Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Humble Homecoming

In my previous post, I touched on the unconditional and undying love of the father. Let us shift our focus now to the repentant son. When he finally came to his senses, he returned home to his father with remorse and shame. He came to the end of himself; the party was over and his life with an utter mess and confusion. He made the best decision and that was to head back home. Deep in his heart, he knew that if anyone was going to rescue him at that unthinkable and deplorable state, that person was none other than his father. He had faith in His father. After hurting his father’s heart, it took the son tremendous courage and humility to make his way home. All pride and arrogance melted away. He gained freedom and hope in his father’s forgiveness and love.

Nouwen noted: “The immense joy in welcoming back the lost son hides the immense sorrow that has gone before.” Unspeakable joy overshadowed sorrow that glorious day when the loving father ran towards his son.

If the prodigal son had entertained fear and doubt, his return would not have taken place. He will be lost forever. Maybe he could end up dead, a vagrant or derange. He overcame because he did not dwell on his failure and loss. He put his complete trust in His father’s love. He was set free through his father’s love.

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