Friday, November 11, 2011

Eagles Need A Push

The Lord teaches us constantly through His creation. We can learn precious lessons from the eagle. Join me in this amazing clip on the Eagles Need A Push at

The day would come when the mother eagle have to push the young eagles off the face of the rock. She may seem cruel to the helpless eaglets but she knew that if she does not take action; her children will never know their potential and the meaning of their existence. It will be sad if the eagle never get to experience the joy and thrill of soaring in the air.
Sometimes we go through tough times when we feel like the little eaglets. We feel helpless, hopeless, loss and anxious. These can be heart-rending moments when we feel that God is far away. Doubt and fear creep in. The enemy bombards our minds and paralyses us with crippling fear.

We persevere and wait patience for the storm to end. The beauty unfolds when we cry out to the Lord for deliverance and help. He rescues us from doom and damnation and gives us hope again. He opens our eyes to see though His eyes. We begin to see the light at the horizon. His peace that passes understanding comes upon us. We stand firm on His word and declare His everlasting love and mercy.

Above all else, He has given us wings to fly as He takes us on amazing journeys of faith. Constantly breaking and making us more pliable in His hands, never taking any short cuts to make the journey easy. Rather, through the difficult terrain and tough situations, we build our spiritual muscles. He empowers us to conquer the many humongous mountains in our lives so that what comes forth is the fragrance and beauty of Jesus.

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