Friday, April 02, 2010

He Understands our Pain and Agony

If anyone asks me if I know what depression is, I will say ‘Yes’. I have gone through depression at different times. The recurring depression is devastating. I know the pain, agony, anguish, helplessness and despair that depression brings. I am able to identify and share my experiences because the Lord has helped me in my utter desperation and despondency. Only His love can lift me up from valley so deep.
Jesus understands our pain and suffering deeply. He was betrayed, physically and emotionally hurt, flogged, despised, abandoned, scourged, forsaken and died a cruel and excruciating death on the cross. He went through unimaginable suffering and pain. He does not leave us in despair. He is the only one who can sooth our gnawing pain. He is the only one who can dispel our paralyzing fear. He brings wholeness to us, Spirit, Soul and body. The balm of Gilead is offered to all who needs His miraculous healing power, flowing from the cross of Calvary. As we remember the suffering of Jesus on the cross, our hearts well up with thanksgiving for His great and enduring love.

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