Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Broken People

God works through each of us in His love. He works through our lives. He works through our pain. He works through our broken dreams. He works through every contrite heart.  He works through every broken spirit.

He releases His fragrance through crushing moments.  Times of trials. Times of immense suffering. Times of indescribable pain. God works through everything we place in His loving hands.

The Lord refines us in His fire.  He challenges us to trust Him in our darkest season. He breathes life and hope into our lifeless bodies. He reminds us to focus on Him. He is our eternal hope. 

God shows us His glory. He is sovereign and powerful. He is majestic. He is full of spendour.

He wants to be glorified through our lives. He wants humility and brokenness. He wants to release His anointing on broken vessels and broken lives. He shows His glory through the most unlikely candidate. He lifts the lowly in heart. He pours His blessing on the simple. His heart yearns for all who call on His mercy and grace.

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