Friday, June 19, 2009

Never Wasted

Recently, I had lunch with a friend. She related how her neighbour lost their three year old daughter a few years ago. Apparently, the child fell out of the grill less window of their condominium block. I believe the pain that the couple felt must be inexpressible. The best intended words said at that time could not soothe the agony and pain in the hearts of the young parents.

In our walk with the Lord; we may also walk through dark and challenging paths in our lifetime. Sometimes, when things get so bad; we begin to lose sight and fear begins to paralyse us. We grope aimlessly in pitch darkness and fell over again and again. We know the awful feeling of desertion and helplessness. We understand what lossness and hopelessness are.

The story does not end here because the Lord comes to our rescue when we call out to Him. He delivers and restores us. When we come through the fire and emerge with His strength, we are over comers triumphing in His victory. God uses our experiences and set-backs, some of which can be very painful. We can identify with people who share about their struggles, challenges and experiences with us because we were there. The Lord begins to work through us to extend His love to people who are crying for help. God puts people in our paths and we want to be sensitive to what is on His heart; to respond according to what He desires to do through us. All the experiences we have gone through are never wasted because God uses them and makes us His channel of love and blessing.

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