Wednesday, September 11, 2024

New Mercies

I call to mind the faithfulness of God. Each day, the Lord reminds me that He keeps me alive. He sustains me by the power of His grace.

Since 2021, I have been battling with thyroid eye disease (TED). The thyroid hormones attacked my eye glands and cause my upper eye lids to swell.

To treat my TED, I went through radiotherapy and Intravenous Methylprednisolone treatment (IMPT).

In November 2021, I went through ten sessions of radiotherapy (radiation). Sometime between March to May of 2022, I had 12 sessions of IMPT.

Radiation was not so difficult because I was given low dosages. IMPT was a killer. I had many side effects. God is so merciful. The power of God is real.

God miraculously provided for the treatment. God did not just provide financially, He gave me excellent, professional and caring specialists and doctors to treat me.

Singapore National Eye Centre has discharged me on 16 July 2024. I thank God for His grace and mercy. He is in complete control.

The mercies of God are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness. I marvel at the love and power of God.  
He is constant. His love never fails. Ascribe greatness to our God, the rock!  There is nothing impossible for God!

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