Wednesday, September 16, 2020

His Loving Purposes

Life is precious.  Most people can hold their breath up to two minutes. Every breath is a miracle from God.  Our lives are just one breath away.  God in His love and mercy keeps us alive.  Alive to love Him.  Alive to taste His goodness.  Alive to see His glory.

The dreams and hopes that God has birthed in our heart and spirit rest in the loving hands of God.  With this life He has given us, we want to live it to the fullest.  When the voices around us deter us from going on.  We must not waver and sway. We will reach the final destination as long as our eyes are on our maker.  He will make a way when there seems to be no way.  

It is very easy for anyone to throw in the towel.  God beckons us to enter His rest.  He gives us peace and solace in life's perilous journey.  He grants supernatural strength and tenacity.  He desires our full concentration on Him.  He empowers us to live in and through His loving grace.  We live to fulfil His loving purposes. 

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