Saturday, December 03, 2011

His Hand of Love

For a long time, the Lord laid someone on my heart and I brought him before the Lord.  Recently, I have seen some changes in his life and I thank God for His hand of love.  This is no coincidence for God works actively in our lives.  He works through our prayers and intercession.  There are many times and in varied situations where we are seemingly left on a waiting mode.  Doubts and fears loom large and we get restless and anxious.  Nevertheless, the Lord sustains the weary and He comes through for us in our hour of need.  He speaks into our lives and circumstances.  His hand is never too short and His ears are always inclined to our cries.  He works on our behalf and shows us His might and wonder.  We declare that to see His hand of love and to lean on His safe arms bring us the deepest joy and consolation.

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