Saturday, August 22, 2020

A Lesson from the Chinese Bamboo Tree

The Chinese Bamboo tree does not grow in the first four years. Suddenly on the fifth year, life is visible. The amazing thing is it grows 80 feet in six weeks. 

Just imagine what could have happened if we do nothing in the first four weeks. Interestingly growth is still taking place though there is no visible growth. Growth is happening underground.  

The Chinese bamboo tree holds a great lesson for us. It teaches us perseverance, hardwork and tenacity. We may not see immediate results in our endeavours. We are tempted to give up. We may very well loose the opportunity to reap the harvest. All that really matters is for us to soldier on and trust God. 

There are times in life when our world seems to spiral out of control. Our challenges disoriente us. It is in such a time that God works His miracles. God is actively at work even though we may not see it. 

Persevering love teaches us to trust God in our darkest hours. His sustaining power and presence lift us up while we are in the whirlwind. His love is our anchor and hope.

Lord, help us to persevere to the end. Empower us to keep on going on. You are the strength of our hearts.

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