour, He is God

The beauty and glory of the risen King is beyond comparison. As we draw closer to the Lord, His loveliness melts away our bitterness and ugliness. His tenderness and graciousness shows us His unending love and mercy. He rules and reigns in all that call upon His great name. He reigns supreme, a God so mighty and yet so meek. We will praise and worship our awesome God for all eternity. 

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