Wednesday, April 05, 2023

Supernatural Faith

God is inspiring our hearts to believe Him for miracles.  Miracles that are possible because God is supernatural.

The Lord shows Himself that He is unparalleled. He is almighty. Nothing is impossible for Him.

Lord, we believe in Your miraculous power. We believe in Your wonder working power.  We believe in Your sovereign and eternal power.

Come and abide in us. Breathe hope and optimism into our hearts. Cause us to rise with faith. You empower us to persevere. You turn parched desert into living streams. You are God of possibilities.

Supernatural God, we stand in awe of You. Inspire our hearts to trust You completely. Let us triumph victoriously. Let us arise in faith and power.

We worship You almighty God.  Touch our broken lives. You are our fortress. You are our help in times of need. Our hope is anchored in You all day long.

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