Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Unearthing Rich Treasures

We spend our whole life unearthing treasures.  Treasures not linked to fame and fortune but rich treasures of Christ. 

Our hearts pined for the Lord, we long for things that are eternal. 

Earthly treasures can be destroyed by a fire, a flood or a natural calamity but when we accumulate heavenly treasures in the Lord, it will last through all eternity. 

This treasure is like a priceless and precious pearl.  It is the most costly gem this world has ever known.  

Down the corridors of time, great men and women gave up their lives in pursuit of the treasures of God. 

Each moment that we share with the Lord draws us deeper in this pursuit.  Fame and fortune has lured many hearts but what keeps the children of God thriving are things that money cannot buy.  

We need more of You, Lord.  More of Your presence, more of Your word, more of Your voice, more of everything that draws us closer to You. 

Lord, lead and guide us this day into Your awesome presence.  We behold You in Your splendour and glory forevermore.  

We continue to unearth Your rich treasures as we cling on to You daily in love and intimacy.  

Let our life be consumed by the earnest desire to seek You without reservation. We are drawn by treasures that last for all eternity.  All glory and honour be unto You, O Lord!

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