Monday, November 03, 2008

They Deserve Our Honour

In the Chinese culture, we have a common saying “Jia you yi lau, ru you yi bao”.(一老, ). It means you have an elderly person at home you have a treasure. In other words, they are very important. For that reason, we have often got three generations living under one roof. However, sometimes this is not possible because of space constraint, changing mindsets or some logistical constraints or other reasons.

The elderly people have sacrificed tremendously to make Singapore what it is today. It is a known fact that some aged people have very little savings to carry them through retirement because they have spent most of their money on their children and loved ones. Some gave heavily towards their children's education, especially those who pursued further education abroad. There are instances where parents would help their children with their wedding costs, home renovation costs or other financial commitments. One time, I learned that a friend’s parents helped them to get a car because of the arrival of their first-born. This is the extent of parental love and concern because in their eyes their children will also be their priority despite of the fact that their children have set up their own families. We can never ever repay their love and sacrifice.

I am so proud of all the government is doing for this special group of people. Often concessions and special discounts help in lowering their expenditures. As we continue to grow into a gracious society, one of the most crucial areas is to attend to the need of these people as they age graciously into their golden years.

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